Advantages and Disadvantages of Distributed System | Characteristics & Features

Through this article, we are going to explore about several advantages and disadvantages of distributed system; as well as features and characteristics of distributed system with ease. In this blog post, you will get know the merits and demerits of using distributed system.

Introduction of Distributed System

A distributed system provides a computing environment where multiple components are capable to link across many computers over the network. These systems make communication along with each other and manage processes together. Here, every node has small portion of the distributed operating system software.


Hence, the distributed system will show as if it is one interface or system to end-user. This system can utilize the maximize resources and information while avoiding the failures, that means if one system gets halt, then it will not discard the availability of the service.

Article Hot Headlines:

In this section, we will show you all headlines about this entire article; you can check them as your choice; below shown all:

  1. Introduction of Distributed System
  2. Advantages of Distributed System
  • Enhance Performance
  • Data Sharing
  • Autonomy
  • Cost Effective
  • Availability
  • Efficiency
  • Scalability
  • Reliability
  • Fault Tolerance
  • Low Latency
  • Failure handling
  • Lesser delay
  1. Disadvantages of Distributed System
  • High Initial Cost
  • Security Problem
  • Data Integration & Consistency
  • Network and Communication Failure
  • Complexity
  • Management Overhead
  • Network Errors
  • Data Loss
  • Difficult to Handle
  • Overloading Problem
  1. FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)
  • What is the advantage of distributed system over centralized system?
  • What are the advantages of distributed systems over independent pcs mcq?
  • What are the characteristics of distributed system?
  • What are the main features of distributed systems?

Let’s Get Started!!

Advantages of Distributed System

Here, we will guide you several benefits and pros of distributed systems; below shown each one in detail:

Also Read: What is Distributed System? Architecture Types and its Components!!

Enhance Performance

The distributed system allows to increase the overall service performance compare to systems whose function gets the centralized at the one location. It also allows to spread the computational load over the other different kinds of node, then every location is getting lesser stress that means it lets to each node to perform much more smoothly, then it enhances the performance the overall services.

Data Sharing

There also provides the provision at the environments, whereas each user is able to get access all data from at one site instead of other sides.


Cause of data sharing that means all data is available in  distribution form at each site is capable to retain a degree of handle over data, which are kept store locally site.

Cost Effective

Although distributed systems initial set up cost may be higher, but they are cost affordable in long life run. A single system consists of many processors like as mainframe computer, but the distributed system’s design with various computers together. Therefore, this kind of infrastructure is far most cost effective compare to a mainframe system.


If sometimes one site gets the fail in distributed system, then other sites are able to work properly. So, one site failure doesn’t mandatory imply the totally halt of system. A distributed system provides the responsibility to global database administrator for entire system.


The distributed system has efficient for each aspect since they possess several computers; then every computer of them is able to work individually to sort out the problems. So, it also significantly keeps save time of all users.


A distributed system is constructed as default to be scalable. If there is an increase in the workload then user can easily append extra workstations without needing to upgrade a single system. There are no nay limitations to place on the number of nodes that means these nodes will be capable to manage higher demand workload with ease.


A distribute system is also more reliable to single system in order of any failure. Whenever, any single node gets malfunctions then it doesn’t need to pose to the remaining servers. Other nodes are able to perform all functions properly.

Fault Tolerance

If sometimes any one server or data centre gets halt then other machines still provides all services to users.

Low Latency

The distributed system provides the result on less latency. Whenever, anyone machine is located near to user then distributed system will make ensure that the system obtains traffic from that node. Therefore, the uses gets notice that it takes lesser time to server them.

Failure Handling

The distributed system doesn’t totally depend upon one single node. Therefore, if anyone node gets malfunctions then other nodes will continue to function accurately.

Lesser Delay

Now these days, time is a most important thing for business personally and user alike. A distributed system offers a less latency rate. For instance, if anyone user who want to use the internet and load website, then system gets make ensure that the node situated near to the user is using to execute the all loading task in the respect of saving your precious time.

Disadvantages of Distributed System

In this section, we will cover various limitations and drawbacks of distributed systems; below mentioned all:

Also Read: Different Types of Distributed System and Its Examples!!

High Initial Cost

If you try to compare it to a single system, then the start-up cost of a distributed system is much higher. For constructing a distributed system, the expensive infrastructure is used. As well as the constant transmission of information and processing overhead further increase the cost.

Security Problem

Mostly, the security issues happen in many software and hardware device. The all data is kept store in different kinds of workstations, then user requires to make ensure that their data is protected at every these computer system. In the distributed system, it is going to little bit difficult task to handle data to get access.

Data Integration & Consistency

A distributed system is able to get synchronize in the order of changes to data and states of all application is the more challenging tasks; whenever these node are going to start, stop or fail.

Network and Communication Failure

Sometimes, in the distributed system might not be delivered to the accurate nodes then it lead to a breakdown in the communication and functionality.


It is more difficult to involve in the implementation, maintenance and troubleshooting makes the distributed system a complex strategy. So, a distributed system possess difficult in the hardware and software complexity. The distributed system has to need well attentive software, when it is going to handling communication and security.

Management Overhead

The overloading is a most common issue that is facing by the distributed system. It occurs, when all the workstations try to work at a time. There are logging, monitoring, load balancing functions, and most intelligence requires for appending for visibility into the operation and failures of a distributed system.

Network Errors

A distributed system is getting to prone to the network errors that lead to a communication breakdown. The information gets to fail for delivering or not properly sequence. Therefore, the troubleshooting errors are a daunting task since the data is distributed across several nodes.

Data Loss

Sometimes, the data pushed from one machine to another machine can damage middle path, while travelling from source point to destination point. Due to this problem, few messages being damaged that is detrimental to a organization.

Difficult to Handle

A distributed system’s software and hardware are quite complex. So, it is most difficult to maintain and operate the hardware elements for the organizations. The software complexity makes it mandatory for organization to pay special attention to the software elements.

Overloading Problem

Whenever the all nodes of distributed system try to send data at one specific time frame then overloading issue can happen in this system.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

What is the advantage of distributed system over centralized system?

A distributed system has a main advantage over the centralized systems in order of network speed. The information is not kept store at the central location.

What are the advantages of distributed systems over independent pcs mcq?

  • Multiple users are able to invoke commands or interact with application program simultaneously.
  • Multiple server processed run concurrently, then each corresponding to a single request from a client process.

What are the characteristics of distributed system?

There are the five key characteristics of distributed system like as: resource sharing, scalability, openness, fault tolerance and concurrency.

What are the main features of distributed systems?

There are many features of distributed system such as Resource Sharing, Flexibility, Transparency, Heterogeneity, Openness, Scalability, Fault Tolerance, and etc.

Final Remarks

Now, make sure that you have fully educated about various advantages and disadvantages of distributed system; as well as features and characteristics of distributed system with ease. If this article is valuable for you, then please share it along with your friends, family members or relatives over social media platforms like as Facebook, Instagram, Linked In, Twitter, and more.

Also Read: Distributed Operating System: Examples, Types, Advantages, & Features!!

If you have any experience, tips, tricks, or query regarding this issue? You can drop a comment!

Happy Learning!!

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