8 Different Types of Blockchain with Use Cases and Examples!!

If you want to know about different types of blockcain technology, then you have come at right place. Here, we will guide you each type and assist you taken decision which one is better choice for your blockchain project.

Introduction to Blockchain Technology

Blockchain technology is a revolutionary concept that aims to transform various industries by offering secure, transparent, and decentralized digital transactions. It functions as a distributed ledger, recording and verifying transactions across a network of computers or nodes. Each transaction, or block, is cryptographically linked to the previous one, forming an immutable chain.


This ensures the integrity and transparency of data, eliminating the need for intermediaries and reducing the risk of fraud or manipulation. Blockchain has the potential to revolutionize finance, supply chain management, healthcare, and more, fostering trust and efficiency in various sectors.

‘Blockchain Types’ Tutorial Headlines:

In this section, we will show you all headlines about this entire article; you can check them as your choice; below shown all:

  1. Introduction to Blockchain Technology
  2. Why Do We Need Different Types of Blockchain Technology?
  3. What are the Different Types of Blockchain?
  • Public Blockchain
  • Private Blockchain
  • Hybrid Bockchain
  • Consortium Blockchain
  • DAG (Directed Acyclic Graph) Blockchain
  • Stablecoin Blockchains
  • Energy-Efficient Blockchain
  • Cross-Chain Blockchain
  1. Which Blockchain Type Should You Choose?

Let’s Get Started!!

Why Do We Need Different Types of Blockchain Technology?

Different types of blockchains are needed to cater to the diverse range of use cases, requirements, and environments in which blockchain technology is applied. Here are some reasons why different types of blockchains are necessary:

Also Read: 50 Advantages and Disadvantages of Blockchain | Benefits & Features

Use Case Variations: Blockchain technology has applications in various industries and sectors, including finance, supply chain, healthcare, voting systems, and more. Each industry and use case has unique requirements and challenges. Different types of blockchains allow for the customization and adaptation of blockchain technology to suit specific use cases.

For example, public blockchains are well-suited for decentralized cryptocurrencies, while private blockchains may be more appropriate for enterprise solutions that prioritize privacy and control.

Privacy and Confidentiality: Certain applications require a higher level of privacy and confidentiality. Public blockchains, by design, offer transparency, which may not be desirable for all use cases. Private and permissioned blockchains provide the necessary privacy features, allowing only approved participants to access and validate transactions or view sensitive information.

Scalability: Scalability is a crucial consideration when it comes to blockchain technology. Public blockchains like Bitcoin and Ethereum have faced challenges in handling a large number of transactions, resulting in scalability issues. Different blockchain types, such as private and consortium blockchains, often offer higher scalability and performance due to their restricted networks and optimized consensus mechanisms.

Governance and Control: Governance models vary across different blockchain types. Public blockchains rely on decentralized governance, where decisions are made by consensus among network participants. On the other hand, private and permissioned blockchains provide more control over the network, allowing designated entities or organizations to govern the blockchain’s rules and protocols.

The choice of blockchain type depends on the desired level of control and governance required for a particular use case.

Regulatory Compliance: Different industries and jurisdictions have specific regulatory requirements that must be met. For example, financial institutions need to adhere to Know Your Customer (KYC) and Anti-Money Laundering (AML) regulations. Permissioned blockchains can be tailored to meet these regulatory requirements by restricting access and implementing identity verification mechanisms.

Network Participants: The nature of participants involved in a blockchain network can influence the choice of blockchain type. Public blockchains are open to anyone and allow for a broad range of participants. In contrast, private and consortium blockchains often involve a specific group of known entities or organizations that have established trust among themselves.

What are the Different Types of Blockchain?

This section will cover different types of blockchain platform along with their use cases and examples with ease; below shown each one in detail, you can check them:

1) Public Blockchain

A public blockchain is a decentralized and distributed digital ledger that is openly accessible to anyone on the internet. It is designed to be transparent, immutable, and secure. Public blockchains are often used to record and verify transactions in a trustless manner, without the need for a central authority.

In a public blockchain, the ledger is maintained and updated by a network of nodes or computers, which collectively validate and agree on the state of the blockchain. These nodes work together to reach a consensus on the validity of transactions and ensure the integrity of the network.

Benefits of Public Blockchain

Public blockchains offer several benefits that contribute to their growing popularity like as:

Decentralization: Public blockchains are decentralized networks where no single entity has control over the system. This decentralized nature eliminates the need for intermediaries or central authorities, making transactions and data transfers more peer-to-peer and trustless.

Transparency and Immutability: Public blockchains are transparent, as all transactions and data recorded on the blockchain are visible to anyone on the network. This transparency promotes accountability and trust, as participants can verify and audit transactions independently. Additionally, once data is recorded on the blockchain, it is extremely difficult to alter or tamper with, ensuring immutability and data integrity.

Security and Trust: Public blockchains use cryptographic algorithms and consensus mechanisms to secure the network and validate transactions. The distributed nature of the blockchain, combined with cryptographic techniques, makes it highly resistant to hacking, fraud, and censorship.

This enhanced security and trust in the system make public blockchains appealing for applications that require high levels of security, such as financial transactions or supply chain management.

Permissionless Access: Public blockchains allow anyone to join the network, participate in transaction validation, and access the blockchain’s data. This permissionless nature promotes inclusivity and encourages innovation by enabling developers and entrepreneurs to build applications and services on top of the blockchain without seeking permission or approval from centralized authorities.

Community Governance: Public blockchains often involve a community of participants who have a say in the decision-making process through consensus mechanisms. This community governance model allows for democratic and decentralized decision-making, ensuring that no single entity or group has undue control over the blockchain’s evolution and rules.

