20 Types of URL With Their Examples – You Never Known

Hello friends! Today, here we are going to explain all possible things about different types of URL along with their examples with ease. At the end, make ensure that you will be fully educated about URL Types without any hindrance.

Overview of URL

URL stands for “Uniform Resource Locator” that is a unique identifier and it used to locate a resource on the internet. URLs consist of multiple parts that tell a web browser how and where to retrieve a resource.

different Types of URL

URLs have different parts that help pinpoint exactly what page or part of a page needs to be opened. The different parts of a URL include:

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Scheme: The scheme indicates what protocol is being used. It’s kind of like the type of mail service a person can choose at the post office.

Domain name: This is the name of the website or server where the resource is located.

Path: This specifies the location of the file on the internet server.

Query: This parameter helps to pass data to the server.

Fragment: This parameter is used to identify a specific section of a page.

Port: This is a number that identifies a specific process to which an internet message is to be forwarded when it arrives at a server.

Parameter: This parameter is used to pass data to the server.

Subdomain: This is a domain that is part of a larger domain.

Top-Level Domain: This is the last part of the domain name, such as “.com” or “.org”.

Second-Level Domain: This is the part of the domain name that comes before the top-level domain, such as “google” in “google.com”.

URLs can be complex and may contain more attributes than the basic components listed above. These types of parts of a URL are most important for getting to optimize a website’s user experience and SEO.

Different Types of URLs

Here, we are going to show you different types of URLs along with its suitable examples; below mentioned each one; you can check them:

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Dynamic URL

This URL is a specific address that is created from a database and contains parameters that request data to populate the page. Dynamic URLs are mainly utilized in online billing systems, interactive apps, and other online shops. They are created and displayed to users at the same time as an internet browser request. Dynamic URLs are different from static URLs, which are fixed and do not change.

Product Page URL:

Example: https://digitalthinkerhelp.com/products?id=123

Usage: The id parameter is used to retrieve information about a specific product from a database.

Static URL

Static URL is a web address that remains the same and does not change with user interactions. Static URLs are constructed of a fixed number of pre-built files stored on a web server; they are well-written in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Static URLs are easy to read and understand, and they are typically used for small websites that don’t require personalized content or frequent updates. 

Examples of static websites include resume websites, portfolio websites, brochure websites, one-off landing pages, and other informational or read-only sites.

About Us Page URL:

Example: https://digitalthinkerhelp.com/about-us/

Usage: Links to a static page that provides information about the website or organization.

Absolute URL

Absolute URL is a web address that contains the entire address of the resource it points to, including the protocol, domain, and path. Absolute URLs are used to link to web pages on different servers, and they are essential for creating links that work correctly.

Absolute URL for a Specific Web Page:

Example: https://digitalthinkerhelp.com/about-us.html

Usage: This URL specifies the absolute location of a specific web page like as about us of the website.

Relative URL

Relative URL is a shorthand form of an absolute URL that points to a file or directory in relation to the present file or directory. It does not include the entire pathname of the page to link but the pathname to use is relative to the current page.

Relative URL for a Page in the Same Directory:

Example: about.html

Usage: Links to a page in the same directory as the current page.

Semantic URL

Semantic URL is also known as the user-friendly URL that is easy to read and understand. It is made up of logical parts that show the actual name of the specific web page being viewed, while at the same time displaying where it belongs in the website hierarchy.

Semantic Blog Post URL:

Example: https://digitalthinkerhelp.com/category/computer/

Usage: Clearly indicates that the URL is about creating semantic URLs for a blog post.

Data URL

Data URL is a type of URI that allows content creators to embed small files inline in documents. Data URLs are going to use to encode data in a URL string; they are commonly used to embed images in HTML and CSS. Data URLs are made up of four parts: a prefix (data:), a MIME type indicating the type of data, an optional base64 token if non-textual, and the data itself.

Data URL for Video (MP4):

Example: data:video/mp4;base64,AAAAHGZ0eXBhdABfAAD…

Usage: Embeds an MP4 video file into a webpage. The video data is encoded in base64.

Obfuscated URL

An obfuscated URL is a URL that has been modified to conceal the legitimate location of a web-based resource, such as a website or server. Obfuscating URLs is a common tactic used in various, usually undesirable or outrightly malicious ways.

URL Shorteners:

Example: https://bit.ly/3d8KzAk

Usage: URL shorteners take a long URL and replace it with a shorter, less descriptive one. The true destination is hidden.

Messy URL

Messy URL is a web address that is difficult to read and understand. Messy URLs are often the result of dynamically generated URLs that are created using publishing and content management systems.

Long and Unreadable URLs:

Example: https://digitalthinkerhelp.com/1AeDf21Voo2x0MjbbkVhOYy3zQqtgkW76KmYv3Jg8Tg5e9MvWf6OkfX

Usage: Extremely long and random combinations of characters can result in a messy URL.

Other Types of URLs


Example: ftp://ftp.digitalthinkerhelp.com

Usage: Used for accessing files on a remote server via the File Transfer Protocol.

File URL

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Example: file:///C:/Users/username/document.txt

Usage: Used to access local files on your computer or network.

Mailto URL

Example: mailto:email@digitalthinkerhelp.com

Usage: Opens the default email client with a pre-filled recipient email address.


Example: tel: +1234827890

Usage: Initiates a phone call to the specified number on a mobile device.

FTP URL with Authentication

Example: ftp://username:password@ftp.digitalthinkerhelp.com

Usage: Accessing an FTP server with authentication credentials.

Query Parameter in URL

Example: https://digitalthinkerhelp.com/search?q=URL+examples

Usage: Passing parameters to a web page, often used in search engines.

Fragment Identifier in URL

Example: https://digitalthinkerhelp.com/page#section2

Usage: Directs the browser to a specific section or anchor within a web page.

IP Address URL


Usage: Accessing a web server or resource using its IP address.

Port Number in URL

Example: https://digitalthinkerhelp.com:8080

Usage: Specifying a custom port for accessing a web server.

Summing Up

Through this article, you have completely learnt about different types of URL along with its examples with ease. If this content is valuable for you, then please share it along with your friends, family members or relatives over social media platforms like as Facebook, Instagram, Linked In, Twitter, and more.

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Happy Learning!!

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