History of IoT (Internet of Things) & Future – You Should Know

Hi Friend! Today, here we are going to reveal the last 200 years of the brief history of IoT (Internet of Things) to see the progression of IoT technology from the first electromagnetic telegraph IoT devices that is using in the healthcare and insurance industries.

Heart of the innovation should be most effective and accessible communication. Hence, IoT has introduced it possible for devices to transmit data from one to next. Few year ago, the exchange of information in between all devices has usually been used to as M2M (Machine-to-machine) communication. M2M permits devices to send and obtain information. This all data is stored in the platform that sorts and then interprets the data.


Internet of Things devices continues to flood the consumer market. The IoT technology is going to continue to experience unprecedented growth along with main tech giant seizing the opportunity.

Who Is the Father of IoT?

The Internet of Things was given name as a technology by Kelvin Ashton in 1996. Further, Kelvin explored own ideas with working for manufacturing giant Pocter and Gamble with brand manager as Oil of Olay. After passing sometimes, Ashton recognized a disconnect in between the actual inventory on the shelf and inventory system at the retailer. This is because; all store’s workers and managers were capable to scan the barcodes of item to sell them.

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Hence, they can predict that there was few sort of back-end tracking that would let them know, if items were not available. While getting to empower the shelf and register to talk to the items and inventory system, then Kelvin closed the space in between supply chain management and inventory tracking system. Hence, Kelvin found the name ‘Internet of Things’; and further he amended that this name “IoT” might have been a great description.

IoT History Timeline

Internet of Things has complex and longer history, and dating back to the early days of the computing. Here, we will try to simplify the timeline of the brief history of IoT and few of key remarkable events; below shown each one, you can see them:

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1832s: Baron Schiling developed the electromagnetic telegraph in Russia; and further in 1833 Wilhelm Weber and Carl Friedrich Gauss discovered first their own code to make communication over the distance with 1200 m along with Göttingen, in Germany.

1844s: First Morse code public telegraph message ‘What hath God wrought’ was sent by Samuel Morse from Washington D.C. to Baltimore.

1955s: First wearable computer was introduced by Edward O. Throp in 1955 that was using for predicting roulette wheels. This instrument could be easily fit inside the shoe and cigarette pack and will be enhance the odds of winning roulette.

1962s: First commercial modem was designed by AT&T, named was Bell 103. This great invention would further deal with M2M cellular modems; and these devices bring with cellular connectivity with your Internet of Things devices.

1965s: At the first time, two computers and other two electronic devices made communication, in MIT Lincoln.

1968s: Theodore Paraskevakos was invented M2M (Machine-to-Machine Communications) in 1968. After few years, Paraskevakoa was able to introduce the electric meters that could communicate along with electric grids.

1969s: ARPANET (Advanced Research Projects Agency Network) was the firstly wide area packet switched network along with distributed control and one of the first networks to use the TCT/IP protocol suite.

1970s: First wireless networks were introduced that is laying the groundwork for Internet of Things technology.

1973s: First mobile phone was invented by Martin Cooper while working at the Motorola Company. This invention was being introduce cellular data and further, and the data plans we are getting with familiar today. This invention was big part of Internet of Things as many alternatives available for IoT and M2M data plans.

1974s: Starting of TCP/IP that is framework for getting to organise the group of communication protocols that is used in the Internet and computer networks based on its functional criteria.

1975s: First personal PC was sold out for just over 350$. The MITS Altair 8800 and IMSAI 8080 both are going to use the Intel 8080 CPU (central processing unit).

1980s: First commercial networks are introduced with opening new possibilities to mobile computing devices and wireless data transmission.

1982s (Origins of the Internet): Vinton Cerf was doing  work as manager at the U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, and Bob Kahn start working at the first edition of TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) and IP (Internet of Protocol). Further, TCP/IP will become the universal language of the Internet that permitting to computers to make communication over longer distances.

1983s: First personal computer was being with touchscreen abilities, HP-150 was available for buy. On the same time, Motorola also introduces its first commercial mobile phone that was Motorola DynaTAC 8000X.

1984s: DNS (Domain Name System) was introduced in 1984 that is distributed naming system for computers, services, and other resources over the Internet or other Internet Protocol (IP) networks.

1989s: Tim Berners-Lee introduces the World Wide Web that allows the ‘Hypertext Document’ to be displayed by ‘Browser’.

1990s: First smart toaster was created by John Romkey that could be handled via Internet; it was first IoT device. Romkey showcased this invention at the INTEROP conference.

1991s: First SIM card was introduced by Munich to wireless networks, in 1991; that allowed devices to make conection along with multiple direct sources. This invention was confirmed for M2M (Machine-to-Machine) SIM cards that would be most important for Internet of Things growth. This M2M SIM cards allowed devices to make communication along with one another as they connected to cellular data.

1994s: The first WearCam was introduced by Steve Mann.

1995s: The internet was adopted as commercial being Amazon and Echobay.

1998s: Google is incorporated. As well as, ‘In Touch’ was created by Scott Brave, Andrew Dahley, and Professor Hiroshi, that is a project at MIT.

