30 Advantages and Disadvantages of IoT | Benefits of IoT in Real Life

Hi Guys! Today, we are going to explain about many advantages and disadvantages of IoT (Internet of Things) as well as drawbacks and benefits of Internet of Things with ease. Finally from this article, you will get to know completely all remarkable pros and cons of using IoT technology without any hassle.

Introduction of IoT

IoT (Internet of Things) represents to both method of connecting physical objects ‘Things’ to the internet; and network that link those objects. Objects enable daily life equipment like as fitness watches, agricultural machinery, supply chains, medical equipment, traffic lights, industrial robots, and etc.


Internet of Things is enabled with sensors that collect and transmit data from their surroundings to a database server. Then, this data can be utilized to manage the devices or perform certain actions.

‘IoT Pros & Cons’ Tutorial Headlines:

In this section, we will show you all headlines about this entire article; you can check them as your choice; below shown all:

  1. Advantages of IoT System
  2. Disadvantages of Internet of Things
  3. Benefits of Internet of Things
  4. FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)
  • What are the advantages of IoT security?
  • What are the advantages of IoT in agriculture?
  • What are the advantages of IoT in education?
  • What are the advantages of IoT in healthcare?
  • What are the advantages of IoT in banking?
  • What are the limitations of IoT in education?
  • What is the problem with IoT security?
  • What Are the major Advantages and Disadvantages of IoT system?
  • What are the main benefits of IoT in smart cities?

Let’s Get Start

Advantages of IoT System

IoTs offers many advantages in your business sector and daily-life as well. Here are few significant advantages of Internet of Things that are given below, you can see them:

Also Read: 25 Real-World Applications of IoT | Uses of Internet of Things

Better Communication:

Internet of Things helps to make better communication in between devices like as M2M (Machine-to-Machine) communication. This is because; the physical devices can keep staying connected and thus the total transparency is presence with low inefficiencies and better quality.

Less Human Effort:

IoT devices are able to make communication and interaction with each other without any hindrance; they can perform their all tasks as automatically and enhancing the quality of your business services and decrease the human presence.

Keep Saving Time:

By eliminating the human being efforts, you can keep saving more time. Therefore, time saving is biggest advantages of IoT technology.

Easily Data Collection:

It is easy getting to access your precious information, if you are so far away from your current region; and it has ability to update regularly at the real-time. Thus, IoT devices are capable to access your information with any device from anywhere at any time duration.

Better Security:

Internet of Things devices offers the excellent protection, so it is not possible to hack this system easily. This is because; these IoT devices are using the tighter secret protocol, which notify the user quickly in case of any destructive activity with IoT devices.

Enhanced Resource Utilization:

If you know very well about IoT functionality and way that how can perform their work with each other, then you definitely enhance the overall efficient resource utilization and keep monitoring natural resources as well.

Excellent Customer Experiences:

IoT technology allows you to track your businesses, monitor, and can be analysed customer data quickly as before. Businesses are able to predict shifts and trends as per customer behavior before getting to occur. Modern IoT concept can improve the customer experience by getting to personalize it depend on previous experience. Internet of Things devices also help the businesses gather, broadcast, and analyse the personal data, they have on the customers that assisting to make a better customer experience.

No Need Extra Electronic Equipment:

Electrical devices can be directly connected and make communication along with a controller system like as smart phone, outcomes as efficient electricity utilization. Thus, you don’t have to require any additional electrical equipment.

Tracking Systems:

Internet of Things allow user to keep tracking your personal assets, transportation & traffic systems, security footage, customer orders, delivery, inventory and etc. By using of this cost effectively, tracking system helps to deliver real-time information.

Better Safety:

IoT technology is most useful for safety, because it makes sense any potential danger and alters users. For instance, GM OnStar is an enabled device that helps to identify a major car accident on the highway, then it quickly makes a call if any crash or accident is happened.

