Top 25 Applications of SONAR | Uses and Examples of SONAR Technology

Hi Learner! Now, here we are going to discuss about remarkable applications of SONAR system as well as essential examples and uses of SONAR technology with ease. Finally from this post, you will get to know completely all major applications and uses of SONAR without any hindrance.

Introduction to SONAR Application

SONAR (Sound Navigation And Ranging) is a technique that uses sound waves to navigate, detect and locate underwater objects. This technology was first developed during World War I to detect submarines, but its applications have expanded too many fields such as navigation, fishing, marine biology, and etc.


SONAR technology is able to work as better performance as RADAR, seismic, and ultrasound technologies. The primary goal of using the SONAR system is to find far away things underwater along with other communications objectives.

‘SONAR Applications’ Tutorial Headlines:

In this section, we will show you all headlines about this entire article; you can check them as your choice; below shown all:

  1. Introduction to SONAR Application
  2. Applications of SONAR System
  • Scientific Applications
  • Use in Survey Underwater Environments
  • Use in Extracting Sediment Cores
  • Use in Monitoring the Underwater Currents
  • Use in Underwater Archaeology
  • Use in Water Composition
  • Use in Detecting Thermoclines
  • Use in Tracking Fish
  • Use in Monitoring Fish Populations
  • Military/Naval Forces Applications
  • NIMDS (NAVSEA In-Service Mine Detection System)
  • SURTASS (Surveillance Towed Array Sensor System)
  • LRIT (Long-Range Identification and Tracking System)
  • MSS (Marine Sonar Surveillance System)
  • Civil Applications
  • Other Applications and Uses of SONAR System
  • Use in Gas and Oil Exploration
  • Use in Detecting Marine Mammals
  • Use in Weather Forecasting
  • Use in Water Depth Measurements
  • Use in Fishing
  1. FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)
  • Why is SONAR only used in underwater?
  • Why SONAR is not used in air?
  • What was SONAR first used for?
  • What is the use of SONAR in a car?
  • What do you know about SONAR applications in daily life?
  • What is the major application of SONAR in military?
  • What is the application of SONAR in submarine?
  • What are some examples of SONAR?

Let’s Get Started!!

Applications of SONAR System

SONAR technology plays the vital role in different objectives like as finding lost boats, finding out at the depth of ocean, and moreover used for security in the military and naval. Now, let’s go deeper into reveal the remarkable uses and applications of SONAR technology, below shown each one in detail; you can see them:

Also Read: What is SONAR and its Types? How Does Work SONAR System?

Scientific Applications

SONAR system also uses in different scientific areas to achieve the specific target like as:

Use in Survey Underwater Environments:

Oceanographic SONAR helps to make survey the underwater environments like as seas and oceans. So, scientists implement it to map the ocean floor that assists them aware the underwater geology. Oceanographic sonar is also capable to perform other objectives like as dangerous objects under surface and searching schools of the fish.

Use in Extracting Sediment Cores:

Sediment coring sonar is a instrument that permits to scientists for extracting sediment cores from the sea floor. This is because; they contain the microorganisms, chemicals, sediments, and other components which also assist the scientists making study about how the ocean has changed over time. Scientist study bases on many concerns like as climate change and industrial pollution that learn about previous conditions on the Earth.

Use in Monitoring the Underwater Currents:

Of course! SONAR system helps to detect the underwater currents that mean the body of water flowing in a specific direction. Sea is getting to current regularly associated along with pattern and movement of surface water by the gravitational pull of the Moon and Sun. The surface current move under ocean by flowing winds and other forces as powerful, and getting to swift flow called the submarine current. 

Use in Underwater Archaeology:

SONAR technology is also most useful for underwater archeology by getting to map and measure the depths of submerged regions. By helping of SONAR system, it can record and mapp more perfectly representations of few archeological sites. Moreover, it also allows to uncover new sites that may have or remained hidden. Therefore, most of archaeologists are doing to study shipwreck that  consider this technique to be one of the most remarkable modern advancement. Cause of this, it has ability to detect objects, which are not getting to accessible by divers.