Interoperability: Public blockchains can facilitate interoperability by providing a common platform and standards for different applications to interact with each other. This enables the seamless transfer of assets and data across multiple blockchain networks, fostering collaboration and integration between various industries and use cases.

Tokenization and Incentives: Public blockchains often have their native cryptocurrencies or tokens, which serve as an incentive mechanism for participants to contribute resources, validate transactions, and maintain the network’s security.

These tokens can also represent digital assets or be used for various utility purposes within decentralized applications, creating new economic models and opportunities.

Drawback of Public Blockchain

Public blockchains have certain drawbacks that are worth considering. Here are some of the main limitations associated with public blockchains:

Scalability: Public blockchains face challenges when it comes to scalability, particularly in terms of transaction processing speed and network capacity. As the number of participants and transactions increases, the consensus mechanisms and decentralized nature of public blockchains can lead to slower transaction confirmation times and higher fees.

This limitation hinders the widespread adoption of public blockchains for high-volume applications such as global financial systems or internet-scale platforms.

Energy Consumption: Public blockchains, especially those that use proof-of-work (PoW) consensus algorithms like Bitcoin, require significant computational power and energy consumption to validate transactions and mine new blocks. The energy-intensive nature of PoW can have environmental implications, leading to concerns about carbon footprints and sustainability.

Efforts are being made to develop alternative consensus algorithms that are more energy-efficient, such as proof-of-stake (PoS).

Privacy and Confidentiality: Public blockchains are designed to be transparent, with all transactions and data being publicly visible on the blockchain. While this transparency is beneficial for accountability and auditability, it poses challenges in terms of privacy and confidentiality.

Public blockchains may not be suitable for certain use cases that require strict privacy measures or protection of sensitive information.

Governance and Upgrades: Public blockchains often face challenges related to governance and decision-making processes. As these blockchains are decentralized, reaching consensus on upgrades, protocol changes, or resolving disputes can be time-consuming and complex. Different stakeholders may have varying interests and viewpoints, making it difficult to achieve consensus and implement changes efficiently.

Regulatory and Legal Challenges: Public blockchains can present regulatory and legal challenges due to their decentralized and pseudonymous nature. Governments and regulatory bodies may struggle to apply existing frameworks to blockchain-based applications, such as cryptocurrencies or decentralized finance. This can lead to uncertainty and the need for new regulations that strike a balance between innovation and consumer protection.

User Experience and Adoption: Public blockchains can sometimes have a steep learning curve and complex user experience, which can limit their adoption by mainstream users. Interacting with public blockchains may require technical expertise, understanding of cryptographic concepts, and managing private keys. Improving user-friendly interfaces and simplifying interactions are ongoing areas of development to enhance adoption.

Public Blockchain Use Cases

Public blockchains have a wide range of potential use cases across various industries. Here’s an example of a popular use case for public blockchains:

Cryptocurrencies and Digital Payments: The most well-known use case of public blockchains is the creation and use of cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum. Public blockchains provide a secure and transparent platform for decentralized digital payments, enabling users to send and receive funds directly without the need for intermediaries like banks.

Cryptocurrencies also allow for cross-border transactions, microtransactions, and programmable money features.

Decentralized Finance (DeFi): Public blockchains have revolutionized the financial sector through the emergence of decentralized finance applications. DeFi platforms built on public blockchains enable individuals to access financial services such as lending, borrowing, trading, and asset management without relying on traditional intermediaries.

Smart contracts on public blockchains facilitate the automation and execution of complex financial transactions with transparency and trust.

Supply Chain Management: Public blockchains provide transparency and traceability in supply chain management, ensuring the authenticity and integrity of products. By recording each step of the supply chain on a public blockchain, participants can verify the origin, quality, and movement of goods. This enhances efficiency, reduces fraud, and improves trust among stakeholders.

Identity Verification and Authentication: Public blockchains offer a decentralized and secure infrastructure for identity verification and authentication. By leveraging cryptographic techniques, individuals can have control over their own identity data and share it securely with authorized parties.

Public blockchains can help combat identity theft, streamline KYC (Know Your Customer) processes, and enable self-sovereign identity solutions.

Voting and Governance: Public blockchains can be utilized for transparent and tamper-proof voting systems. By recording votes on a public blockchain, the integrity of the process is ensured, and results can be independently audited. Public blockchains can also facilitate decentralized governance mechanisms, allowing stakeholders to participate in decision-making processes and protocol upgrades.

Intellectual Property Protection: Public blockchains can be used to establish proof of ownership, timestamp intellectual property creations, and track their usage and distribution. By storing digital fingerprints or metadata on a public blockchain, creators can demonstrate their ownership and protect their intellectual property rights more effectively.

Decentralized Content Publishing and Social Media: Public blockchains enable decentralized content publishing platforms and social media networks. By removing centralized intermediaries, content creators can have direct ownership and control over their content. Public blockchains provide transparency, censorship resistance, and the ability to reward creators and curators through cryptocurrency-based incentives.

Public Blockchain Examples

  • Bitcoin (BTC)
  • Ethereum (ETH)
  • Ripple (XRP)
  • Litecoin (LTC)
  • Cardano (ADA)
  • Stellar (XLM)
  • Polkadot (DOT)
  • Chainlink (LINK)
  • Tezos (XTZ)
  • Binance Smart Chain (BSC)

2) Private Blockchain

Private blockchain is a type of blockchain that is restricted to a specific group of participants. Unlike public blockchains, which are open and decentralized, private blockchains are controlled and governed by a single organization or a consortium of organizations.

In a private blockchain, access to the network, participation in the consensus mechanism, and validation of transactions are restricted to the authorized entities. These entities may be businesses, government agencies, or any other group of stakeholders who have a vested interest in the network.

Benefits of Private Blockchain

Private blockchains offer several benefits compared to public blockchains, including:

Increased privacy and confidentiality: Private blockchains provide a higher level of privacy as access to the network is restricted to authorized participants. This is particularly important for businesses and organizations that handle sensitive data or require confidentiality in their operations.

