12 Different Types of PCB (Printed Circuit Board) – Easiest Guide

Hi Learner! Today, here we are going to explain about different types of PCB (Printed Circuit Board) in detail with ease. After completing this article, we make ensure that you will definitely completely aware about how many types of PCB without getting any Obstacle.

Introduction of PCB

PCB stands for ‘Printed Circuit Board’; it has also another name the PWB (Printed Wiring Board) or EWB (Etched Wiring Board). These PCBs are going to use in different kinds of electronic devices to offer the mechanical support and pathway to its electronic parts. PCBs enable with combination of numerous sheets of non-conductive material like as fiberglass or plastic, which can held with copper circuitry.


Whenever, the board contains just copper tracks and features, and no having the circuit element like as resistor, capacitor or other active devices made into the actual substrate of the board. It is most perfectly representing to the printing wiring board or etched wiring board. 

Types of Printed Circuit Board (PCB)

There are various different kinds of PCBs available in the market. They constructed from different materials and manufacturing specification for a board range of numerous applications. Here, we will show you list of the common types of PCB circuit boards; below mentioned all, you can check them:

Also Read: 15 Applications of PCB | Uses and Examples of Printed Circuit Board

Single-Sided PCB:

This PCB is the very simple with less cost printed circuit board. These kinds of PCB contain just one single layer of base substrate (Fiberglass) and one single conductive (copper) layer. On this PCB, electronic parts are usually not getting to embed on plate by getting holes. This is because, all electronic components placed on one side, but conductive circuit is using on other side. Hence, the conductive layer is just applying for forming the circuit. So, you can say them as one Layer PCB or Single Side PCB or single Layer printed circuit board.

Benefits of Single-Sided PCB:

  • Easy to manufacture 
  • Cost affordable
  • Most convince for less density designs
  • It can repair, when it gets wrong.
  • Easy to design

Double-Sided PCBs:

Double sided printed circuit board contains one single layer of base substrate, but conductive layer is implementing on both sides of the substrate. But, solder mask can apply on both sides of the PCB. Holes are using for electronic parts to plate via conductivity on both circuits. Therefore, the conductive holes in the printed circuit board permit the circuit on the one side to link to circuit on the other side.

Electronic components can solder on the both sides. But, hole of electronic parts and surface mounted components are getting to solder on either side of this kind of PCB. As well as, Surface Mount Components are also getting to solder being surface mount technology. Thus, here two or double conductive layers are using to form the circuit, so it is known as the Two Layer PCB or Double Sided PCB.

Benefits of Double-Sided PCB:

  • Better flexibility
  • Improve the circuit density
  • Most helpful for enhanced electronic systems
  • Low price
  • Decrease the size that makes circuit compact

Multilayer PCB:

Multi-layer printed circuit board comprise the more than 2 copper layers such as 4L, 6L, 8L, and so on. These types of PCBs can scale technology applied in double sided PCBs. Several layers of a substrate board and insulating material isolate the layer in the multi-layer PCBs. These PCBs are available into smaller size that serves the advantages of space and weight. These multi-layer PCBs are going to use in the laptop, smartphone, tablets, GPS trackers, PCs, and more.

Benefits of Multi-Layer PCB:

  • Robustness
  • Flexibility for higher level design
  • Having higher speed of circuit

Rigid PCB:

Rigid PCBs represent to those kinds of printed circuit boards whose are getting to use  base material fabricated from the solid material that are unable to twisted or folded. These PCBs get compose with multiple layers, which enable with copper layer, substrate layer, silk screen layer, and solder mask layer.

They are adhered together being heat and adhesive. But, few circuit board can single side3d, double sided, multi layered or rigid PCBs might be any of them based on the needs. Once designed, they are unable to update or modify. These types of PCBs are going to use in the tablets, mobile phones, X-rays, computer, laptops, GPS tracker, temperature sensors, control tower instrumentation, CAT scans, MRI systems, and so on.

