20 Features of IoT | Characteristics of Internet of Things

Hi Guys! Today, we are going to explain in detail about essential key features of IoT as well as most important characteristics of Internet of Things with ease. After reading of this post; you will definitely fully educate about IoT Features & Characteristics without any hassle.

Introduction of IoT Features

IoT is a network of physical things, which help to keep monitoring as remotely and able to control by using of Internet technologies. In brief, Internet of Things is designed with many objects that are capable to link with internet and obtain the instruction from the smartphone or computer system.


Now these days, IoT is going to open a new world of possibilities for consumers and companies. Internet of Things is able to streamline operations, cutting off prices, and enhance the productivity. IoT might be adopted to provide more personalized experience and flexible customer service along with data available and analytic.

‘IoT Features’ Tutorial Headlines:

In this section, we will show you all headlines about this entire article; you can check them as your choice; below shown all:

  1. Introduction of IoT Features
  2. Features of Internet of Things
  3. Characteristics of IoTs with Examples
  4. FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)
  • What is IoT principles and its features?
  • What are the Key features of IoT platform?
  • What are the main 10 characteristics of IoT devices?

Let’s Get Started!!

Features of Internet of Things

In this section, we will try to explore many key features of IoTs in detail, about which you must know before using them. And behalf of them, you can take decision either Internet of Things are most beneficial for you or not in your daily life. Let’s discuss it one by one:

Also Read: 35 Real World Examples of IoT in Real Life | IoT Devices List

  • Active Engagements
  • Analysing
  • Good Connectivity
  • Sensing
  • Scalability
  • Smaller Device
  • Less Usage of Energy
  • Safety
  • Automation System
  • Integration
  • Security & Privacy
  • Interoperability and Autonomy
  • Common Ecosystem
  • Endpoint Management
  • Network Communication
  • Collected Data
  • Having Dynamic Nature
  • Artificial Intelligence

What are the Characteristics of IoTs with Examples?

There are many remarkable characteristics of Internet of Things as follow them; you should be known about them:

Also Read: History of IoT (Internet of Things) & Future – You Should Know

Active Engagements:

IoT technology has active engagement that means it is able to share the sensing data along with all smart devices that are linked with each other by helping of Wi-Fi. Therefore, active engagement is obtained via Internet of Things. With helping of IoT, you can achieve the active network from passive network.

In the active network, the stream of sensed data is getting to flow regularly; whereas in the passive network data is obtained after connecting to it.


After making to connection with all relevant things, then it will come to real time analysing the data gathered and implement them to establish effective business intelligence. Whenever, you have better insights into collected data from all these things, then we make say our system has a smart system.

Good Connectivity:

In the Internet of Things, all smart devices are able to make communication after connectivity; and connectivity is needed in between all the things of IoT system. Internet of Things system might be cloud or server. After establishing connection in between all smart devices, it needs the higher speed data transfer in between cloud and those IoT devices. Hence, to achieve the security, reliability, and bi-direction, then we can use Wi-Fi, GPS, radio waves, or Bluetooth technology.


The sensors devices are going to adopt in the IoT system for detecting and measuring any update in the environment and deliver to report on their status. Internet of Things technology comes with passive networks to active networks. Without helping of sensors, there are not capable to hold any effective otherwise true IoT environment.


IoT devices have better scalability that means they are capable to scale up and down easily as per user need. Usually, Internet of Things is going to use for smart home automation, as well as large company can be automated and work stations; so these IoT devices can be easily varied in scale. Hence, carrier must be designing with their IoT infrastructure depending on the current and next level engagement scaling.

Smaller Device:

All devices and equipment which are using in the IoT (like as sensors and semiconductor chips) are getting smaller in size. These small built devices are serving the precision and great performance. As well as, these IoT devices are able to deliver so much and increase the quality of living life; for example small size sensors can inform us about quality of air in specific region, and protect us from polluted air.

Less Usage of Energy:

While getting to design IoT ecosystems like as (sensors, Devices, Server etc.), there are basic need to offer energy to every component of Internet of Things ecosystem. Therefore, this developed ecosystem in such manner that it consumes the less energy. Most of smaller size devices use minimum energy than large size devices.


No doubt that IoT system’s safety is not sufficient than as traditional network. This because, there are various components is interlinked with each other in the IoT ecosystem to make communication with each other. With making compromise at any component of an Internet of Things ecosystems might be made lead to failure of the whole pipeline. Therefore, you must be adopted a perfectly security with designing IoT ecosystems.

Automation System:

Each technology is coming along with a specific level of automation. In the scenario of Internet of Things, the theme is all about automation. Main goal of developing IoT is to make people’ daily life and business easily with helping of automation. For example, Internet of Things agriculture system is getting to automate irrigation and avoid the wastage of water as well.


