20 IoT Protocols and Standards | IoT Communication Protocols List

Hi Guys! In this article, we will illustrate you about many commonly used IoT protocols and standards; involving with showing top list of IoT communication protocols with ease. At the end of this article, you will get to know completely all remarkable IoT Protocols and Standards without getting any hassle.

Introduction to IoT Protocols

Today, in your mind one question is arising that how IoT devices can make communication with each other? Okay! How humans can communicate with each other, similar as these IoT devices are able to make communication with each other via their protocols that having name IoT protocols. Protocol refers as the group of rules and regulation terms & conditions about how to react for making commands for other devices. These protocols play the essential role in communication devices.


Internet of Things helps to make your life so simplest and accurate. Moreover, this technology provides the massive job opportunities and still there are several developments are going on.

‘IoT Protocols’ Tutorial Headlines:

In this section, we will show you all headlines about this entire article; you can check them as your choice; below shown all:

  1. Introduction to IoT Protocols
  2. Why are IoT Protocols and Standards Important?
  3. What are Types of IoT Protocols?
  4. List of Commonly Used IoT Protocols:
  5. IoT Data Communication Protocols
  6. IoT Network Communication Protocols
  7. FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)
  • What are IoT protocols?
  • What are the examples of IoT data protocols?
  • What are the most common IoT communication protocols and standard?
  • What are the different types of IoT protocols and standards?

Let’s Get Started!!

Why are IoT Protocols and Standards Important?

IoT protocols are the integral part of the Internet of Things technology; without using of IoT protocol and standards, hardware and software are useless. That is why? Because, IoT protocols are the things that enable such communication that helps to exchange of data and sending commands, in between all those several devices. With using of these transferred pieces of data and commands, end users are capable to fetch helpful information as well as making interaction with and control devices.

What are Types of IoT Protocols?

IoT protocols have two different segments like as IoT data protocols and IoT network protocols. Data communication protocols mostly focus on the information transfer; but network communication protocols offer the path for connecting Iot edge devices along with other endpoint devices or Internet. Each segment has various protocols that each have own unique characteristics and features.

Also Read: History of IoT (Internet of Things) & Future – You Should Know

List of Commonly Used IoT Protocols:

IoT Data Communication Protocols

  • MQTT (Message Queue Telemetry Transport)
  • HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol)
  • CoAP (Constrained Application Protocol)
  • DDS (Data Distribution Service)
  • WebSocket Protocol
  • AMQP (Advanced Message Queue Protocol)
  • XMPP (Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol)
  • OPC UA (OPC Unified Architecture)
  • LwM2M (Lightweight Machine-to-Machine)

IoT Network Communication Protocols

  • Wi-Fi
  • LTE CAT 1
  • LTE CAT M1
  • NB (Narrow Band) IoT
  • Cellular
  • Bluetooth
  • ZigBee
  • Thread
  • Z-Wave
  • LoRaWAN

Let’s get started to describe each category of IoT protocols!

IoT Data Communication Protocols

Here, we will show you about top data communication protocols that are working at the low levels of the OSI (Open Systems Interconnection) without having to need any internet connection. Below all mentioned, so you can find the brief breakdown of few different IoT data protocols like as:

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MQTT (Message Queue Telemetry Transport):

Machine to machine communication can execute by helping of MQTT protocol that introduced by IBM Company. MQTT is a messaging protocol that allows to gathers the data from the installed devices and moves to the network. Therefore, by using MQTT protocol, all communications in between the devices and networks can perform as well.

Message queue telemetry transport is pretty simplest protocol that sends the all data from the sensors to IoT connected devices, then forward to network. MQTT has top rank protocol over the TCP/IP protocol reference model. MQTT protocol contains the three elements like as subscriber, publisher and dealer/broker.

All collected data allows to  interchange in between the publisher and subscriber. Dealer/broker element makes deal to safety connection in between the subscriber and publisher. This protocol just works over the TCP/IP model. Cause of this, MQTT protocol is unable to use for all kinds of Internet of Things applications.

HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol):

HTTP protocol is the foundation of data communication for the World Wide Web. This acronym (HTTP) shows at the starting of each website address then you type. With the concerns of Internet of Things applications; HTTP contains various disadvantages. For example, HTTP protocol builds a synchronous connection in between two devices in order to transfer data that contains the many challenges for IoT deployments. This is because; devices and edge points might not be online at once and connections might be unreliable cause to network condition.

Moreover, hypertext transfer protocol totally relies on the transferring data in ASCII that is not sufficient to broadcast the little bit of data usually exchanged by Internet of Things systems; and it needs the extra processing power to encode and decode messages at the both endpoints. Hence, HTTP communication protocol is a better selection for transferring website’s data, but it usually not considered best choice for an Internet of Things applications.

CoAP (Constrained Application Protocol):

CoAP protocol is going to use along with constrained nodes and networks. Constrained Application Protocol is most convinced for IoT applications, because it helps to decrease the size of network packages; cause of this, reducing the network bandwidth overload. Moreover, this protocol also enable with enhancing the IoT life cycle; keep saving the battery power and its storage space, and getting to shortage the amount of data needed to run.