Benefits of Rigid PCB:

  • Less making a noise
  • Capable to absorb vibrations
  • Compact size
  • Cost affordable
  • Easy to make repair and diagnostics
  • Having lightweight

Flex PCB:

Usually, the substrate is getting a flexible board as a flexible plastic. This primary material allows the board to install into forms that inflexible board unable and to turn or shift while using, without most dangerous the circuit on the PCB. Even, this PCB tend to charge more to intend and make as compare to rigid PCBs. Flex PCBs are also present in the market as single-sided, double-sided, and multilayer configurations. Thus, they help to elimination in the complexity of the unit assembly. These PCBs are going to use in the flex solar cell, automotive industries, cellular telephones, organic light emitting diode (OLED) fabrication, LCD fabrication, and more.

Benefits of Flex PCB:

  • Remove the connectors
  • Keep saving space
  • Enhanced repeatability and reliability
  • Offer the uniform electrical characteristic for higher speed circuitry

Rigid-Flex PCB:

Rigid-flex PCB combines technology of rigid and flexible circuit boards. Rigid flex board has a rigid circuit board that connects to a flex circuit board. These types of printed circuit board are able to compound, when design is getting to demand.

Hence, All different kinds of PCBs along with PCB prototyping and manufacturing enable with Sided PCBs, Double Sided PCBs, Multilayer PCBs, Rigid PCBs, Flex PCBs, Rigid-Flex PCBs, and so on. Rigid flex boards can easily design in a compact way, and its lightweight nature that makes them a better solution for the different range of application in the medical, and consumer electronics areas, and aerospace.

Benefits of Rigid-Flex PCB:

  • Enhance resistance
  • Lightweight
  • Eliminate the space requirement via 3D ability
  • 360 degree bendability
  • PCB assembly processes are most simplify

HDI (High Density Interconnect) PCB:

Today, HDI printed circuit boards are going to use in the frequency range of 500MHz – 2GHz. Hence, they can use in many frequency crucial apps such as microwave PCBs, micro strip PCBs, communication systems, and more.

Aluminium Backed PCB:

These types of printed circuit board are getting to use in higher power apps, and aluminium construction assists in the heat dissipation. These PCBs provide the higher degree of rigidity and less level of thermal expansion that makes them ideal for apps getting higher mechanical tolerance. They are going to use in power supplies and LED.

High Frequency PCB:

The major difference for manufacturing higher frequency printed circuit board that consist to design itself. These kinds of PCB are getting to design to facilitate signal over 1 gigahertz. Based on the application, higher frequency printed circuit boards might need apply of enhanced laminate material and controlled impedance.

LED Printed Circuit Boards:

LED printed circuit boards are particular kinds of PCB, which are going to use in a wide array of lighting modules and applications. Large number of light emitted diodes are integrated to a PCB forming a fully circuit, that are allowing complete control of their behaviour via several kinds of chip and switches.

 These PCBs are going to use handle lighting arrays with various devices and set ups like as Street & tunnel lighting, Signal lighting, Medical room & device lighting, Automotive lighting, and so on.

Blank PCB:

The blank printed circuit boards are simply the empty circuit board that can use as freely from any of the parts, which  embed to make a functioning circuit board. Blank circuit board is also called the ‘Copper-Clad’ board, cause of the coating of copper the board has around it. This coating permits the board to have an effective and most efficient flow of electricity whenever parts install on the board.

Custom PCB:

A custom printed circuit board consists the smaller electronic parts and strips of conductive material like as copper and printed on to a piece of insulated material. These PCBs are going to use to integrate circuits and other electrical components while you keep saving space, instead of the complexity of the parts of PCB.

Advantages of Custom PCB:

  • Cause of the direct printing legends, it reduces the need of decals.
  • It also offers the at once verification of functionality.
  • Keep saving space and condensed circuitry
  • It enables with automatically production, hence it decrease the labour price; and improve the repeatability, quality, and accuracy.

Disadvantages of Custom PCB:

  • Need the initial designing time and tooling
  • Most hassle to revise the many times
  • Due to higher amperage, it can destroy the PCB
  • Today, PCB technology updates to quickly that with in two year. So, parts in the PCB design can become obsolete and costly to repair and replace.

Final Words

Now i can hope that you have been fully educated about different types of PCB (Printed Circuit Board) in detail with ease. If this post is helpful for you, then please share it along with your friends, family members or relatives over social media platforms like as Facebook, Instagram, Linked In, Twitter, and more.

Also Read: 20 Advantages and Disadvantages of PCB | Benefits of Printed Circuit Board

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Happy Learning!!

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