What is Client Server Network? Advantages, Disadvantages, and Examples

A client server network is communication concept where many client programs are always ready to share the services of a common server program. Now, here we will cover all things about what is client server network and its example? as well as various advantages and disadvantages client server network. I can hope that at the end of this article, you will get fully aware about what is client server network with ease.

What is Client Server Network?

Client server network is such model where one side server machine delivers the various services to other side client machine for grabbing those services. So this type of model is known as the “Client-Server Networking Model“.

Client Server NetworkDiagram of Client-Server Network

Centralized powerful computer control entire network; so you can say it the “Server“. When client sends the requests for grabbing many services, then server terminal is getting to open the window for incoming all requests.

Client Server Network Tutorial Headlines:

In this section, we will show you all headlines about this entire article; you can check them as your choice; below shown all:

  1. What is Client Server Network?
  2. How to Work Client Server Model
  3. Advantages of Client Server Network
  4. Disadvantages of Client Server Network
  5. Examples of Client Server Network
  6. FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)
  • What is client-server network operating system with example?
  • Where is client/server network used?
  • What is the real life example of client server network?
  • What are the main advantages of client-server networks?
  • What are the disadvantages of client-server network?

Let’s Get Started!!

Server is also capable to perform all types of massive operations such as security and network management. It has also right to handle all types of network resources like as files, folders, directories, various applications, and other shared terminals such as printer etc.

If, anytime any client wants to need those services, then it firstly takes all permissions from server side through sending request. This type of Server is capable to deliver several services for various client machines not for specific one client. So client server network enables with many-to-one relationship model.

Mostly Local area networks design on the base of client server model relationship.

Client Server network was getting more popularity in late 1980, but in 1990 various applications swapped from centralized minicomputer and mainframe system to computer network system of your personal computers.

How to Work Client Server Model

In this section, we will explain all working of client server network that how to work internet via web browsers.

Client – Client is a service requester that sends the requests to server for obtaining of necessary services.

Server – Server is a high performer computer machine that delivers many functionality for another device or program.

working of client server netwrok

  • Client (user) feeds the URL (Uniform Resource Locator) of any website, then browser sends the requests to DNS (DOMAIN NAME SYSTEM) server.
  • DNS server machine find out the appropriate address of your web server.
  • DNS server is responsible to responds with using of IP (Internet Protocol) address of your web server.
  • Then, Browser fires HTTP/HTTPS requests to IP of web server.
  • In the next step, server sends all needed files of your website.
  • Finally, browser is getting to render all files and your website is visible on your system, and its rendering activities completed with using of DOM, CSS and LS engine.

Advantages of Client Server Network

There are few benefits of client server architecture, such as –

Advantages of Client Server Network over Peer to Peer Network:

  • Client server network has fully right to control all activities of entire network centralized.
  • All data save on the central area.
  • All network devices can handle centrally.
  • All concern like as Backups and network protection also can manage centrally.
  • All users also have right to access entire shard files which stored centrally.
  • Users are able to access all data anytime and anywhere, so you have not any place boundation.
  • It can scale that means as per the requirement its size can expand.
  • It provides the Integration of services that means It grants permission of all your client to access corporate data with using of own terminal, and to eliminate all unnecessary log in permissions.
  • It allows users to share all resources on the other different platforms and locations.
  • Client server network design on the base of distributed model that means to replace, repair, any updating and relocate server without affecting of client.
  • It is capable to bear massive usage.
  • Client server network has best management to keep all records of entire files, so all users can find any file easily.
  • It allows to all users to decrease the data replication for their applications.

Disadvantages of Client Server Network

Here, we will spread light on some limitations of Client Server Model, such as

Disadvantages of Client Server Network over Peer to Peer Network:

  • If, main server gets halt then entire system will fail.
  • More expensive to configure their hardware and software components
  • To need well qualified technical staff for maintaining the server.
  • Traffic Congestion Problem – If large number of client try to send requests at the same time frame then “Traffic Congestion Problem” can create.
  • Its cost is not affordable for normal users.

Examples of Client Server Network

There are four examples of Client Server Network Model. Below explain each one –

Four Types of Client Server Network

Web ServersWeb server likes as high performance computer system that can host multiples websites. On this server, to install different types of web server softwares like as Apache or Microsoft IIS, which delivers access to hosted several websites on the internet, and these servers link with internet through higher speed connection that delivers ultra data transmission rates.

Mail Servers – Email servers helps to send and receive all emails. Some softwares run on the mail server which allow to administrator to create and handle all email accounts for any domain that hosted on the server. Mail servers use the some protocols for sending and receiving emails such as SMTP, IMAP, and POP3. SMTP protocol helps to fire messages and manages all outgoing email requests. IMAP and POP3 help to receive all messages and handle all incoming mails.

File ServersFile server is a dedicated systems that allow users to access for all files. It works like as centralized file storage location, and it can access by several terminal systems.

DNS – DNS stands for “Domain Name Server“, and it has huge database of different types of public IP addresses, and they link with their hostnames

These types of server help to deliver all resources (like as files, directories, shared devices such as applications and printers) to client terminal like as PCs, smart phones, PDAs, laptops, tablets etc.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

What is client-server network operating system with example?

Client-server refers a kind of distributed processing and in which an application splits into two segments; where every consists on the separately operating systems, but perform all functions together to offer a service to the end user. There are some examples of client/server network like as UNIX/Linux and the Microsoft family of Windows Servers.

Where is client/server network used?

Client–server network is usually using for many areas like as game hosting, web services, and for the private networks that are going to use in several organizations.

What is the real life example of client server network?

In this article, already we have been explained many examples of client server network; you can check them.

What are the main advantages of client-server networks?

  • Client server network has fully right to control all activities of entire network centralized.
  • All data is saved on the central area.
  • All network devices can be handled centrally.

What are the disadvantages of client-server network?

  • If, main server gets halt then entire system will be failed.
  • Client server network is need special network operating system.
  • More expensive to configure their hardware and software components

The Bottom Lines

Now, make ensure that you have been completely understood about what is client server network and its example? as well as various advantages and disadvantages client server network with ease. If this post is helpful for you, then please share it along with your friends, family members or relatives over social media platforms like as Facebook, Instagram, Linked In, Twitter, and more.

If you have any experience, tips, tricks, or query regarding this issue? You can drop a comment!

Happy Learning!!