1999s: With working at Procter and Gamble, Kelvin Ashton coined the name ‘Internet of Things’ while presentation on RFID. As per this point, industry leaders started to make experiment various with capability to link devices to one another.

2000s: LG Company was decided to plans for a fridge along with Wi-Fi supportable. This would be also the first of several smart household items.

2002s: The Ambient Orb made by David Rose, this product was capable to monitor the personal portfolios, weather, Dow Jones, and etc.

2003s: Most of firms begin with using the term ‘IoT’ at the place of M2M; and this also altered sub-terminology like as M2M SIM card to IoT SIM card.

2005s: Nabaztag that is Aldebaran Robotic was made by Rafi Haladjian and Olivier Mével in company Violet. This is WiFi enabled rabbit and was capable to notify and speak to you about alarm clock, RSS-Feeds, stock market reports, news headlines, and more.

2006s: The first European IOT conference is held that is recognized by EU.

2007s: First official announced the ‘Smart Grid’ that is signed into US law through Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007. This smart grid is a linked with electric grid that is enabled with smart meters, renewable energy resources, and smart appliance.

2008s: IPSO (Internet Protocol for Smart Objects) Alliance was a non-profit firm formed that bring many companies of all kinds together in pursuit of wireless technology standard for next level. These firms are doing to work with discovering and implement new ideas in the field of Internet of Things. Further, IPSO Alliance merged with OMA (Open Mobile Alliance) to form OMA SpecWorks.

2010s: Internet of Things is going to become main force in the consumer market being product such as Amazon Echo and Net thermostate, these are getting more popularity household products. Business gets regular to finding out the new ways to user IoT technologies to enhance efficiency and earn insight into their activities.

2011s: Launch the IPV6 as publically.

2014s: Dublin takes the first rank in becoming the IoT smart city. Smart Dublin was taken the initiative that uses Internet of Things devices to enhance city functions. These improvement are included the new one carbon neutral stadium, hundreds of smart bins, city with sound monitoring sensors, and sensors monitoring flood levels. Dublin also sought to get inspiring the tech innovation and entrepreneurship in their city for going to continue growth.

2015s: Google introduced its developer toolkit for Internet of Things that means, Android Things. They will be announced as open source. Then, all IoT devices and applications manufacturers are able to create their products on this technique.

2016s: Ongoing distributed denial of service attacks are fired by botnets and getting to compromise worst protected IoT devices.

2017s: As more Tech Giants gets to realize about advantages of IoT, then we have been looked a enlarge enhance in Internet of Things devices every year. Then, in 2017, we got all records 8.7 billion IoT devices that is a 35% increase.

2018s (Health Care Industries): Internet of Things moves the healthcare and health insurance sectors, and this technology permits health care professional for getting to access patient data, It also helps to boost up the quality of wearable medical devices.

2020s: The Internet of Things continues to evolve along with 5G networks starting to be rolled out and new apps for IoT technologies emerging constantly.

Management of IoT Devices

Internets of Things of devices are usually enabled with sensors that help to gather data about around there. This collected data is broadcast over the Internet to a centralized location; where it can be easily analysis and utilise to enhance the performance of the device otherwise system as entire. The most essential concern about IoT device management is that keeping to track of all devices over the network and making ensure, they can perform their functions perfectly. They are also serving updates and security patches to keep the devices safe from getting to hack and other cyber-attack.

IoT device management can face many challenges for enlarge IoT network, cause of the all number of devices that are involved. As we as, there are various software platforms present that allow to simplify the process.

Future of IoT

The potential IoT application’s range is limited just by human imagination and most of these applications offer many advantages, as well as it people. At 2018 analysis of more than 750 IoT developments that is ledded by World economic forum in collaboration along with research firm IoT Analytic, appeared that 90% of available IoT deployment address, otherwise have the power to modern, UN’s Sustainable Development Goals.

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Internet of Things smart roads, which are connected along with self-driving cars might be enhance driver safety and optimize traffic flow, essentially decreasing the average commute time by 35 minutes. Real-time crime mapping and predictive is policing tools might also assist prevent crime.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

What was the first IoT device?

Toster was the first IoT device that is invented by John Romkey in 1990.

Who is father of IoT and Why to invent it?

Kevin Ashton is known as the father of IoT.

Which is the first IoT city in world?

The San Francisco bay region is the technology motor of the world

When IoT was introduced India?

In 2015, Indian government has formulated as Draft IoT policy along with vision to design linked and smart IoT enabled system for our country’s economy, global needs, society, and environment.

Why IoT will be successful in future?

IoT will be most successful in coming years; this is because, it will be enabled with more efficient use of resources.

Final Verdicts

Now, we hope that you have been completely educated about last 200 years of the brief history of IoT (Internet of Things) with ease. If this article is helpful for you, then please share it along with your friends, family members or relatives over social media platforms like as Facebook, Instagram, Linked In, Twitter, and more.

Also Read: 30 Advantages and Disadvantages of IoT | Benefits of IoT in Real Life

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