Helping in Medical and Healthcare Sector:

IoT is most sufficient to offer the successfully assisted doctors in many complicated medical surgeries that take hours to complete. As well as, patient care can be done with effectively at the real-time without needing the doctor’s visit. It also provides them the capability to make selection and offer the evidence based care.

Keep Monitoring:

Internet of Things permits you to monitor of devices and your personal assets as well. The administrators are capable to check up and monitor their assets with her/his smartphone at any remote location without getting to spend more money on manually labour. As well as, IoT assists you to understand internally detail information of your using devices. IoT pushes the alert user whenever any item is lost or out of stock. Therefore, it keeps life going without getting any hindrance of human being.

Better Accessibility:

With using of Internet of Things, you are easily able to access as the real-time information about your installed devices from remote location. You are also capable to make connection with application and collect the information about your personal assets. For instance, you can switches on the AC whenever they are near to home, then room can be cool before entering.

Having Automation Concept:

The physical devices can be connected with each other as wireless form of concept and thus automation plays the major role in the IoTs. IoT permits to work of IoT devices without human being interruption; because IoT devices can make communication with each other to push and grab any information as real-time at any times.

Better Quality of Life:

Being all applications of IoT culminate in enhanced comfort, excellent management, convenience; hence, it helps to improve the quality of life. For example smart home; by using of IoT technology, users can control their houses with smart solution. Users are able to get access mostly all appliances in their house remotely with helping of smartphones.


With having deep information, you can take better decisions about any concern. Like as you should be needing to know that what to purchase at the grocery store otherwise if any firm has sufficient supplies and widgets. Hence knowledge is power and more knowledge is better.

Traffic systems:

With the using of IoTs, administrator can keep monitoring traffic that led to decreased confessions and road accidents.


IoT is a cost-effective technology; because it assists your business optimize its workflows and less operating prices by offering real-time data. IoT devices are able to proactively advise of its status, therefore your staff can make schedule with maintenance before getting to affect the production. They can be enabled with enlarge systems to improve the operations efficiency and decreasing the cost. For example, smart building system, it is capable to keep tracking and control HVAC systems to monitor building usage and adjust them to grab advantage of lesser time consumption costs that saves large revenue.

Disadvantages of Internet of Things

As IoT technology serves the set of advantages; but it also makes the significant challenges and limitations of IoT technology. Some drawbacks of Internet of Things are shown below:

Also Read: 35 Real World Examples of IoT in Real Life | IoT Devices List

Lack of Compatibility:

As you known that all devices are interconnected with each other, but these IoT devices are manufactures by different companies; then compatibility concern can be created in monitoring and tagging crop up. But, this drawback may be solved if all companies are agreed with common standard. Still this compatibility issue will be created. Now these days, we are using Bluetooth-enabled devices and compatibility issues present in this concept.

Security Concern:

As you known that IoT systems are interconnected and making communication over the network. IoT system provides the little bit control instead of any security measure; and it can easily infect several kinds of network attacks.

Privacy Issues:

Although without getting any active participant on the user; IoT system offers the substantial personal data at the maximum detail.

Fear to Unemployment:

Unskilled workers and even expert persons are at a higher risk of losing their jobs that getting to lead to highly unemployment rates. Robots, smart ironing systems, smart washing machines, surveillance cameras, and other are totally replaced the human being who would easily do these works.

Higher Complexity:

Internet of Things system has most complexity for developing; maintaining, designing, and enabling enlarge technology.

High Possibility of Halting the Entire System:

If any bug enters into your system then it has higher chance that each linked devices will be becoming failure.

No Having any International Standardization:

Internet of Things is not getting any international IoT standard to match compatibility that leads to issue in making communication in between manufacturers of different domain.

Dependency over the Internet:

IoT systems are totally depended upon the internet and unable to perform any function perfectly without it.

Data Breach Issue:

In the IoT system, various physical devices are connected to the internet for transmitting and receiving data. Therefore, all user data is presence over the internet all time, then hackers are able to hack easily this private and precious data. The data breach happens whenever outsiders are capable easily to access the used data without knowing of user. Hence, with the behalf of this data, users can be manipulated easily.