Enhanced scalability and Performance: Private blockchains can achieve higher scalability and faster transaction processing speeds compared to public blockchains. Since the number of participants is limited, the consensus mechanism can be more efficient, resulting in better performance.

Controlled Governance and Consensus: In private blockchains, the governance and consensus mechanisms can be tailored to the specific needs of the participants. This allows for faster decision-making and consensus among trusted entities, reducing the complexity and time required for validation.

Cost Efficiency: Private blockchains can be more cost-effective than public blockchains, especially in terms of transaction fees. Since the network is controlled by a limited number of participants, transaction costs can be significantly reduced or eliminated altogether.

Customized Features and Functionality: Private blockchains can be customized to meet the specific requirements of the participants. This flexibility allows organizations to implement features and functionalities that are tailored to their business needs, resulting in greater efficiency and effectiveness.

Regulatory Compliance: Private blockchains enable organizations to adhere to regulatory requirements more easily. With a limited number of known participants, compliance measures can be implemented and monitored more effectively, ensuring adherence to industry-specific regulations.

Collaboration and Consortium Building: Private blockchains are often used by consortiums or groups of organizations that collaborate on a shared blockchain network. This allows for secure and transparent information sharing, streamlined processes, and improved trust among consortium members.

Drawbacks of Private Blockchain

While private blockchains offer certain advantages, they also have some drawbacks that organizations should consider. Here are some of the drawbacks of private blockchains:

Limited Decentralization: Unlike public blockchains that are decentralized and open to anyone, private blockchains are controlled by a central entity or consortium. This centralized control reduces the level of decentralization, which can be a concern for those seeking the distributed trust and transparency offered by public blockchains.

Trusted Participants: Private blockchains rely on a limited number of trusted participants to maintain the network. This means that the security and reliability of the blockchain depend on the integrity and competence of these participants. If a participant or a group of participants become compromised or act maliciously, it can undermine the overall security of the network.

Potential Single Point of Failure: Since private blockchains are governed by a central entity or consortium, there is a risk of a single point of failure. If the governing entity or the central infrastructure supporting the private blockchain experiences technical issues or is compromised, it can disrupt the entire network’s operation.

Cost of Implementation and Maintenance: Setting up and maintaining a private blockchain can be costly. Organizations need to invest in the necessary infrastructure, security measures, and ongoing maintenance. This can include the expenses associated with developing and maintaining the blockchain software, managing the network infrastructure, and ensuring the security of the participants’ nodes.

Limited Network Effects: Public blockchains benefit from network effects, where a larger number of participants and developers contribute to the growth, security, and innovation of the network. In a private blockchain, the network effects are limited to the participants within the consortium, which can restrict the overall growth and potential benefits that can be derived from a larger and more diverse network.

Reduced Transparency: While private blockchains can offer enhanced privacy and confidentiality, they may also reduce transparency compared to public blockchains. Participants in a private blockchain have control over the visibility of transactions and data, which can raise concerns in certain industries or use cases where transparency is critical.

Private Blockchain Use Cases

Private blockchains have found utility across various industries and use cases where organizations require a controlled and permissioned network. Here are some common use cases for private blockchains:

Supply Chain Management: Private blockchains can be used to enhance supply chain transparency, traceability, and efficiency. Organizations can track the movement of goods, verify the authenticity of products, and streamline the flow of information among trusted participants, such as suppliers, manufacturers, distributors, and retailers.

Financial Services: Private blockchains can be utilized in the financial sector for applications such as interbank transactions, cross-border payments, trade finance, and smart contracts. Private blockchains enable faster settlement, reduced costs, improved auditing capabilities, and enhanced security for financial transactions.

Healthcare: Private blockchains can help in securely storing and sharing patient records, ensuring data integrity, and enabling interoperability between healthcare providers. It can streamline processes like medical billing, insurance claims, and clinical trials while maintaining patient privacy and data security.

Government and Public Sector: Private blockchains can be used by government agencies for secure and transparent record-keeping, identity management, voting systems, land registry, and public procurement. Private blockchains enable efficient and tamper-resistant systems while maintaining control over data access and governance.

Supply Chain Finance: Private blockchains can facilitate supply chain finance by providing a transparent and secure platform for verifying and managing trade-related documents, invoices, and payments. This can help reduce fraud, streamline financing processes, and enable quicker access to working capital for businesses.

Intellectual Property Management: Private blockchains can be used to manage and protect intellectual property rights, including copyrights, patents, and trademarks. It can provide a secure and immutable record of ownership, licensing, and transfers, reducing disputes and facilitating digital rights management.

Energy and Utilities: Private blockchains can be employed for energy trading, grid management, and peer-to-peer energy transactions. It enables participants to trade renewable energy certificates, track energy production and consumption, and optimize energy distribution.

Consortiums and Industry Collaborations: Private blockchains are often utilized by consortiums or industry groups to share information, streamline processes, and establish trust among members. This includes applications in supply chain consortiums, trade networks, insurance consortiums, and more.

Private Blockchain Examples

  • Hyperledger Fabric
  • Corda
  • Quorum
  • Ripple
  • B3i
  • IBM Food Trust
  • Energy Web Chain
  • R3 Corda Settler

3) Hybrid Bockchain

Hybrid blockchain refers to a combination of public and private blockchains, leveraging the benefits of both models. Public blockchains, such as Bitcoin and Ethereum, are decentralized networks where anyone can participate, validate transactions, and maintain the blockchain’s integrity. On the other hand, private blockchains are restricted to a specific group of participants who have control over the network and its operations.

