Mobile Computing Architecture with Diagram | 3-Tier Architecture & Structure

Hello Friends! Today, through this article, we are going to detail information about 3-tier mobile computing architecture diagram with neat diagram without getting any hassle.

What is Mobile Computing Architecture?

This architecture represents the blueprint about the multiple layers in between network hardware components, devices and user application interface. Well – establish architecture is required for getting to access data, systematic calculations and software objects as well.

Mobile Computing: Mobile computing is wireless technology that lets you to broadcast the data, video, and audio through devices which are not attached along with any physical medium. The main feature of mobile computing is that all computing devices are portable nature and linked over a computer network.

Mobile Computing Architecture Tutorial Headlines:

In this section, we will show you all headlines about this entire article; you can check them as your choice; below shown all:

  1. What is Mobile Computing Architecture?
  2. 3-Tier Architecture of Mobile Computing
  3. Mobile Computing Architecture Layers
  • 1-Tier Presentation Layer
  • 2-Tier Application Layer
  • 3-Tier Data Access Layer

4. FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

  • What is mobile computing architecture?
  • What are characteristics of mobile computing architecture?
  • Which are the three tiers of architecture of mobile computing?
  • How many layers are present in mobile computing architecture?

Let’s Get Started!!

3-Tier Architecture of Mobile Computing

Mobile computing is enabled with three-tier architecture that has three major layers, so here we will explore each one layer with its functions; below shown all:

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Mobile Computing Architecture Layers:

  • Presentation Layer (UI): This layer lets users to face device handling and rendering.
  • Application Layer (AL): It allows executing business logic and rules.
  • Data Access Layer (DM): It lets to get access and management.

1-Tier Presentation Layer

  • This presentation layer lets to execute all applications on the client devices and provide complete user interfaces.
  • It has main responsibility is to present information to edge-user.
  • Users are able to grab all information via speakers, vibration, screens, etc.
  • Users can sent the information with helping of input devices like pen drives, mouse, keyboard, touch screens and so on.
  • This layer is enabled with WAP browsers, customized client programs, web browsers, etc.
  • Presentation layer allows accomplishing via client-side data source, Dynamic HTML and data cursors.
  • Presentation layer must be context aware and device-independent.

2-Tier Application Layer

  • In the application layer, business logic performs all tasks as server for client requests from workstations. It works as business rules fetch or enter data through the Data Layer.
  • It is enabled with few technologies such as PHP, .Net services, JSP, Java and so on.
  • Presentation and database-independent
  • This layer identifies that which types of data is required and performs as client in relation to a third tier or programming that may be situated on a mainframe computer or locally.
  • It takes decision on rendering, network management, security, data store access, need for many types of middlewares.
  • Their components are not linked to certain client, so they can be implemented by all applications and can be proceed to other locations, as responding time frame and other needed rules.

3-Tier Data Access Layer

This layer is implemented to keep store data that is required by application and work as repository for both temporary and permanent data.

  • Data access layer is built up of DBMS that offers all data for above two layers.
  • This layer is also known as ‘DBMS Access Layer’
  • All data is stored into many format like as text files or relational DB.
  • In this layer, to ignore the dependencies on the storage mechanism offers for getting to update or change without the application tier clients that is affected by aware of change.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

What is mobile computing architecture?

Mobile computing architecture refers to define the relation in between several layers like as Presentation Layer (UI), Application Layer (AL), and Data Access Layer.

What are characteristics of mobile computing architecture?

It provides the reliable the performance, maintainability, flexibility, re-usability, and scalability to architecture, it also assists to invisible complexity of distributed processing from the user.

Which are the three tiers of architecture of mobile computing?

Already we have been explored above each one layer in this article, you read them.

How many layers are present in mobile computing architecture?

There are three layers like as Presentation Layer (UI), Application Layer (AL), and Data Access Layer.

Bottom Lines

Now, we can hope that you have completed educated about mobile computing architecture with its diagram, and 3-tier architecture along with their three layers like as Presentation Layer, Application Layer and Data Access Layer.

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Also Read: What is Soft Computing and Its Applications and Techniques?

If you have any experience, tips, tricks, or query regarding this issue? You can drop a comment!

Happy Learning!!

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