How to Clean Washing Machine Drum? Top Load & Front Load!

Are you finding the best ways about cleaning your washing machine drum? Because washing machine drum get easily become moldy, dirty, and smelly; don’t worry! Now you have visited at right page, here you will get to know properly about how to clean washing machine drum at your home without getting any hassle.

What is Washing Machine Drum?

Washing machine drum is a large, cylindrical container that is located inside the appliance where you place your clothes for washing. It is the primary component responsible for holding the clothes and facilitating the washing process. The drum is typically made of durable materials such as stainless steel, porcelain-coated steel, or plastic, depending on the model and brand.

How to Clean Washing Machine Drum

The main purpose of the drum is to agitate the clothes, allowing water, detergent, and mechanical action to clean the garments effectively. The drum rotates during the wash cycle, creating a tumbling motion that helps to remove dirt and stains from the clothes. The rotation of the drum ensures that the clothes are thoroughly soaked and exposed to the water and detergent mixture.

The drum usually has perforations or small holes to allow water to enter and exit during the wash and rinse cycles. These holes also enable the water to drain from the clothes after rinsing. Some washing machine drums have additional features like baffles or paddles attached to the inner surface. These fins help move and agitate the clothes, enhancing the washing performance and preventing tangling or clumping of garments.

The drum is connected to a drive mechanism, typically an electric motor, which rotates the drum in a controlled manner. This rotation can occur in different directions and at varying speeds, depending on the washing machine’s settings and the specific stage of the wash cycle.

Article Hot Headlines:

In this section, we will show you all headlines about this entire article; you can check them as your choice; below shown all:

  1. What is Washing Machine Drum?
  2. Important Things; before Cleaning Washing Machines Drum
  3. Cleaning Items You Will Need to Clean Washing Machines Drum
  4. How to Clean Washing Machine Drum at Home?
  • Clean Washing Machine Drum Top Loading
  • Clean Washing Machine Drum Front Loading
  1. How Often Should You Clean Washing Machine Drum?
  2. FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)
  • How do you clean a washing machine drum without vinegar?
  • How to clean washing machine tub with home remedy?
  • How to clean the inside of a washing machine?
  • How to clean your washing machine filter?
  • How to clean mold from washing machines?
  • How to clean your washing machine without scrubbing?

Let’s Get Started!!

Important Things; before Cleaning Washing Machines Drum

While cleaning your washing machine drum, it’s important to keep the following warnings in mind:

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Safety Precautions: Always ensure that the washing machine is unplugged from the power source before starting any cleaning or maintenance procedures. This will prevent any electrical accidents or damage.

Chemical Safety: If you’re using cleaning solutions, such as vinegar or bleach, be cautious and follow the instructions carefully. Avoid mixing different cleaning agents together, as this can produce harmful fumes. Additionally, never mix bleach and vinegar, as it can create a toxic gas.

Ventilation: When using cleaning agents or running cleaning cycles, ensure that the area is well-ventilated. Open windows or turn on exhaust fans to prevent any buildup of fumes.

Protect Your Hands: Wear rubber gloves to protect your hands from any cleaning solutions or chemicals you may be using. This will also prevent skin irritation or allergic reactions.

Read the Manual: Every washing machine is different, so it’s important to consult the manufacturer’s manual for specific cleaning instructions and any warnings particular to your machine. This will ensure you don’t accidentally damage any components or void the warranty.

Avoid Abrasive Materials: When cleaning the drum, avoid using abrasive materials, such as steel wool or harsh scrub brushes. These can scratch or damage the drum’s surface. Opt for soft cloths or non-abrasive sponges instead.

Check for Foreign Objects: Before starting the cleaning process, ensure there are no small items, like coins or buttons, left in the drum. These objects can damage the drum or other components if left inside during the cleaning cycle.

By following these warnings, you can safely and effectively clean your washing machine drum without encountering any issues or risks.

Cleaning Items You Will Need to Clean Washing Machines Drum

When it comes to cleaning washing machines drum, there are a few essential items you may need. Here’s a list of items that can be helpful for cleaning a washing machine drum:

Cleaning Solution: You can use either a commercial washing machine cleaner or make your own using household ingredients like vinegar, baking soda, or citric acid.

  1. Vinegar: White vinegar is a natural and effective cleaner that can help remove mineral deposits and odors from your washing machine. It also helps dissolve soap scum and residue.
  2. Baking Soda: Baking soda is another versatile cleaning agent that can be used to remove stains, neutralize odors, and deodorize your washing machine.
  3. Citric Acid: Citric acid is an excellent option for descaling your washing machine and removing mineral deposits that can affect its performance.