In a hybrid blockchain, certain aspects of the blockchain are public, while others remain private. For example, the ledger may be accessible and transparent to the public, allowing anyone to view transactions and verify the blockchain’s integrity. However, the participants and their identities may remain private, and access to certain data or functionalities might be restricted to a specific group or consortium.

Benefits of Hybrid Bockchain

Hybrid blockchains offer several benefits that make them an attractive option for certain use cases. Here are some of the advantages of hybrid blockchains:

Privacy and Control: Hybrid blockchains allow organizations to maintain control over their data and determine who can access and participate in the network. They can implement private or permissioned aspects to protect sensitive information and restrict access to authorized participants. This level of control is particularly beneficial for industries where data privacy and regulatory compliance are critical.

Scalability: Hybrid blockchains can achieve better scalability compared to fully public blockchains. By combining public and private elements, organizations can offload some of the computational and storage burdens to private networks while still benefiting from the security and immutability provided by the public blockchain.

This scalability is vital for enterprise-level applications that require high throughput and low latency.

Increased Efficiency: Hybrid blockchains can improve the efficiency of processes by streamlining operations within a private network while leveraging the public blockchain for verification and consensus. This enables faster transaction speeds and reduces the computational overhead associated with fully public blockchains, making hybrid models suitable for applications that require real-time responsiveness.

Interoperability: Hybrid blockchains can facilitate interoperability between different networks and systems. By connecting private blockchains to a public blockchain, organizations can establish secure and trusted communication channels, enable data exchange, and facilitate seamless interactions between disparate entities.

This interoperability is valuable for industries that rely on complex supply chains or multi-party collaborations.

Transparency and Auditing: Hybrid blockchains maintain transparency by utilizing a public blockchain for certain aspects of the network. This transparency allows for increased accountability, as transactions and data stored on the public blockchain are open for public scrutiny and can be audited. It provides an additional layer of trust for participants and stakeholders involved in the network.

Cost-Effectiveness: Hybrid blockchains can be more cost-effective compared to fully private or public blockchains. By leveraging the public blockchain’s security and consensus mechanisms, organizations can reduce the infrastructure and operational costs associated with maintaining a purely private blockchain.

Additionally, the flexibility of hybrid blockchains allows organizations to optimize their resource allocation based on their specific needs.

Drawbacks of Hybrid Bockchain

While hybrid blockchains offer advantages, they also come with certain drawbacks and challenges that organizations should consider. Here are some of the drawbacks of hybrid blockchains:

Complexity: Hybrid blockchains introduce additional complexity compared to fully public or private blockchains. Integrating and managing both public and private elements requires careful design and implementation, which can be challenging. Organizations need to ensure seamless communication and interoperability between the public and private components while maintaining security and privacy.

Trust Requirements: Hybrid blockchains rely on the trustworthiness of both the public and private components. While the public blockchain provides transparency and immutability, the private components depend on the trust placed in the participating entities. Establishing trust among the private network participants can be complex, especially in consortium-based models with multiple organizations involved.

Governance Challenges: Hybrid blockchains often involve multiple stakeholders and organizations, each with their own governance structures and objectives. Coordinating and aligning these stakeholders’ interests, decision-making processes, and protocols can be a significant challenge. Conflicts and disagreements related to governance and control may arise, potentially affecting the overall efficiency and functionality of the hybrid blockchain.

Security Risks: Hybrid blockchains introduce potential security risks due to the combination of public and private components. Vulnerabilities in either the public or private blockchain can impact the overall security of the hybrid system. Careful attention must be given to secure integration, data encryption, access controls, and identity management to mitigate these risks effectively.

Regulatory Compliance: Hybrid blockchains operating in regulated industries may face compliance challenges. Balancing the transparency and immutability of the public component with the need for privacy and data protection in the private component can be complex. Organizations must ensure compliance with relevant regulations while leveraging the benefits of the hybrid blockchain.

Network Fragmentation: Hybrid blockchains run the risk of fragmentation, where participants primarily interact within the private component, leading to reduced network effects and decreased benefits of the public blockchain. This fragmentation can limit the advantages of decentralization and hinder the potential for innovation and collaboration on a broader scale.

Adoption and Standardization: Hybrid blockchains are still relatively new, and industry-wide adoption and standardization are ongoing processes. The lack of established best practices and standards specific to hybrid blockchains can create uncertainties and interoperability challenges. Organizations may face difficulties in finding suitable frameworks, tools, and resources for implementing and maintaining hybrid blockchain solutions.

Hybrid Bockchain Use Cases

Hybrid blockchains find applications in various industries where the combination of public and private elements can provide unique benefits. Here are some notable use cases for hybrid blockchains:

Supply Chain Management: Hybrid blockchains can improve transparency, traceability, and efficiency in supply chain management. By combining public and private elements, stakeholders can track and verify the movement of goods, authenticate product origins, and ensure compliance with regulations. The public component allows for transparent visibility across the supply chain, while the private component protects sensitive information such as pricing and proprietary data.

Financial Services: Hybrid blockchains can enhance financial services by enabling secure and efficient transactions while maintaining privacy and regulatory compliance. Public blockchains can be used for transparent auditing, KYC (Know Your Customer) processes, and regulatory reporting, while private blockchains facilitate faster and more confidential transactions between trusted participants, such as banks, financial institutions, and payment service providers.

Healthcare: Hybrid blockchains have applications in healthcare for securely storing and sharing patient data, managing medical records, and facilitating interoperability between different healthcare providers. The public blockchain component can ensure transparency and integrity of medical data, while the private component protects patient privacy and restricts access to authorized healthcare professionals.

Intellectual Property Management: Hybrid blockchains can aid in intellectual property (IP) management by providing a decentralized and transparent platform for registering, tracking, and protecting IP assets. The public component can serve as a publicly verifiable registry, while the private component enables confidential sharing of sensitive IP-related information among authorized stakeholders.

