Types of Distributed System | Examples of Distributed Systems

Through this article, we will introduce you about different types of distributed system and its examples in detail; and involving various examples of distributed systems with ease. After reading this post, you will be fully educate about different types of distributed system with ease.

Introduction of Distributed System

Distributed system provides a computing environment where multiple components linked across many computers over the network. These systems make communication along with each other and manage processes together. Here, every node has small portion of the distributed operating system software.


Hence, the distributed system will show as if it is one interface or system to end-user. This system can utilize the maximize resources and information while avoiding the failures, that means if one system gets halt, then it will not discard the availability of the service.

Distributed System Types Tutorial Headlines:

In this section, we will show you all headlines about this entire article. You can check them as your choice; below shown all:

  1. Introduction of Distributed System
  2. Types of Distributed System
  • Distributed Computing System
  • Distributed Pervasive System
  • Distributed Information System
  1. Examples of Distributed Systems
  2. FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)
  • What are the different types of distributed systems with examples?
  • Which type of network can be used by the distributed system?
  • How many types of distributed system are there?

Let’s Get Started!!

Types of Distributed System

In this section, we will spread the light on different types of distributed system in detail as well as showing their examples; below mentioned all, you can read them:

1) Distributed Computing System

Distributed computing system has two different variants like as cluster computing and grid computing.

Cluster Computing

 In which, multiple computers linked over the network and works as an individual entity. Cluster computing offers the environment to fix difficult problems by providing fastest computational speed and improved data integrity. All linked systems execute all operations with together then making the impression such as virtual device.

This method is going to work as transparency of the system. When client machine provides the input to the main computer then master CPU spits this task into easy jobs and push it to slaves note to do it, whenever the jobs execute by the slave system. They get move back to master node and then it display the out to your main computer.

Benefits Are:

  • Higher processing speed
  • Enhanced resources availability
  • Great flexibility
  • Good scalability and expandability

Drawbacks Are:

  • It should be more difficult to keep manage a enlarge number of computers
  • Needed the large physical space
  • Higher power consumption
  • Degrade performance in the scenario of non-parallelizable applications.

Examples Are: It is also using in many areas such as Aerodynamics, data mining, weather forecasting, and more.

Grid Computing

Grid computing is a distributed model that allows to link many computers to accomplish a combine task. These tasks are compute intensive and getting to difficult for a single system to control. Multiple systems over the network collaborate underneath a common protocol and act as a single virtual supercomputer to done the complicated tasks. This provides the powerful virtualization by generating a single system image that allows the users and applications seamless get access to IT abilities.

Benefits Are:

  • Easy to get collaboration to other organizations
  • Optimal use of the existing hardware
  • Solve enlarge and more complicated problems in less time duration.

Drawbacks Are:

  • Not completely evolved
  • Not interactive for job submissions
  • Not easy task to get sharing system resources to other admins.
  • Few applications are not able to execute along with completely potential.

Examples Are: Grid computing is going to use in different areas like as motion-picture animation, protein folding, weather, climate modelling, oil exploration researches, Cancer Research, Financial Analysis, Earthquake simulations, and more.

2) Distributed Pervasive System

Pervasive system has another name the ‘Ubiquitous Computing.’ It is the new one step for integration everyday objects along with microprocessors then this information is able to make communication. A computer system is present everywhere at the organization or usually available consumer system that seem as that same everywhere along with the similar functionality but that works from storage, computing power, locations across the globe.

Pervasive computing has the combine features of three technologies are:

Digital Communication: This technique offers the higher bandwidth, high data transfer rate at the lower cost across the world wide roaming.

Internet Standardization: This standardization enables with several standardization bodies and industry. They offer the framework for merging all the components into interoperable system.

Micro Electronic: This technology offers the small powerful devices and display while using of less power consumption.

Benefits Are:

  • Less human interaction while connecting multiple devices
  • It is able to processing, collecting, and communication data.
  • Adopt data context and activity.

Drawbacks Are:

  • Not completely secure and not offering well data security
  • Expensive operating cost

Examples Are: Electronic toll system on the highways, tracking apps like as Life360 that allows to track the location of user as well as speed at which they are driving, how much battery life their smartphones have Amazon Echo, Apple Watch, smart traffic lights, and Fitbit.    

3) Distributed Information System

Distributed Information System is classified into three categories such as Distributed Transaction Processing, RPC, and Enterprise Application Integration; below shown each one, you can check them:

  • Distributed Transaction Processing: it allows you get process data at the point where it generates, beyond of overworking of network resources by assembling it at a central processing point. Every database is able to perform its own individual query consisting the data retrieval from two different databases to provide one single result.