DDS (Data Distribution Service):

OMG (Object Management Group) introduced the DDS (Data Distribution Service) protocol for the real-time systems. Object Management Group explores DDS as the ‘middleware protocol and API standard for data centric connectivity’ and explaining that ‘It helps to integrate the components of a system together and offering the less latency data connectivity, most reliability and scalable architecture that mission-crucial IoT application and business require’. This machine to machine standard includes the higher performance and highly scale able real-time data exchange by helping publish subscribe pattern.

WebSocket Protocol:

Websocket protocol is the part of HTML 5 Initiative; and it initially released in 2011. This protocol permits the messages to transmit in between the client and the server through the single TCP connection. WebSocket protocol contains the standard connectivity protocol that allows to simplify various complexities and many difficulties are existing in the management of the connections and bi-directional communication over the internet.

This protocol can easily implement to an Internet of Things network; where data allows to make communication regularly across the several devices. So, you are able to find it used as commonly in the places that works as clients and servers. It also enables with runtime environments otherwise libraries.

AMQP (Advanced Message Queue Protocol):

AMQP is a most convinced protocol for the message oriented middleware environment; and it released by John Hara from JP Morgan Chase, London. Advanced message queuing protocol is most helpful for the swapping of reliable messages over the network. By using this protocol carrier, publisher is able to make communication along with subscriber.

All publishers’ messages can save into carrier of advanced message queuing protocol depending on message queue and order. Next, they will move to the most relevant subscriber along with perfect security system layer. AMQP also contains three different abilities that make it most secured and reliable like as:

Exchange: Obtains all messages from the publishers and as per the priories they move to message queues.

Message Queue: All received messages store until they perfectly processed along with client software.

Binding: This element helps to state the connection in between the exchange and message queue.

XMPP (Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol):

XMPP communication protocol designes for message-oriented middleware that based on XML language. This protocol introduced by Jabber open source community, in 1999 that originally meant for real-time messaging. XMPP protocol permits the real time exchange of structured, but extensible data in between two and multiple network clients.

Since its inception, Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol usually adopted as the communication protocol. As an open community supported standard, this protocol Iot’s strengths are going to address and extendibility, which makes it most convinced for consumer-oriented IoT deployments.

XMPP protocol has few limitations in the Internet of Things communication, but it should note that it provides neither quality of service nor end to end encryption. Cause of this drawbacks, it is most predictable that its application along with Iot that will keep staying the loosely linked to the industry.

OPC UA (OPC Unified Architecture):

This protocol is a standard designed for industrial communication that is most strong with oriented to guarantee interoperability in between the operating system, programming language, and manufacture. OPC reported several industrial vendors are currently using the OPC Unified Architecture as the open standard.

This is a transport agnostic protocol, then it will  support both of the recently used architectures like as Web Socket, HTTP and MQTT protocol as well.

LwM2M (Lightweight Machine-to-Machine):

LwM2M protocol’s design especially  for the remote management of M2M devices and related services. This protocol helps to decrease the prices associated along with less power module development and installing devices being fastest IoT solutions.

IoT Network Communication Protocols

Internet of Thing protocols are adopted to make connection with large number of devices over the computer network. This group of protocols are usually implemented over the internet. So, here we will show different types of IoT network protocols in brief detail; below mentioned each one, you can read them:

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Wi-Fi is most eminent IoT protocol, and making the Wi-Fi network, you have to need a device that is able to send wireless signals like as telephone, computer, laptop, router, and more. This protocol offers the internet connection surrounding devices with in certain area. Moreover, Wi-Fi also helps to make a Wi-Fi hotspot. Hence, PCs/Laptops and smartphones might be sharing a wireless and wired internet connection along with other devices by transmitting signals.

Wi-Fi protocol applies the radio waves that transmit all data on the certain frequencies like as 2.4 GHz or 5GHz channels. Moreover, these frequency ranges contain the many channels via different wireless devices can perform; and it avoids the overflowing of wireless networks.


This is a communication standard that is especially designed for offering to service to IoT applications. As compared with other standard, such as low bandwidth, price for enlarge scale and long range IoT systems, as well as communication demands to keep saving the power. LTE CAT 1 is able to work inferiorly to 3G network.


This protocol was introduced by 3rd Generation Partnership Project that is part of the 13 edition of LTE standard. LTE CAT M1 represents to Cat M that is fewer prices, less power, and WAN (Wide Area Network); as well as getting to specialize for transferring less to medium volume of data. Cat M protocol is most convinced being prevailing LTE network that means major carriers will not have to need investing in new one antenna.

NB (Narrow Band) IoT:

NB IoT protocol is a new one that is going to grow as fastest, less power, WAN technology intended to especially point out the requires of battery powered IoT devices. As compared to other cellular protocols, Narrow Band IoT’s benefits get enhancement in the power usage, spectrum efficiency, and system capacity; for instance NB IoT is capable to link vast fleets with up to 60,000 devices per network cell.