Government Applications: Hybrid blockchains can be used in various government applications, such as land registry, voting systems, and public record management. The public component ensures transparency and immutability of public records, while the private component maintains privacy and restricts access to sensitive government information.

Consortium Networks: Hybrid blockchains are often employed in consortium networks where a group of organizations collaborates on a shared platform. Industries like logistics, manufacturing, and insurance benefit from the consortium model, allowing participants to share data, automate processes, and streamline operations while maintaining control over their proprietary information.

Energy Management: Hybrid blockchains can support decentralized energy management systems, allowing for peer-to-peer energy trading, grid management, and tracking renewable energy generation. The public blockchain component provides transparency and trust in energy transactions, while the private component ensures privacy and control over energy-related data.

Hybrid Bockchain Examples

  • Dragonchain
  • VeChain
  • Komodo
  • Aeternity
  • ICON
  • Wanchain
  • Orbs
  • Energy Web Chain
  • Kadena
  • XinFin Network

4) Consortium Blockchain

A consortium blockchain is a type of blockchain network where multiple organizations or entities collaborate and participate in maintaining and validating the blockchain. Unlike public blockchains like Bitcoin or Ethereum, where anyone can join and participate in the network, consortium blockchains are permissioned networks, meaning that participants need to be granted permission to join and access the blockchain.

In a consortium blockchain, the consensus mechanism is often based on a predefined group of nodes or validators that are trusted by the consortium members. These validators work together to validate and verify transactions and add them to the blockchain. The consensus algorithm used can vary depending on the specific implementation of the consortium blockchain, but popular algorithms like Practical Byzantine Fault Tolerance (PBFT) or Proof of Authority (PoA) are commonly used.

Benefits of Consortium Blockchain

Consortium blockchains offer several benefits that make them a suitable choice for certain applications and industries. Here are some of the key advantages of consortium blockchains:

Increased Efficiency: Consortium blockchains can often process transactions more quickly and with lower latency compared to public blockchains. Since the number of validators is limited and known in advance, consensus can be achieved more rapidly, resulting in higher transaction throughput. This efficiency is beneficial for applications where real-time or near-real-time processing is crucial.

Enhanced Scalability: Consortium blockchains can scale more effectively than public blockchains, especially when it comes to transaction throughput. By controlling the number of validators and optimizing the consensus algorithm, consortium blockchains can handle a larger volume of transactions while maintaining performance.

Reduced Costs: By sharing the infrastructure and resources among the consortium members, the overall cost of maintaining and operating the blockchain network can be significantly reduced. This cost-sharing model makes consortium blockchains more feasible and affordable for organizations compared to building and maintaining individual private blockchains.

Improved Privacy and Confidentiality: Consortium blockchains provide a higher level of privacy and confidentiality compared to public blockchains. Since the participants are known and trusted entities, they can define access controls and permissions for data sharing. This is particularly important in industries where sensitive or proprietary information needs to be shared among consortium members while ensuring confidentiality.

Enhanced Trust and Transparency: Consortium blockchains enable trust and transparency among the participating organizations. By leveraging the immutability and transparency of blockchain technology, consortium members can have a shared view of the data and transactions, reducing disputes and increasing trust in the network.

Streamlined Collaboration: Consortium blockchains facilitate collaboration and coordination among multiple organizations. They provide a shared platform where participants can interact, exchange data, and execute smart contracts. This streamlined collaboration can lead to improved efficiency, reduced friction, and enhanced business processes across the consortium.

Customizable Governance: Unlike public blockchains, consortium blockchains allow the consortium members to establish governance models and decision-making processes that align with their specific needs. This customization enables efficient decision-making, consensus building, and dispute resolution within the consortium.

Compliance with Regulations: In industries that have strict regulatory requirements, consortium blockchains can help ensure compliance. By defining access controls and permissions, consortium members can enforce regulatory compliance while still benefiting from the advantages of blockchain technology.

Drawbacks of Consortium Blockchain

While consortium blockchains offer several benefits, they also have certain drawbacks that need to be considered. Here are some of the drawbacks of consortium blockchains:

Limited Decentralization: Consortium blockchains are more centralized compared to public blockchains. The control and decision-making power in the network are concentrated among the consortium members. This centralization raises concerns about trust and potential collusion between the participants, as they have the ability to manipulate the blockchain for their own benefit.

Reduced Security Against Collusion: In a consortium blockchain, if a majority of the consortium members collude or behave maliciously, they can potentially compromise the security and integrity of the network. The consensus mechanism in consortium blockchains relies on trust among the participants, and if that trust is broken, it can undermine the security of the blockchain.

Slower Decision-Making: Consortium blockchains require coordination and agreement among the consortium members for decision-making and implementing changes to the network. This can slow down the decision-making process compared to public blockchains, where decisions are often made through decentralized governance mechanisms.

Disagreements or delays in decision-making can hinder the progress and efficiency of the consortium blockchain.

Potential Scalability Limitations: While consortium blockchains can achieve higher transaction throughput compared to public blockchains, they may still face scalability limitations. As the number of participants and transactions increases, the consensus process and data storage requirements can become more complex and resource-intensive.

This can impact the scalability of the consortium blockchain and limit its ability to handle a large volume of transactions.

Interoperability Challenges: Consortium blockchains may face interoperability challenges when attempting to integrate with other blockchain networks or systems. Different consortium blockchains may have varying consensus mechanisms, smart contract languages, or data formats, making it challenging to establish seamless communication and data exchange between different networks.

Governance Complexities: Establishing governance models and decision-making processes in consortium blockchains can be complex and require consensus among the consortium members. This process can be time-consuming and may involve negotiations and compromises among the participants.

Governance challenges can arise when consortium members have different interests, priorities, or levels of influence within the network.

