What is Computer Network? Examples and Uses of Computer Network

In this article, we are going to explain all possible stuffs related about what is computer network and its examples; and involving of use of computer network with ease.At the end, make ensure that you will completely aware about what is computer network without any hassle.

Computer Network Definition

This means to connect multiple computer system with each other through physical medium (Cable or Wire) or wireless mediu, and this architecture has to know as “Computer Network“.

computer netwrok

Computer Network Diagram

In traditional computer networks, single computer machine, workstation, and servers get link one by one through Ethernet and other cables. But now, advance technologies are available in market in which to make connection between multiple points through wireless technology. 

Computer Network Tutorial Headlines:

In this section, we will show you all headlines about this entire article; you can check them as your choice; below shown all:

  1. Computer Network Definition
  2. Examples of Computer Network
  3. Types of Network Topology
  4. Uses of Computer Network
  5. Advantages of Computer Network
  6. Disadvantages of Computer Network
  7. FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)
  • What is computer network with example?
  • What is computer network and its type?
  • What is the biggest example of computer network?
  • What are the uses of computer network?
  • What are 10 uses of computer network?

Let’s Get Started!!

Examples of Computer Network

Computer network like group of computer machines,  and those computers are connected each other  with different types of  Computer network for sharing their data and applications, such as –

  • Wide Area Network (WAN)
  • Storage Area Network (SAN)
  • System Area Network (SAN)
  • Passive Optical Local Area Network (POLAN)
  • Enterprise Private Network (EPN)
  • Virtual Private Network (VPN)

Types of Network Topology

Network topology is art, in which to represent as geometric that how to link all computers with each other, it is known as “Topology”.  There are different types of network topology such as –

Uses of Computer Network

There are many areas where computer network is used  in internet, and they are divided into in to two segments such as:

  • Pure Network
  • Standalone Network

1. Pure Network 

Pure network applications do not depend on the single computer machine because those applications help to make connection over network and to transfer data from one point to other points.

Few Examples Are:

Email Software

These types of programs help to users for writing messages at their local computer system, and forward it to other users over the network. This is very simple and easy way of moving mail (message) from one computer system to other computer machine.

Some mail programs are

  • Pegasus Mail
  • Outlook express
  • Eudora Windows mail
  • Fox mail
  • Opera
  • Poco mail
  • Mozilla Thunderbird
  • Windows mail


FTP stands for “File Transfer Protocol”, and it allows transferring all files from one computer machine to other computer machines like as client to server process.

File Transfer Protocol performs two tasks are

Upload file – In this process, users access all data from workstation to server machine. For example –   upload images to Google drive.

Download file – In this process, users access all data from server to workstation machine (client). For example – download software from server.

Some File Transfer Protocol programs are

  • FTP in Unix
  • FTP in Linux
  • FTP in Windows


TELNET stands for “Telecommunication Network“, and it is implementing on the LAN connections otherwise internet system. It allows to users for getting access remote computer machine over TCP/IP networks (internet), and to make communication in between both terminals.


Groupware applications are implementing in the advance offices, where has to need for automate and administrative functionalities for examples are chatting (text/video) and video conferencing. These applications help to increase productivity and solve problems. Groupware is an internal part of education known as (CSCW) Computer-Supported Cooperative Work.

Video Conferencing

Video Conference means to make conference between two parties on the different zone (remotely) with helping computer network to transmit voice and video data.

For making video conference, both participants must be video camera, microphone, and speakers connected on their computer machine.

There are some types of video conference such as –

  • Telepresence Video Conferencing System
  • Integrated Video Conferencing System
  • Desktop Video Conferencing System
  • Service-based Video Conferencing System
  • Codec

Some best video conference programs are

  • Zoom
  • Google Hangouts
  • Google Meet
  • GoToMeeting
  • Skype for Business
  • Cisco WebEx
  • BlueJeans
  • Slack


On the internet in real-time, if two or more persons try to make communication with writing text, and then all participants exchange their messages in between, it is known as Chatting.

There are three types of chatting such as –

  • IM (Instant Messaging)
  • ICQ (I seek you)
  • IRC (Internet Relay Chat)

Some Best Chat Apps

  • WhatsApp
  • Telegram
  • GroupMe
  • Line
  • WeChat
  • Kakao Talk (KaTalk)
  • Kik Messenge

2. Stand Alone Network

Stand Alone Applications are used in some years ago, which are installed on every client machines, and these are independent platform, as well as they can operate offline. These applications can be operated on any your favorite operating system,  and all data of applications are saved on Central server to make synchronization between server and applications.

Examples of Stand Alone Network Are:

  • Vlc media player
  • Adobe Photoshop
  • Notepad++
  • Word processors
  • Spreadsheets
  • Database management systems
  • Presentations graphics
  • Project management

Uses of Computer Networks in Home Applications are:

  • Access to remote information
  • Person-to-person communication
  • Interactive entertainment
  • Electronic commerce

Uses of Computer Network in Education and other Fields are:

  • Marketing and sales
  • Financial services
  • Manufacturing. CAD, CAM etc.
  • Information services
  • Cellular telephone
  • Cable television
  • Teleconferencing
  • EDI
  • E-mail etc.