Microfiber Cloth or Sponge: These are useful for wiping down the exterior of the washing machine and removing any grime or residue.

Toothbrush: A soft-bristle toothbrush can be handy for cleaning hard-to-reach areas, such as around the door seal, detergent dispenser, or other small crevices.

Hot Water: Using hot water in combination with your cleaning solution can enhance the effectiveness of the cleaning process.

Lint Brush: A lint brush or a vacuum cleaner with a hose attachment can help you remove lint and debris from the lint trap or filter.

Gloves: It’s a good idea to wear gloves while cleaning to protect your hands from cleaning agents and any potential grime or residue.

Owner’s Manual: Consult the washing machine’s owner’s manual for specific cleaning instructions and to ensure you’re using the appropriate cleaning methods for your machine.

Remember to always follow the manufacturer’s instructions and safety precautions when cleaning your washing machine.

How to Clean Washing Machine Drum at Home?

This section will guide you one by one process of how you can properly clean your washing machine drum top loader and front loader; and then keep maintain a higher quality of washing:

Clean Washing Machine Drum Top Loading

To clean the drum of a top-loading washing machine, follow these steps:

Gather Your Supplies: You will need distilled white vinegar, baking soda, a soft brush or sponge, and clean, dry cloths.

Prepare the Cleaning Solution: Start by measuring two cups of distilled white vinegar. Pour the vinegar into the washing machine drum.

Add Baking Soda: Sprinkle about half a cup of baking soda into the drum on top of the vinegar. These two ingredients will work together to remove dirt, grime, and any unpleasant odors.

Run a Hot Water Cycle: Set your washing machine to run a regular cycle with hot water. The hot water, vinegar, and baking soda will work together to break down any residue and clean the drum.

Pause and Soak: Once the washing machine is filled with water, pause the cycle and let the vinegar and baking soda mixture soak in the drum for about an hour. This soaking period allows the solution to penetrate and loosen any stubborn build-up.

Scrub the Drum: After the soaking period, use a soft brush or sponge to scrub the interior of the drum gently. Pay attention to the areas around the agitator or any other hard-to-reach spots. This step helps remove any remaining dirt or grime.

Complete the Washing Cycle: Resume the washing machine cycle and let it run until completion. The combination of hot water, vinegar, and baking soda will continue to clean the drum thoroughly.

Wipe the Drum and Exterior: Once the cycle is finished, use a clean, dry cloth to wipe down the inside of the drum and the exterior of the washing machine. This step ensures that any leftover residue or moisture is removed.

Leave the Lid or Door Open: To prevent any mold or mildew growth, leave the lid or door of the washing machine open for a while to allow air circulation. This step helps in drying out the drum completely.

By following these steps, you should be able to clean the drum of your top-loading washing machine effectively and keep it in good condition.

Clean Washing Machine Drum Front Loading

Cleaning the drum of a front-loading washing machine is slightly different from cleaning a top-loading machine. Here’s how you can clean the drum of a front-load washing machine:

Empty the Machine: Remove any clothes or items from the washing machine drum. Create a Cleaning Solution: Mix together 1/4 cup of white vinegar and 1/4 cup of water. The vinegar will help remove any residue, odors, or mold.

Wipe Down the Door Seal: The door seal of a front-load washing machine is prone to collecting dirt, lint, and mold. Start by using a damp cloth soaked in the vinegar solution to wipe down the door seal thoroughly. Pay attention to the folds and crevices where mold can accumulate.

Add the Cleaning Solution to the Drum: Pour the vinegar and water mixture directly into the drum of the washing machine.

Run a Hot Water Cycle: Set your washing machine to run a regular cycle with the highest water temperature setting. Hot water helps to break down any residue and sanitize the drum.

Add a Cleaning Agent (Optional): If you have stubborn stains or residue in the drum, you can add a small amount of mild detergent or washing machine cleaner to the vinegar and water mixture. Follow the instructions on the cleaning agent’s packaging for the appropriate amount to use.

Run an Additional Rinse Cycle: Once the initial cycle is complete, runs an additional rinse cycle with hot water. This will help remove any remaining vinegar or cleaning agent residue from the drum.

Wipe the Drum and Door: After the rinse cycle, use a clean, dry cloth to wipe down the inside of the drum and the door. Pay attention to any remaining stains or spots, and make sure to dry the drum thoroughly to prevent mold growth.