Pricey (Time & Money):

Initially, you have to need higher time and money investment for installing the IoT devices over the network. This is because; hindered of devices (May be more depend on your need) to be bought and installed, skilled staff to configure them, making integration them over the computer network and may be needing support call to the manufacture for assistance. If, they are installing into a one location, then businesses can make up that investment quickly; but, if your business is running many regions then your investment cost can be raised exponentially.

Decreased Physical & Mental Activity:

Due to overuse of the internet and Internet of Things is making people lazy and lethargic. So, IoT is making to lives easily it also leads to produce the health issues, cause of less physical movement. This might also leads to enhance in the stress level in the human being body.

Our life is Controlled by Technology:

Today, each one is attached with technology, and will be totally dependent upon it. Younger generation is already totally addicted with technology for each little thing. We can take decision about how much of our daily lives are we are willing mechanized and handled by technology.

Benefits of Internet of Things

Today, IOTs benefits have been changed that how midsize and small business use devices at the workplace. Now these daya, machine, device, digital landscape, object of all kinds of business can be automatically transferred data via network effectively.

Also Read: 20 Features of IoT | Characteristics of Internet of Things

  • Cost-Expensive
  • Real-Time Asset
  • Resource Visibility
  • Real-time, Predictive and Prescriptive insights
  • Increase End-Customer Experience
  • Enhanced Operational Efficiency
  • Data-Driven insights for Quickly Decision-Making
  • End-to-end, Remote Monitoring and Management of Resources/Assets

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

What are the advantages of IoT security?

IoT devices offer the excellent protection, so it is not possible to hack this system easily. This is because; these IoT devices are using the tighter secret protocol, which notify the user quickly in case of any destructive activity with IoT devices.

What are the advantages of IoT in agriculture?

While enabling IoT agriculture, farmers can be becoming more productive with more efficient with using some resources. As compare to a traditional farming, farmers can increase their yields with decreasing cost and enhance their environmental stewardship.

What are the advantages of IoT in education?

There are many advantages of IoT in education, as follow them:

  • Excellent Using of Tablets & Smartphones
  • Better Support for Specially Abled Students
  • Higher Student Engagement
  • Automation for Teachers
  • Smart Cards and Access Control for Student Safety on Campus
  • Mitigating Issues Involving Physical Cash

What are the advantages of IoT in healthcare?

IoT is most sufficient to offer the successfully assisted doctors in many complicated medical surgeries that take hours to complete. As well as, patient care can be done with effectively at the real-time without needing the doctor’s visit. It also provides them the capability to make selection and offer the evidence based care.

What are the advantages of IoT in banking?

IoT enabled banks allow to better control over the customer’s mortgaged assets like as car, gold, and monitor their health as well.

What are the limitations of IoT in education?

The major drawback of Iot in education is to get access, use, monitoring and data ownership; standardization that falls ‘profiling’ instead of personalization.

What is the problem with IoT security?

As you known that IoT systems are interconnected and making communication over the network. IoT system provides the little bit control instead of any security measure; and it can easily infect several kinds of network attacks.

What Are the major Advantages and Disadvantages of IoT system?

In this post, already we have been shown many advantages and disadvantage of IoT technology in detail, you can read them.

What are the main benefits of IoT in smart cities?

There are various benefits of IoT for smart cities like as:

  • Control of Infrastructure
  • Improved Air Quality
  • Enhanced Communication
  • Saving Time Parking
  • Better Traffic Management
  • Tapping into the Network

Closure: Pros and Cons of IoT

Now, we can hope that you have been completely educated about remarkable advantages and disadvantages of IoT (Internet of Things) as well as drawbacks and benefits of Internet of Things with ease. If this article is useful for you, then please share it along with your friends, family members or relatives over social media platforms like as Facebook, Instagram, Linked In, Twitter, and more.

Also Read: Top 15 Components of IoT (Internet of Things) System

If you have any experience, tips, tricks, or query regarding this issue? You can drop a comment!

Happy Learning!!

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