IoT devices are integrated with several cross domain technologies such as artificial intelligence, deep learning, cloud computing, mobile computing, and big data to offer user along with better experience. IoTs is no more Internet of Things, but also, it becomes the internet of everything. Whole ecosystem of integrated devices works with stunning efficiency to increase our quality of living.

Security & Privacy:

Security and privacy is not remarkable feature of all computing system, especially when they are making connection with internet and gather precious data, Internet of Things devices are able to usually gather and process data, as well as personal information such as addresses, name, ZIP code, and medical records. IoT devices also have a friendly interface that authorized users are capable easily to access remotely. These features allow them certain vulnerable to protection breaches. Keeping remember that this security features might not be presented on whole IoT devices.

Interoperability and Autonomy:

As IoT technologies evolve, then their features and characteristics change and improving over time. Today, IoT is evolving fastest, with an enhancing focus on autonomy and interoperability. Autonomy is most important features of Internet of Things that permits devices to work without human interruption. This is most beneficial in the industrial automation. Modern IoT devices are able to sense and respond to changes in their environments. As well as, interoperability is also key feature of IoT that allows devices to make communication with one another across different brands, protocols, and types. Interoperable IoT devices are able to share resources and data, as well as can be managed remotely by administrator.

Common Ecosystem:

Over the IoTs, there are several manufactures and products that are going to use the architecture to supportable with own devices. Cause of increasing the number of devices, its architecture’s importance is heterogeneous like as supportable with different protocols, devices, and technologies. This Architecture has the most responsibility to make ensure that device work with each other and communicate with together.

Endpoint Management:

You should be use the well trained and carefully Internet of Things for the business world. This is because; it is most significant to be the endpoint management of Internet of Things technology, otherwise the entire system may be failure. For instance, if you’re smart fridge orders groceries to a retailer whenever you are out of it. If, you are not present at your home for few days, then it can lead to the wastage of your groceries and halt of Internet of Things. So, you can say that endpoint management is most important characteristic of the IoT system.

Network Communication:

Network communication is a most important feature of Internet of Things. Usually one device is able to use another device’s connectivity to make network connectivity even when next device is not linked to the network. This capability makes communication with each other; as well as IoT more sufficient and scalable as compared to other existing technologies. Internet of Things technology also helps to decrease the time consumption and resources, then it takes to make a service and product. Hence, Iot is most essentially the network of interconnected devices that are capable to swap data over the internet.

Collected Data:

As you know very well that multiple devices are interconnected with each other to share the precious data. This collected data from IoT devices can be utilised to enhance the performance of IoT devices and make them more sufficient. Sensitive data is being gathered over the IoTs that means you are able to keep tracking your exercise, fitness, and your sleep patterns via smart devices like as Fitbit, sleep trackers, and Apple watch. This can be most helpful because it lets you to look what habits you have to require to update in respect to get healthier.

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But, collected data from the few devices/sensors are not valuable without getting to interpretate analysis software that helps to convert data into helpful insights and reports.

Having Dynamic Nature:

IoT technology should be dynamic into update as per the changing in their environment to be any your business use. For example, Smart AC should be capable to set the temp of the room as per the prevalent weather condition by helping of collected data with temperature sensor. It can set the accurate humidity degree internally room according to the changes into humidity level of around nearby you.

Artificial Intelligence:

Artificial intelligence plays the major role in the IoT devices. Today, mostly vendors of Internet of Things devices are adding the special functionality of integrated AI. In the future, there might be some case, then Artificial intelligence is not adopted with IoT. AI helps to minimal the human interruption, where most of designs are are developed by machine like as machine learning-based analytics. For example are Smart Homes, Body Sensors, Robots, and Self- Driving Cars.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

What is IoT principles and its features?

The Internet of Things refers to network of physical objects as known the ‘Things‘; and they are connected with software, sensors, and other technologies for achieving of linking and exchanging data along with other devices and system over the Internet.

What are the Key features of IoT platform?

There are various most important features of IoT like as Active Engagements, Analysing, Good Connectivity, Sensing, Scalability, Smaller Device, Less Usage of Energy, Safety, and etc.

What are the main 10 characteristics of IoT devices?

In this article, already we have been described many significant characteristics of Internet of Things device in detail, you can see then.

Final Remarks

Now we can hope that you have completely learnt about important features of IoT as well as most important characteristics of Internet of Things with ease. If this content is useful for you, then please share it along with your friends, family members or relatives over social media platforms like as Facebook, Instagram, Linked In, Twitter, and more.

Also Read: 25 Real-World Applications of IoT | Uses of Internet of Things

If you have any experience, tips, tricks, or query regarding this issue? You can drop a comment!

Have a Nice Day!!

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