Leave the Door Open: To prevent mold or mildew growth, leave the door of the washing machine open after each use. This allows air to circulate and helps the drum dry completely.

Regularly cleaning the drum of your front-load washing machine using these steps will help keep it fresh, odor-free, and in good condition.

How Often Should You Clean Washing Machine Drum?

To maintain a clean and odor-free washing machine, it is recommended to clean out the washing machine drum approximately once a month. Regular cleaning helps remove built-up residue, detergent scum, and mildew that can accumulate over time.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

How do you clean a washing machine drum without vinegar?

To clean a washing machine drum without vinegar, you can use citric acid as an alternative. Dissolve citric acid powder in hot water, pour it into the drum, and run a complete wash cycle on the hottest setting. It helps remove grime, mineral deposits, and odors.

How to clean washing machine tub with home remedy?

You can also use a simple home remedy using ingredients (White vinegar, Baking soda, Water, and clean cloth) you likely have at home:

Start by removing any debris or lint from the washing machine tub and around the drum.

  • Mix a solution of equal parts water and white vinegar. The amount you’ll need depends on the size of your washing machine, but a couple of cups of each should be sufficient.
  • Pour the vinegar and water solution into the detergent dispenser or directly into the tub.
  • Sprinkle about half a cup of baking soda directly into the tub.
  • Run a hot water cycle on your washing machine, using the highest water level setting.
  • Let the machine agitate for a couple of minutes to ensure the vinegar and baking soda are distributed throughout the tub.
  • Pause the cycle and let the mixture sit in the tub for about an hour. This will allow the vinegar and baking soda to work on breaking down any residue or grime.
  • After an hour, resume the cycle and let it complete.
  • Once the cycle is finished, use a clean cloth or sponge to wipe down the inside of the tub, including the door and rubber gasket if applicable. Pay extra attention to any areas with visible stains or buildup.
  • Finally, run a rinse cycle with plain water to ensure any remaining vinegar or baking soda residue is thoroughly removed.

How to clean the inside of a washing machine?

  • Mix equal parts water and vinegar.
  • Pour the solution into the detergent dispenser or directly into the drum.
  • Run a hot water cycle.
  • Scrub the drum with a cloth or brush.
  • Wipe down other surfaces.
  • Complete the cycle.
  • Air out the machine.

How to clean your washing machine filter?

  • To clean your washing machine filter, start by turning off and unplugging the machine.
  • Locate the filter, usually at the bottom front behind an access panel. Remove any screws or clips securing it, and carefully pull out the filter.
  • Remove visible debris manually, then rinse the filter under running water.
  • Use a brush to scrub away stubborn dirt.
  • Clean the filter housing with a damp cloth or sponge.
  • Reinstall the filter, secure it, and close the access panel.
  • Plug in the machine and turn it on.

Consult your machine’s manual for specific instructions. Regular cleaning helps maintain performance and longevity.

How to clean mold from washing machines?

  • To clean mold from a washing machine, mix equal parts water and vinegar.
  • Wipe the drum, rubber gasket, and detergent dispenser with a cloth soaked in the vinegar solution to remove visible mold.
  • Use a toothbrush for stubborn areas.
  • Soak the detergent dispenser in warm water mixed with mild detergent or vinegar, then scrub and rinse it thoroughly.
  • Run a hot water cycle with vinegar or a washing machine cleaner.
  • Wipe the exterior with the vinegar solution.
  • Regularly clean and leave the door open for airflow. For severe mold, consult professionals or the manufacturer.

How to clean your washing machine without scrubbing?

To clean your washing machine without scrubbing, try the following method.

  • Fill the machine with hot water, leaving enough space for the cleaning solution.
  • Add 2 cups of white vinegar to the water and let it sit for 1 hour to loosen dirt and residue.
  • Then, add 1 cup of baking soda and run a complete wash cycle.
  • The vinegar and baking soda will break down grime and eliminate odors.
  • Afterward, wipe the inside of the drum and rubber gasket with a damp cloth.
  • For regular maintenance, repeat this process every few months to keep your washing machine fresh and clean.

Final Verdicts

Through this post, you have been fully educated about how to clean washing machine drum at your home by using easy tricks. Because, keeping a clean washing machine drum is essential for maintaining the efficiency and longevity of your appliance, as well as ensuring clean and fresh-smelling laundry. Regularly cleaning the drum helps remove dirt, residue, and bacteria that can accumulate over time.

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