Advantages of Computer Network

There are various benefits of Computer Network such as:

Also Read: What is Hybrid Topology in Network? Advantages and Disadvantages!!

Shareable platform

Computer networking provides great shareable platform to exchange the all information from one computer to another computer over network. These data has different variant like as email, blog post, newsgroups, video conference, and more.

Great collaboration

On the computer network, multiple persons can login on the same platform at a time, and their location may be (remotely) different areas over the world. All people are able to login into their account on their location and can be accessed all data or files. Now these days, computer networks are become more advance, and they allow to global collaboration for all variants of groups.

Cut-off cost with joining of computer network

Tandy 1000 had more costly with $1200 in 1984, and that PC clone computer was designed with cost affordable to use for word processing and home computing. But it was not able to access internet. But now all computing devices are cheaper, and they allows to access internet with 4G and 5G speed.

Off-line data storage

Now these days, several threats are getting via internet, technology structure, and computer system. So today, it is more necessary to save all information off-line, which is flowing over the network for getting protection for the intruders. In future, if anyone wants to access old stored data then those data can be accessed from storage devices.

Portable connection to computer network

Today, it is not difficult to make connection with computer network. All computers has inbuilt programs that help to connect another devices just with clicking on the shortcut prompt. For examples, every smart phone has Wi-Fi that helps to make connection over network.

Personalize connection to network

Today, it is getting more fraud via network like as Cyber crime. So to decrease the probability of cyber threats, computer network provide great tools, which are leading to protection as well as increasing productivity. It offers to some access authority that helps to access specific data with trustworthy person.

Other advantages are:

  • Computer network allows multiple persons to access internet with single internet connection (ISP). So, no need to purchase separate cable for every computer system to access internet, because it helps to reduce the cost of accessing internet.
  • With using of computer network, many problems can be solved. For example – if you are using medical emergency then to begin crowd funding page, Over the internet everyone can share own experiences then can be build up large audience.
  • Computer network helps to save money with sharing single (printer, plotter, Fax machine) via multiple computers. In network structure,  no required to connect separate printer with every computer.
  • Due to computer network, entrepreneur opportunities are generating. For example – Fiver, Freelance, Guru, Upwork, and other online portal are deliver freelance opportunities to buyers and sellers. If you want to become millionaire then you can accept several platforms such as write a blog, sell products on Amazon, or create YouTube videos because of computer networks.
  • Computer networks are delivering several opportunities to education, because many universities deal in online education, and provide online degree like as IGNOU University. It is possible with help of computer network.

Disadvantages of Computer Network

There are some limitations of computer network, such as :

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Less Independency

In the computer network, to perform all tasks with using of computers, its components, computer network operating system, and servers. SO computer networking is totally depend on those parts, if any part of network is get break down then network system get halt, and without those component network system is useless.

Protection Problem

In networking system, huge number of persons are perform their tasks such as use resources for sharing their data form one point to other destination. So, here it can be increase the probability of getting illegal activities.

Less Robustness

Due to break down the central server of network system, the entire computer network gets become fail, and if any bridge server gets damaged then computer network performance also get degrade. So we can say network system has lack of robustness.

Possibility to get Virus and Malware

All computer terminals are connected with each other on the network architecture. If any computer gets infection then viruses and malware can be infected to entire network.

High expensive of Network

Cost of network system can be getting high because it is depend of using their cabling and equipments.

Need Technical Staff

Computer network always contains the big architecture, so to manage of that network need technical staff. In the network structure, having various technical connection and different configuration, so it is not easy task to perform by unqualified person.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

What is computer network with example?

Computer network is represented to as a data network that is series of interconnected nodes that are ready to transmit, receive and exchange the data into text, audio and video format. For example of computer network is the internet that connects millions of persons all over the worldwide.

What is computer network and its type?

Computer network refer to connect multiple computer system with each other through physical medium (Cable or Wire) or wireless medium and this architecture is called the Computer Network. There are different types of computer network for sharing their data and applications like as Home Area Network (HAN), Personal Area Network (PAN), Local Area Network (LAN), Wide Area Network (WAN), Metropolitan Area Network (MAN), and etc.

What is the biggest example of computer network?

Internet is the world’s largest computer network.

What are the uses of computer network?

The main goal of using computer network is to enable communication for each business, entertainment, and research purpose; such as email, audio and video sharing, online commerce, online search, live-streaming, and so on.

What are 10 uses of computer network?

  • Access to remote information
  • Person-to-person communication
  • Interactive entertainment
  • Electronic commerce
  • Marketing and sales
  • Financial services
  • Information services
  • Cellular telephone
  • Cable television
  • Teleconferencing

Final Verdicts

Through this blog post, you have been completed learnt about what is computer network and its examples; and involving of use of computer network with ease. If this article is valuable for you, then please share it along with your friends, family members or relatives over social media platforms like as Facebook, Instagram, Linked In, Twitter, and more.

Also Read: What is LAN (Local Area Network)? Types and Examples!!

If you have any experience, tips, tricks, or query regarding this issue? You can drop a comment!

Happy Learning!!

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