Dependency on Consortium Members: The success and sustainability of a consortium blockchain depend on the active participation and commitment of the consortium members. If a significant member withdraws or fails to fulfill its responsibilities, it can affect the functionality and continuity of the blockchain network.

Limited Public Participation: Consortium blockchains restrict access to the network, limiting participation to the consortium members only. This reduces the potential for public participation and the advantages of a large and diverse network of validators and contributors.

Consortium Blockchain Use Cases

Consortium blockchains are well-suited for various use cases and industries that involve collaboration and shared data among a group of trusted entities. Here are some common use cases for consortium blockchains:

Supply Chain Management: Consortium blockchains can be utilized to track and trace products throughout the supply chain, enabling transparency, immutability, and efficient collaboration among suppliers, manufacturers, distributors, and retailers. It helps in ensuring authenticity, preventing counterfeiting, optimizing logistics, and enhancing overall supply chain efficiency.

Financial Services: Consortium blockchains can be employed in the financial sector for various applications such as interbank transactions, trade finance, cross-border payments, and Know Your Customer (KYC) procedures. By sharing a common ledger among participating financial institutions, consortium blockchains can streamline processes, enhance transparency, and reduce settlement times.

Healthcare: In the healthcare industry, consortium blockchains can facilitate secure and interoperable sharing of patient records, medical research data, and clinical trial results among hospitals, clinics, research institutions, and pharmaceutical companies. This can enhance data privacy, facilitate accurate patient identification, and expedite medical research collaboration.

Energy and Utilities: Consortium blockchains can be utilized to optimize energy trading, track renewable energy generation and consumption, and enable efficient management of grid systems. By providing a transparent and immutable platform, consortium blockchains can facilitate peer-to-peer energy transactions, promote renewable energy initiatives, and enhance grid resilience.

Insurance: Consortium blockchains can be employed in the insurance industry to automate and streamline processes such as claims settlement, underwriting, and fraud detection. By sharing relevant data among insurers, reinsurers, and other stakeholders, consortium blockchains can improve transparency, reduce paperwork, and enhance trust in the insurance ecosystem.

Real Estate: Consortium blockchains can simplify and secure property transactions by providing a trusted platform for recording and verifying property ownership, title transfers, and lease agreements. This can streamline the process, reduce fraud, and provide a more efficient and transparent real estate market.

Government and Public Sector: Consortium blockchains can be used by government agencies and public sector organizations to enhance transparency, streamline administrative processes, and improve public service delivery. Examples include land registry systems, voting systems, identity management, and supply chain management for public procurement.

Intellectual Property Management: Consortium blockchains can provide a secure and decentralized platform for managing intellectual property rights, copyrights, and patents. It can help streamline licensing, protect intellectual property assets, and simplify royalty distribution among creators, publishers, and content distributors.

Consortium Blockchain Examples

  • R3 Corda
  • Hyperledger Fabric
  • Komgo
  • IBM Food Trust
  • B3i
  • TradeLens
  • MediLedger
  • Energy Web Chain

5) DAG (Directed Acyclic Graph) Blockchain

The DAG (Directed Acyclic Graph) blockchain is a type of distributed ledger technology that differs from traditional blockchain architectures. Instead of using a linear chain of blocks, DAG blockchains use a graph structure where transactions are directly linked to one another, forming a directed acyclic graph.

In a DAG blockchain, each transaction is represented as a node in the graph, and the links between nodes (transactions) establish the order and dependencies of transactions. This structure allows for parallel processing and can potentially enable higher scalability and faster transaction confirmation times compared to traditional blockchain models.

The consensus mechanism in a DAG blockchain differs from the traditional proof-of-work (PoW) or proof-of-stake (PoS) algorithms used in most blockchain networks. Instead, DAG blockchains typically employ a consensus protocol called “transaction voting” or “tangle voting.” In this approach, participants validate transactions by approving other transactions in the network, forming a voting-based consensus model.

Benefits of DAG Blockchain

DAG (Directed Acyclic Graph) blockchains offer several benefits that make them attractive for certain applications and use cases. Here are some of the key advantages of DAG blockchains:

Scalability: DAG blockchains have the potential to scale more effectively than traditional linear chain blockchains. The graph structure allows for parallel processing of transactions, enabling higher throughput as the network grows. This scalability is particularly important for applications that require high transaction volumes or real-time processing.

Fast Transaction Confirmation: Due to the absence of blocks and the use of direct links between transactions, DAG blockchains can achieve faster transaction confirmation times compared to traditional blockchains. Each new transaction can confirm multiple previous transactions, leading to quick overall confirmation times.

Low Transaction Fees: DAG blockchains have the potential to offer lower transaction fees or even feeless transactions. Since there is no need for miners or validators to solve computationally intensive puzzles, the associated costs can be reduced, making microtransactions and low-value transactions economically viable.

Energy Efficiency: DAG blockchains can be more energy-efficient compared to traditional proof-of-work (PoW) blockchain networks. With the elimination of mining, which requires substantial computational power, DAG blockchains consume less energy, making them more environmentally friendly.

Flexibility and Adaptability: DAG blockchains can be more flexible in terms of accommodating different types of transactions and applications. The graph structure allows for various transaction types to coexist, making it easier to implement complex use cases and smart contracts.

Resistance to Centralization: DAG blockchains inherently have a higher resistance to centralization. The absence of a single chain and the use of voting-based consensus mechanisms make it more difficult for any single entity or group to control the network. This decentralized nature enhances security and resiliency.

Potential for IoT Applications: DAG blockchains are well-suited for Internet of Things (IoT) applications due to their scalability and low transaction fees. They can facilitate secure and efficient microtransactions and data exchange between IoT devices, enabling a decentralized IoT ecosystem.