Use in Water Composition:

Echo sounder is an amazing instrument that helps to principle behind SONAR to identify the depth and measure the composition of many features under the surface of water. These kinds of measurements allow to scientists for getting to understand, where currents are tracking and how they can affect aquatic life. Echosounder device is also using to keep monitoring the sea ice thickness in the term of predicting future changes in the climate patterns.

Use in Detecting Thermoclines:

SONAR system also allows to scientist for detecting underwater thermal gradients and thermoclines. They are layers of water being different properties that can be varied by depth. Therefore, these layers of water are capable to work as different fluids along with moving at the different speed motions.

Hence, sound waves can travel via the ocean at the different levels based on that layer they are in. So, SONAR system is most helpful to detect the thermoclines and record information about them.

Use in Tracking Fish:

Oceans transponders are mostly using to keep tracking the fish and other ocean creatures. They are able to emit a signal up to 250 km away from the tagged animal that assists to scientists for identifying where it is tracking. Therefore, scientists grab this data to monitor migratory patterns of specific species as well as various fishes in the certain region. With the help of this information, scientists can figure out that how better to protect these species from overfishing.

Use in Monitoring Fish Populations:

Mostly fish farms implement the SONAR system to keep fish populations in cages and nets under the water’s surface. Aquaculture usually makes focus on salmon farming, but other fish are also getting to farm. Hence, SONAR technology is usually applying to monitor the health of animals and for anti-predator protection. For instance; FARMSONAR system it is using to detect foreign objects, fish, and predators. It can also notify to workers onshore, if there are any updates in conditions.

Military/Naval Forces Applications

SONAR system is also going to use into military and naval force like as:

NIMDS (NAVSEA In-Service Mine Detection System):

NIMDS is a USA navy program for getting to upgrade on present mine hunting technology to identify mines with most effectively and being better reliability to past SONAR technology. This system enables with a digital receiver and an automatic identification system, which will help to send the position of system to other ships the region. The enhancement gets new software, underwater processing abilities and other computing algorithms.

SURTASS (Surveillance Towed Array Sensor System):

SURTASS (Surveillance Towed Array Sensor System) is also a U.S. Navy program that uses a network of underwater hydrophones (acoustic sensors) to detect and track submarines. The system consists of several ships, each equipped with a long cable that carries a series of hydrophones. The hydrophones are towed behind the ship at a depth of several hundred meters, and can detect sound waves from submarines that are thousands of miles away.

LRIT (Long-Range Identification and Tracking System):

The Long-Range Identification and Tracking (LRIT) system is a global satellite communication system using to track ships and enhancing maritime safety and security. It developed by the International Maritime Organization (IMO) as a result of the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) amendments in 2004.

The LRIT system requires all ships over 300 gross tonnages engaged in international voyages to carry an LRIT device that transmits information such as the ship’s identity, position, date, and time. Satellite receive this information and made available to maritime authorities for monitoring and search and rescue operations.

The LRIT system aims to improve maritime security by providing accurate and up-to-date information about the location and movements of ships, allowing for better surveillance and detection of potential security threats. It also helps in the prevention of accidents and in the rapid response to emergency situations by providing real-time information about a ship’s location and status.

Overall, the LRIT system is an essential tool for enhancing maritime safety, security, and environmental protection.

MSS (Marine Sonar Surveillance System):

Marine sonar surveillance is a technology that uses sound waves to detect objects underwater. It is commonly using for navigation, mapping the ocean floor, and detecting submarines or other underwater vessels.

Sonar works by emitting a sound wave from a transmitter, which travels through the water and reflects off of objects in its path. The reflected sound wave, or echo, then detected by a receiver and used to create an image of the underwater environment.

Marine sonar surveillance is an important tool for a variety of applications, including military, commercial, and scientific. However, it can also have negative impacts on marine life, such as disrupting the behaviour and communication of marine mammals. As such, it is important to use sonar technology responsibly and to take measures to mitigate any potential harm to the marine environment.