Benefits Are:

  • It lets few measure of parallel processing into lesser response times.
  • It offers the common interface to a transaction that allowing connections with various different transactions.
  • It gets enable the batching of less urgent data for a remote system.
  • It also enables the make communication along with applications which are running on the other systems, specifically on non-CICS systems.
  • It makes a buffer in between the security-sensitive file otherwise database and other applications; therefore no application requires get to know about the format of file records.

To set up examples for the Distributed Transaction stage, make the IBM® Db2® tables. They are using by the sample jobs, import the sample jobs, and run a job to populate the source queue with messages.

  • Remote Procedure Call : Remote Procedure Call (RPC) is a very useful technique for making distributed and client-server based applications. RPC works as protocol that one program can obtain to request a service from program situated in other computer over the network without knowing any information of network. 

RPC Examples Are:

There are various examples of Remote Procedure Calls (RPC); below mention all.

Remote File Access: Earliest, RPC was used to remote file and database access. This Procedure Calls was running in Valet-Plus VME-based test system, over Ethernet for getting to access all files on the mainframes and minicomputers.

Remote Software Task Management Load/Start/Control: In this stage, RPC permits the co-coordinating computer to execute various management functions required to configure and start the software in the enlarge data acquisition system.

Remote Graphics: In this case, active monitoring program gets to make call GKS standard graphics primitives, which are executed on a remote workstation.

  • Enterprise Application Integration: It is a special integration framework and middleware that is designed with collection of technologies and services that lets smooth integration all those system and applications entire the enterprise and get enable data sharing and more automation of business processes.

There are different kinds of information systems, which are used into many areas like as:

  • Employee Health Care
  • Customer Relationship Management
  • Human Resource Management
  • Supply Chain Management
  • Business Intelligence Applications

Why to Use of EAI

  • Making ensure for qualities of service like as reliability and security
  • Decrease the on-going cost of maintenance and cut-off the cost of rolling out new one system.
  • To make linkage in between customers, suppliers and regulators

Examples of Distributed Systems

There are many examples of distributed system, which are using in different areas like as:

Healthcare Sector: Distributed system is usually used for keeping store, access, and telemedicine.

Transportation Sector: Distributed systems are also going to use in transport in technologies such as GPS, traffic management system, and route finding systems.

Finance and Commerce: Several online shopping websites also adopt the distributed system technique for accessing the online payments or information dissemination systems in the financial trading.

Telephone & Cellular Network: Cellular network is also good example of distributed system, as early telephone and cellular companies were using the peer to peer network. But, now these organizations are adopting the distributed systems along with base station physically distributed in zones known as the ‘Cell’.

Distributed Real-time Systems: Many organizations are using the real-time system which are distributed globally and locally; like as Lyft use dispatch systems, Airlines use flight control systems, logistics and e-commerce companies use real-time tracking systems, and etc.

Distributed Database Systems: The distributed database is a specific database, that is situated over the many servers and physical spots. This data is either replicated or duplicated across systems.

Distributed Artificial Intelligence: Distributed artificial intelligence is a concept that is use to enlarge scale computing power and parallel processing to get learn and process enlarge data sets by using the multi-agents.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

What are the different types of distributed systems with examples?

There are 3 types of distributed systems like as Distributed Computing System, Distributed Pervasive System, and Distributed Information System. It has many examples, which are using in different areas like as Aerodynamics, data mining, oil exploration researches, Cancer Research, Financial Analysis, Earthquake simulations, and etc.

Which type of network can be used by the distributed system?

A peer to peer network is used into the distributed system; it works on the technique of no centralized control in the distributed system. The node can either performs as a client or server at any offered time once it links the network. If any node request something is known as the client, other side one that offers something is known as server.

How many types of distributed system are there?

A distributed system is classified into three categories such as Distributed Computing System, Distributed Pervasive System, and Distributed Information System; and above in this post, we already explored each one in detail, you can check them.

Final Remarks

Now, i hope that, you have been completely aware about different types of distributed system and its examples; and involving various examples of distributed systems with ease; if this post is useful for you, then please share it along with your friends, family members or relatives over social media platforms like as Facebook, Instagram, Linked In, Twitter, and more.

If you have any experience, tips, tricks, or query regarding this issue? You can drop a comment!

Happy Learning!!

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