Data Integrity and Tamper Resistance: Like traditional blockchains, DAG blockchains provide data integrity and tamper resistance. Once a transaction is confirmed and added to the DAG, it becomes very difficult to alter or manipulate, ensuring the immutability of recorded data.

Drawbacks of DAG Blockchain

While DAG (Directed Acyclic Graph) blockchains offer several benefits, they also have certain drawbacks and challenges that should be considered. Here are some of the drawbacks of DAG blockchains:

Security Vulnerabilities: DAG blockchains can be susceptible to certain security vulnerabilities. For example, some DAG implementations have experienced double-spending attacks or other forms of malicious activities due to weaknesses in their consensus mechanisms or validation processes. Ensuring robust security measures and protocols is crucial for the reliable operation of a DAG blockchain.

Sybil Attacks: DAG blockchains are vulnerable to Sybil attacks, where an attacker creates a large number of malicious nodes to gain control or disrupt the network. The absence of mining or strict validation requirements can make it easier for an attacker to manipulate the voting or approval process within the DAG.

Synchronization and Consistency Challenges: Maintaining synchronization and consistency across all nodes in a large DAG blockchain network can be challenging. With frequent transactions and different nodes having varying views of the DAG, ensuring a consistent and reliable state across the network can be complex and require efficient consensus mechanisms.

Limited Adoption and Interoperability: DAG blockchains face challenges in terms of adoption and interoperability with existing blockchain networks or systems. Integrating DAG-based platforms with traditional blockchains or establishing communication and data exchange between different DAG blockchains can be complex due to their unique structures and consensus mechanisms.

Complexity of Implementation: Implementing a DAG blockchain can be more complex compared to traditional blockchain architectures. The graph structure and consensus mechanisms require careful design and development to ensure the integrity and efficiency of the network. This complexity can increase the development time and cost associated with building and maintaining a DAG blockchain.

Less Battle-Tested: DAG blockchains, particularly those with unique consensus mechanisms, may be less battle-tested compared to traditional blockchain networks like Bitcoin or Ethereum. This means that there may be a higher level of uncertainty and risk associated with deploying and relying on a DAG blockchain, especially in critical or high-value use cases.

Network Centralization Risk: While DAG blockchains have a higher resistance to centralization compared to some traditional blockchains, there is still a risk of concentration of influence among a few major participants or entities. This concentration of power can undermine the decentralization and trustless nature of the network if a small number of participants control a significant portion of the approving nodes.

DAG Blockchain Use Cases

DAG (Directed Acyclic Graph) blockchains have unique characteristics that make them suitable for specific use cases. Here are some notable use cases where DAG blockchains can be applied:

Internet of Things (IoT) Micropayments: DAG blockchains are well-suited for facilitating microtransactions within IoT ecosystems. With their scalability, low transaction fees, and fast confirmation times, DAG blockchains can enable seamless and cost-effective micropayments between IoT devices, allowing for efficient machine-to-machine transactions.

Decentralized Social Networks: DAG blockchains can power decentralized social networks, where users have control over their data and interactions. By leveraging the graph structure of DAGs, these networks can offer improved scalability, privacy, and censorship resistance, enabling users to connect and share information without relying on centralized platforms.

Supply Chain Tracking: DAG blockchains can enhance supply chain tracking and transparency. Each transaction on the DAG can represent a step in the supply chain, enabling the secure recording of product information, certifications, and transaction details. This allows stakeholders to track and verify the provenance, authenticity, and quality of goods.

Decentralized Identity Management: DAG blockchains can be used for decentralized identity management systems. By leveraging the tamper-resistant and immutable properties of the blockchain, DAG-based identity systems can provide secure, self-sovereign identity solutions that enable users to control and manage their own identity information without relying on centralized authorities.

Data Integrity and Timestamping: DAG blockchains can serve as a reliable platform for data integrity and timestamping applications. The graph structure of DAGs allows for efficient and tamper-resistant recording of data, ensuring the immutability and verifiability of timestamps and document authenticity.

Distributed Content Delivery Networks (CDNs): DAG blockchains can be utilized to create distributed content delivery networks. By leveraging the direct links between transactions in the DAG, content can be distributed and cached across the network, reducing reliance on centralized servers and improving content delivery efficiency.

Decentralized Finance (DeFi): DAG blockchains can support various DeFi applications, including decentralized exchanges, lending platforms, and stablecoin systems. The scalability and low transaction fees of DAG blockchains can enable efficient and cost-effective DeFi transactions and smart contract execution.

Energy and Grid Management: DAG blockchains can be applied in energy and grid management systems. The parallel processing capability of DAGs can facilitate peer-to-peer energy trading, real-time monitoring of energy generation and consumption, and optimization of energy distribution across the grid.

DAG Blockchain Examples

  • Nano (NANO)
  • Hedera Hashgraph (HBAR)
  • Fantom (FTM)
  • Byteball (GBYTE)
  • Constellation (DAG)
  • Obyte (GBYTE)
  • Avalanche (AVAX)

6) Stablecoin Blockchains

Stablecoins are cryptocurrencies designed to maintain a stable value by pegging their price to an underlying asset, such as a fiat currency like the US dollar or a commodity like gold. Several stablecoin blockchains have emerged, each with its own unique use cases and examples. Here are some notable stablecoin blockchains along with their uses and examples:

Tether (USDT):

Use Case: Tether is one of the earliest and most widely used stablecoins. It aims to provide a digital representation of fiat currencies.

Example: Tether (USDT) is issued on multiple blockchains, including Ethereum, TRON, and Solana, among others.

USD Coin (USDC):

Use Case: USD Coin is a stablecoin backed by US dollars held in reserve by regulated financial institutions. It aims to facilitate fast and secure digital transactions.

Example: USD Coin (USDC) operates on the Ethereum blockchain and has gained significant adoption in various decentralized finance (DeFi) applications.