Although, Narrow Band IoT has few drawbacks like as limited bandwidth, that can less speed and limited data transmission abilities and make significant features such as over-the-updates difficult otherwise not possible to garb it. This protocol contains also limited rollout and compatible in worldwide geographies; as well as getting to support is growing and fragmented presence is a most risky to any Internet of Things deployment.


Cellular is also most eminent and well known options presence for IoT applications; and better solution for deployment where making communication range over long distance. However, 3G and 2G legacy cellular standards are now phased out. Most of telecommunication firms are scaling the reach of new one higher speed standards, named 4G/LTE and 5G. Cellular protocol offers the highly bandwidth and most reliable communication. It is able to send higher quantities of data that is an essential ability for several IoT deployments. Although, those features come at the price, highly cost and power usage as compare to other options.


Bluetooth is most popular protocol that is going to use for short range communication. It is a standard Internet of Things protocol for wireless data transmission. This protocol is most secured and suitable for less power, low price, and short range; make wireless transmission in between the electronic devices. BLE is a less energy version of the Bluetooth protocol that helps to decreases the power usage and plays the vital role in linking IoT devices.


ZigBee was introduced as the standard for getting to self-configuring, less range radio network, as well as making to intend for using in telemetry systems like as making communication in between many kinds of sensors, keep monitoring devices and wireless reading of measurement outcomes from the heat meters and energy.

This protocol is based on the self-assembly and self-healing grid topology, so it is pretty simple to keep maintaining and installing. This protocol also allows to extend to thousands of nodes. Therefore, Most of suppliers are designing devices that can be easily supported with this open standard.

ZigBee-based networks are specified with less power consumption, less throughput and connectivity range of 1000m in between the installed nodes. These applications are enabled with personal networks, sensors networks, alarm systems, home automation and etc.


This is new one IoT protocol that is totally based on the Zigbee and this technique offering to radio-based internet access to less power devices along with relative small region. Thread protocol is identically to Zigbee or Wi-Fi; but it consumes the higher power. Moreover, it is also self-heating that means specific devices in the network able to work as routers to use the place of a broken and failing router. This protocol is capable to link up to 300 devices as well as up to 32 those devices, which are doing being active routers over the network. Recently, Matter protocol was introduced that can operate at the application level with supportable interoperability in between different IoT devices and protocols, typically works at the upper of Thread.


It is getting more popularity IoT protocol. Z-Wave is a wireless and radio frequency based communication technology that is going to use as primary for Internet of Things home applications. It runs on 700 to 1000MHZ radio frequency, whereas Zigbee works on the 2.5GHz. With working on its own range, this protocol is getting to suffer from any essential interference issues. Hence, Z-Wave is an amazing IoT protocol. Although, it is similar as Zigbee; but its great used in house and not with in business world.


LoRaWAN stands for ‘Long range wide area network’ that is represented as LoRA – is a longer range. It is radio wide networking protocol with using less power. Usually, this protocol helps to make wireless connection with several battery operated devices to the Internet with in global, national, and regional networks. In the Internet of Things area, LoRaWAN plays the major role in the bidirectional communication, localization, end to end protection, and mobile services.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

What are IoT protocols?

IP (Internet of Protocol) is a group of rules and guidelines that shows how data gets transmit to the internet. So, IoT protocols make ensure that all information from one Iot device and sensors read and properly understood by another device like as gateway, modem, services, and etc.

What are the examples of IoT data protocols?

There are many IoT data protocols that are going to use as commonly like as AMQP, MQTT, HTTP, CoAP, DDS, and LwM2M. Above in this post, each one is explained in detail; you can see them.

What are the most common IoT communication protocols and standard?

There is the list of top IoT protocols & standard like as:

  • MQTT (Message Queue Telemetry Transport)
  • HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol)
  • CoAP (Constrained Application Protocol)
  • DDS (Data Distribution Service)
  • WebSocket Protocol
  • AMQP (Advanced Message Queue Protocol)
  • XMPP (Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol)
  • OPC UA (OPC Unified Architecture)
  • LwM2M (Lightweight Machine-to-Machine)
  • Wi-Fi
  • LTE CAT 1
  • LTE CAT M1
  • NB (Narrow Band) IoT
  • Cellular
  • Bluetooth
  • ZigBee
  • Thread
  • Z-Wave
  • LoRaWAN

What are the different types of IoT protocols and standards?

IoT protocols & standards are classified into two different categories like as IoT data protocols and IoT network protocols. In both categories have many protocols, which are commonly used in real-life. IoT protocol list is already shown in this article.

The Bottom Lines

Now, we can hope that you have been completely understood about all commonly used IoT protocols and standards; involving with showing top list of IoT communication protocols with ease. If this post is valuable for you, then please share it along with your friends, family members or relatives over social media platforms like as Facebook, Instagram, Linked In, Twitter, and more.

Also Read: 35 Real World Examples of IoT in Real Life | IoT Devices List

If you have any experience, tips, tricks, or query regarding this issue? You can drop a comment!

Happy Learning!!

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