20 Advantages and Disadvantages of WiFi | Benefits of WiFi Technology

A Wi-Fi is great solution for running full scale networks, because it leads to a fastest connection, better wireless protection, and provide the good range for base station as well. Now, through this article, we will cover about many remarkable advantages and disadvantages of Wi-Fi as well as benefits of WiFi Technology with ease. After reading this article, you will be getting fully understood about pros and cons of using WiFi technology without any hindrance.

Introduction of WiFi Technology

Today, Wi-Fi is getting more popularity as wireless networking technology. WiFi stands for ‘Wireless Fidelity‘ that was introduced by NCR corporation/AT&T in the Netherlands in 1991. By opting WiFi technology, you are capable to exchange information in between two or multiple devices.

WiFi provides the freedom that means freedom from wires. WiFi permits you to make connection with internet from just about anywhere such as hotel room, shopping complexes, coffee shop, or conference room at work.


Getting to access a WiFi, you have to need WiFi enabled devices like as laptop, PC, PDA, notepad, smartphone, digital cameras, and etc. WiFi is a wireless network protocol family based on IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) 802.11 standards.

The IEEE standards have been certified by the WiFi Alliance that is a non-profit organization created to certify IEEE 802.11 products and to promote them as wireless LAN standards.

‘WiFi Pros and Cons’ Tutorial Headlines:

In this section, we will show you all headlines about this entire article; you can check them as your choice; below shown all:

  1. Introduction of WiFi Technology
  2. Advantages of WiFi Network
  3. Disadvantages of WiFi Technology
  4. FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)
  • What are the main advantages of WiFi over Ethernet?
  • What are the advantages of Wi-Fi over Bluetooth?
  • What are the major advantages of WiFi for students?
  • What are the advantages of WiFi over mobile data?
  • What are the disadvantages of using free Wi-Fi at public spots?
  • What are the disadvantages of using Wi-Fi for students at school?
  • What are disadvantages of WiFi for health?
  • What are the main disadvantages of WiFi in business?
  • Is Wi-Fi harmful for brain?
  • What are the major benefits of WiFi at home?

Let’s Get Started!!

What are Advantages and Disadvantages of Wi-Fi Network?

In this section, we will guide you about cover various major advantages and disadvantages of Wi-Fi | drawbacks and benefits of WiFi Technology with ease. So, you should get to know about before using of Wi-Fi on your devices.

Advantages of WiFi Network

Here, we will cover many remarkable advantages and benefits of WiFi over the wired network; below each one is going to explain:

Flexible in Convenience:

The wireless networks permit couple of users to link via the same network. Within fraction of seconds without any setup, it can easily connect via hotspot or router technology. It is simple to use and convenience is not available in the wired networks. A wired network consume more time to configure and grant to access for many users

Usage as Mobility:

This is one of the major benefits of Wi-Fi. Today, wireless networks are getting most popular and using in the mobility. Broadband and other wired technology are unable to utilize external of the constant area. Whereas, WiFi are most convince while getting to travel. Now these days, mostly all devices enable with Wi-Fi. Therefore, there will not any problem by using it externally of your residence.

Enhanced Productivity:

Without any fix locations, any firm’s staffs are capable to complete their allotted tasks along with a WiFi network. A user who is connected with Wi-Fi network can take experience different range of speed as they travel from one location to another. As well as, it has less chance of getting technical glitches along with a Wireless LAN network. As an outcome staffs are able to most engage and deliver their timely targets and works. Cause of this, to increase the overall productivity of the organization.


The initial set up of a WiFi access point is relatively easiest as compared to the wired network connection. There is no requiring any complicated cable being run in other locations and operating switches. Hence, getting to install a new one WiFi router is pretty simple as compare to configure a complex network cable.

Support to Multiple Connections:

Wi-Fi technology is getting to support multiple connections at once. It is able to make connection around 30 devices at a same time. But, it might not offer the several connections option such as LAN or other wired technologies that are capable to make connection for more than 100 devices. As well as, several WiFi connections don’t require the thousands of cables, then you would not need to headache about connectivity types with every device.

Provide More Opportunities:

Wireless WiFi technology offers more opportunities for development and manufacturing organizations. Therefore, WiFi device offer many opportunities for developing IoT related products. Thus, for designing games and playing the multiplayer games WiFi is most useful. Cause of this, it helps to increase the development of these applications.

Lesser Prone Issues:

WiFi technology is getting lesser problems as compared to wired networks. If sometime, any error is available at the WiFi network, then it is going to easily detect and fix. There might be most compatibility issues on the wired network.

Less Usage of Electricity:

Of course, due to use of fewer devices and tend to be smaller size, the consumption of electricity is also relative less. On an average WiFi access point device just needs a DC volt of 9V and 0.85A.


As compared to a wired network connection, a wireless WiFi network provides biggest benefits in the order of labour and cost. When, you try to install a new one WiFi network, then you are capable to cutting off the cost in maintenance and cabling. This is because; getting more expense comes under the cabling part. Therefore, fewer numbers of cables are going to use in WiFi network; hence you can keep save much more amounts in firms overall budget.

Most Compatibility:

There are not getting any compatibility problem with using WiFi on numerous devices, as well as different countries and identically Wifi technologies. In the wired devices, the connectivity post might be differing from other devices that you wish to connect. For instance, you have to need USB cable to make connection with a printer. But in WiFi, users are able to connect directly without any physical cable issues. This is the biggest advantages of Wi-Fi technology.