Dai (DAI):

Use Case: Dai is a decentralized stablecoin created on the Ethereum blockchain. It is collateralized by cryptocurrencies and stabilized through smart contracts.

Example: Dai (DAI) is used in DeFi protocols for lending, borrowing, and liquidity provision. It enables users to access stable value without relying on centralized entities.

Binance USD (BUSD):

Use Case: Binance USD is a regulated and fully collateralized stablecoin tied to the US dollar. It is issued by Binance, one of the largest cryptocurrency exchanges.

Example: BUSD operates on the Binance Chain and Binance Smart Chain. It serves as a medium of exchange and a stable store of value within the Binance ecosystem.

Terra (UST):

Use Case: Terra is a blockchain platform that supports various stablecoins pegged to different fiat currencies. It aims to foster price stability and facilitate global payments.

Example: Terra’s stablecoin, TerraUSD (UST), is pegged to the US dollar and operates on the Terra blockchain. It is used for cross-border transactions, e-commerce, and remittances.

MakerDAO (DAI):

Use Case: MakerDAO is a decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) that governs the creation and maintenance of the Dai stablecoin.

Example: MakerDAO operates on the Ethereum blockchain. It allows users to generate Dai by locking up collateral, primarily Ether (ETH), as a form of over-collateralized loan.

7) Energy-Efficient Blockchain

Energy-efficient blockchains aim to minimize the environmental impact of blockchain technology by reducing energy consumption and carbon footprint. Here are some notable energy-efficient blockchains along with their use cases and examples:

Hedera Hashgraph:

Use Case: Hedera Hashgraph is a distributed public ledger that utilizes a consensus algorithm called Hashgraph. It aims to provide high transaction throughput with low energy consumption.

Example: Hedera’s energy-efficient design makes it suitable for various use cases, including supply chain management, decentralized applications (dApps), and tokenization of assets.


Use Case: Stellar is an open-source blockchain platform that focuses on facilitating fast and low-cost transactions. It utilizes a consensus protocol called Stellar Consensus Protocol (SCP) to achieve energy efficiency.

Example: Stellar is commonly used for cross-border payments, remittances, and microtransactions. It enables efficient and cost-effective transfer of value between different currencies.


Use Case: Cardano is a blockchain platform that employs a proof-of-stake (PoS) consensus algorithm called Ouroboros. PoS requires significantly less energy compared to proof-of-work (PoW) algorithms.

Example: Cardano aims to provide a secure and scalable infrastructure for building decentralized applications and smart contracts. It focuses on sectors such as financial services, identity verification, and governance systems.


Use Case: Algorand is a blockchain platform that utilizes a unique consensus algorithm called Pure Proof-of-Stake (PPoS). It eliminates the need for energy-intensive mining and enables fast, secure, and energy-efficient transactions.

Example: Algorand is used for applications such as decentralized finance (DeFi), asset tokenization, and creating scalable blockchain solutions for enterprises.


Use Case: NEM (New Economy Movement) is a blockchain platform that employs a consensus algorithm called Proof-of-Importance (PoI). PoI reduces energy consumption by assigning importance scores to network participants based on their activity and reputation.

Example: NEM is used for various applications, including supply chain management, notarization services, and decentralized voting systems.

8) Cross-Chain Blockchain

Cross-chain blockchains, also known as interoperable blockchains, enable communication and data transfer between different blockchain networks. They facilitate seamless exchange of assets, information, and functionality across multiple chains. Here are some notable cross-chain blockchains along with their use cases and examples:


Use Case: Polkadot is a multi-chain platform that enables the transfer of any type of data or asset across different blockchains. It aims to foster interoperability, scalability, and shared security.

Example: Polkadot allows developers to create specialized blockchains called parachains, which can be connected to the Polkadot network. It is used for various decentralized applications, including DeFi, supply chain management, and identity solutions.


Use Case: Cosmos is a network of interconnected blockchains that enables cross-chain communication through the Inter-Blockchain Communication (IBC) protocol. It focuses on scalability, sovereignty, and interoperability.

Example: Cosmos facilitates interoperability between independent blockchains, known as zones, allowing them to exchange assets and data. It is used for applications such as decentralized exchanges (DEXs), asset tokenization, and cross-chain governance.


Use Case: ICON is a blockchain platform that aims to connect different blockchain communities through its Nexus protocol. It enables interoperability and data exchange between various blockchain networks.

Example: ICON allows independent blockchains, called communities, to interact with each other by using its loopchain technology. It is used for applications such as decentralized finance, decentralized identity, and blockchain-based voting systems.


Use Case: Wanchain is a blockchain platform that provides cross-chain functionality and interoperability. It allows for the transfer of assets and data between different blockchain networks.

Example: Wanchain enables the creation of wrapped tokens, which are representations of assets from other chains. It is used for applications such as decentralized lending, cross-chain DeFi, and asset management.


Use Case: Aion is a multi-tier blockchain platform that focuses on bridging various blockchains and facilitating inter-chain communication. It aims to create a network of connected blockchains.

Example: Aion allows for the creation of bridges between different blockchain networks, enabling the transfer of assets and data. It is used for applications such as decentralized exchanges, supply chain management, and identity solutions.

Which Blockchain Type Should You Choose?

When choosing a blockchain type, consider factors such as your desired level of decentralization, privacy, scalability, security, governance, and the specific requirements of your use case. It’s important to conduct thorough research and potentially consult with experts to determine the most suitable blockchain type for your needs.

Final Words

Make sure that now you have been fully educated about different types of blockcain technology with its use cases and examples with ease. If this article is helpful for you, then please share it along with your friends, family members or relatives over social media platforms like as Facebook, Instagram, Linked In, Twitter, and more.

Also Read: 20 Blockchain Applications & Use Cases | 100 Examples of Blockchain

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