Civil Applications

There are few uses of SONAR system in civil such as:

  • Submarines are not capable to utilise the RADAR at the depth, so they are totally relying on SONAR system larger to surface ships. This is because; SONAR arrays are able to tow otherwise placed on the hull.
  • Some vehicles that are operating as remotely and uncrewed the underwater vehicle updated being small SONARs to allow them to adopt in murky circumstances. So, this SONAR is easily embeding to keep an eye on the ahead of vehicle.
  • If, occur the collision in the water, then aeroplanes are enabling with SONARs that can operate as beacons. Moreover, long and short baseline SONARS could embedd for getting to determine the position.
  • Echo sounding is a concept for determining the water depth beneath boats and ships.

Other Applications and Uses of SONAR System:

Beyond of them, here other important applications of SONAR technology as follow them:

Use in Gas and Oil Exploration:

Moreover to map the sea floor, SONAR system is also applied for gas and oil exploration. This is most helpful for seeing to petroleum deposits the underwater, this is because; it appears the clear image of the sea floor. Hence, SONAR technology is most valuable to find out the oil and gas under the surface of our seas.

Use in Detecting Marine Mammals:

Sonic sensors are most helpful to detect the marine mammals by emitting pulses of sound and recording their echolocation through receiver linked to the underwater hydrophone. This activity is also most essential because it might be ignore the future man made noise from affecting the animal; additional keep them away from harmful regions such as fishing nets.

Use in Weather Forecasting:

By helping of echoes from ultrasound and sound’s pluses; scientists are easily able to measure temperature gradients in the environment. Hence, this data is most useful them predict atmospheric conditions as well as weather pattern’s formation.

Use in Water Depth Measurements:

SAR that means Synthetic Aperture Radar contains one antenna to emit pulses of sound and ultrasound the as compared to reflect off object and move back and echo. Then, its consumed time for pulse to return is manipulated that provides the information at the depth of the underwater. Water depth measurements are most essential if navigating ship and submarines.

Use in Fishing:

SONAR system is also used by the fishermen for searching the schools of fish, and measure the underwater depth and temperature. Behalf of this reading, fisherman can easily understand that where the best place could be to drop their traps and nets. But, few fishermen also adopt the SONAR system to track the schools of fish, therefore they know easily where to take their boats for the excellent probability at the catching more fish.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

Why is SONAR only used in underwater?

SONAR is able to use sound waves to identify the underwater objects, as well as getting to help in determining the underwater landforms and distance in between the objects. it is mostly using for making underwater communication, because sound waves can flow via water.

Why SONAR is not used in air?

SONAR system can use in air, but it will not better outcomes because air is low dense as compare to water so sound flow slower via air and dissipates immediately.

What was SONAR first used for?

SONAR system designed during First World War as and aid for finding both icebergs and submarines.

What is the use of SONAR in a car?

Ultrasonic sensors are embedding internally of bumper at the front and back of the vehicle that helps to judge the total distance and position information of the obstacles around the vehicle and provides the warning to a user.

What do you know about SONAR applications in daily life?

In this article, already we have been shown above many SONAR applications, which are going to use in real-life; you can check them.

What is the major application of SONAR in military?

Warships, submarines, and other naval platforms are enabling with SONAR equipment. Moreover, SONAR systems provides the safely navigate in deep underwater. It is also implementing to mine detection, offering the depth information and anti-submarine warfare.

What is the application of SONAR in submarine?

Submarines implement the Sonar (Sound Navigation and Ranging) to detect target ships

What are some examples of SONAR?

There are few examples of active SONAR systems like as side-scan, split-beam, sub-bottom profiling, synthetic aperture sonar, and multibeam.

Closure: Applications and uses of SONAR

Through this article, you have been completely educated about remarkable applications of SONAR system as well as essential examples and uses of SONAR technology with ease. If this article is helpful for you, then please share it along with your friends, family members or relatives over social media platforms like as Facebook, Instagram, Linked In, Twitter, and more.

Also Read: Advantages and Disadvantages of SONAR | Pros and Cons

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Happy Learning!!

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