Multiple Features:

WiFi technology has multiple features that also help to solve many problems. For example, by using Wi-Fi, users can share files along with family members, cast your screen to your TV, even can support make a call via Wi-Fi; as well as, user can send command to other devices via WiFi. WiFi and wireless networks are also existed on the IOT (Internet of Things). Today, mostly WiFi is going to use for internet connection.


You are capable to connect a new user at any time in a fraction of seconds on WiFi network without any hindrance. Just you have to need to grant access to the users with wireless LAN credential detail to make them authorized users. Cause of this, cutting of your time and effort put in wiring and adding any connector for users.

Easy to Maintain and Relocate:

A wireless LAN network is easy to keep maintains and move whenever if you are taking decision to relocate your office to another building or region. Your work can’t affect if your building is undergoing renovation and reconstruction. WiFi technology allows you to carry out your all work without taking any tension about wiring and connectivity problems. Cause of this, you can save more time, efforts, and money as well. It helps you to focus on your business and related tasks

Moveable from One Place to Other:

As you known about wired network that needs us to always be linked through cable; so it is limited to movements. But, with a wireless WiFi network, we don’t have to need any cable for set up and configuration; hence we can feel a little more freedom.

Disadvantages of WiFi Technology

Instead of the many advantages, there are various disadvantages and limitations of WiFi network; which are as follows:

Less Security:

The biggest drawback of Wi-Fi technology as the concern of its security. Though, having strong password; the WiFi networks are not protected. Hence, public WiFi networks are not safe by making a risk of data steal or malware installation. With using of strong password and protocol might decrease the risks but not fully. This is because; Public WiFi networks are always on for each one, then hackers can easily impose their false networking ID, and you can fall into the category of cyber-attacks victims.

Fewer Range:

A WiFi network’s range has limited to less than 10m. So, you are unable to get access the WiFi when two devices are at a longer distance apart. As increasing the range from Hot then its speed will be degrade. Hence, speed of WiFi is inversely proportional to range. It is also not sufficient for use in between larger rooms. If you want to get extra range, then you have to need purchasing the repeater or additional access points.

Health Issues:

As per the study in Science Direct, A WiFi can cause oxidative stress, sperm/testicular damage, and neuropsychiatric effects on human health. As well as other WiFi health hazards like as cancer, insomnia and apoptosis. It is highly suggested for pregnant ladies, not to get exposed to a WiFi signal because it spreads the Electromagnetics radiations.

Bad Reliability:

The Wi-Fi network performs at the 2.1 GHz frequency, because this range of frequency is getting higher possibility of hinder cause to the electromagnetic waves and other obstacles. Due to this, you might frequently encounter the connectivity problems and weak signal strengths. While you try to transfer enlarge file, then signal can get interfered.

Bandwidth Restriction:

Multiple routers just permit 30 maximum devices to be attached. A WiFi’s bandwidth can get weaker whenever you link more devices. So, it is solely reserved for a one user. While getting to limit bandwidth, users can get experience less speeds.

Less Speed:

The wireless LAN network is getting to slow as compare to a wired network at the home or workplace. Mostly, wireless signal can lead to distributed or dissipated because of other devices otherwise cause of outer EMF sources. However, this situation is not happened in the wired networks. As per the study, a WiFi internet connection can lead up to 35% slower to the wired network.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

What are the main advantages of WiFi over Ethernet?

Ethernet connection has to need the cables to transmit data; but the Wi-Fi connection is able to transmit data through wireless signals. Therefore, it serves the better mobility for those users who can link to a network otherwise the internet when you moving freely around any location.

What are the advantages of Wi-Fi over Bluetooth?

A Wi-Fi is great solution for running full scale networks because it leads to a fastest connection, better wireless protection, and provide the good range for base station as well. So, Wi-Fi offers the many connections for multiple users and devices; whereas Bluetooth has limited the number of devices and users that are able to connection at once.

What are the major advantages of WiFi for students?

While you opting WiFi network, students can get helping in project & research, and make online communication as well.

What are the advantages of WiFi over mobile data?

While you using WiFi to link to the internet drain low battery life as compare to the mobile network, mostly in case where the cellular coverage fluctuates.

What are the disadvantages of using free Wi-Fi at public spots?

When you try to get access the WiFi as freely at any public spot then, but you can see many errors like as Wi-Fi snooping & sniffing, Malware distribution, and etc.

What are the disadvantages of using Wi-Fi for students at school?

Few students are getting less productive in school and lose focus in their lesson, because they take more interest on these websites.

What are disadvantages of WiFi for health?

As per the study in Science Direct, A WiFi can cause oxidative stress, sperm/testicular damage, and neuropsychiatric effects on human health.

What are the main disadvantages of WiFi in business?

In this post, already we explained many disadvantages and limitations of WiFi in the term of business, you can check them.

Is Wi-Fi harmful for brain?

Wi-Fi causes oxidative stress, sperm/testicular damage, neuropsychiatric effects including EEG changes, apoptosis, cellular DNA damage, endocrine changes, and calcium overload.

What are the major benefits of WiFi at home?

There are some benefits of WiFi for home like as Access to the Internet, Increased Data Transfer Speeds, Enabled with The Internet Of Things, and Mobility.

Final Remarks

Now, i hope that, you have been completely aware about many remarkable advantages and disadvantages of Wi-Fi as well as benefits of WiFi Technology with ease. If this article is helpful for you, then please share it along with your friends, family members or relatives over social media platforms like as Facebook, Instagram, Linked In, Twitter, and more.

If you have any experience, tips, tricks, or query regarding this issue? You can drop a comment!

Happy Learning!!

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