Dynamic Partitioning in OS | Variable Partition in Operating System

Hi Learners! Today, here we will explain all possible things about what is dynamic partitioning in OS; involving with examples, applications, advantages and disadvantages with ease. This is unique article over the internet. Therefore, after reading this content; you will definitely fully understand about Dynamic Partitioning in Operating System without getting any hassle.

What is Dynamic Partitioning in OS?

Dynamic partitioning is memory management technique that allows the system to allocate and deallocate memory resources as needed. Dynamic partitioning allows the creation of new memory partitions otherwise the resizing of existing ones at runtime, then getting to optimize the memory utilization and enhancing the system performance. This technique is most remarkable for efficient memory allocation, decreasing internal fragmentation, and accommodating varying process needs.

Dynamic Partitioning in Operating System

Dynamic partitioning is an internal segment of the contiguous memory allocation approaches. It is using to alleviate the problems faced due to fixed partitioning. It facilitates many advantages like as no internal fragmentation and no limitation on the size of processes; but it can make leading to increased external fragmentation and involve complex memory allocation mechanisms. 

‘Dynamic Partitioning’ Tutorial Headlines:

In this section, we will show you all headlines about this entire article; you can check them as your choice; below shown all:

  1. What is Dynamic Partitioning in OS?
  2. Working Process of Dynamic Partitions
  3. Types of Dynamic Partitioning in OS
  4. Difference between Fixed and Dynamic Partition in OS
  5. Advantages of Dynamic Partitioning
  6. Disadvantages of Dynamic Partitioning
  7. Applications of Dynamic Partitioning
  8. FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)
  • What is dynamic partitioning in OS with example?
  • Which algorithms work best for Dynamic Partitioning?
  • What are the examples of Dynamic Partitioning in OS?
  • How does Dynamic Partitioning differ from Fixed Partitioning?
  • What is internal fragmentation, and how does Dynamic Partitioning address it?
  • How are partitions created and managed in Dynamic Partitioning?
  • Can Dynamic Partitioning lead to a situation where no memory is available for a process?
  • How does Dynamic Partitioning impact system performance?

Let’s Get Started!!

Working Process of Dynamic Partitions

The working process of dynamic partitioning in operating systems involves the following steps:

Partition Creation: Partitions created according to the need of the process, and their size is equal to the size of the process.

Partition Management: The operating system maintains a table of all memory partitions in the system, including their sizes and status (allocated or free).

Memory Allocation: When a process requires memory, the operating system searches the table for a free partition of the required size.

Memory Deallocation: After a process completes, its assigned space get free, and the partition size adjusted accordingly.

Partition Resizing: Partitions can resize at runtime to optimize memory utilization and improve system performance.

Types of Dynamic Partitioning in OS

There are several types of dynamic partitioning schemes, each with its own advantages and disadvantages. Here are some common types, including:

Fixed Partitioning

Fixed partitioning is a memory management technique that is using in operating systems; whereas the system memory has a fixed number of partitions of equal size.

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Each partition can easily allocate to the single process; but the size of the partition unable to change at runtime. The primary goal of fixed partitioning is to provide a simple and predictable way of organizing and managing memory.

Advantages of Fixed Partitioning

Simplicity: Fixed partitioning is straightforward to implement and understand. The division of memory into fixed-size partitions simplifies memory management.

Predictable Performance: The allocation and deallocation of memory are predictable, leading to deterministic behaviour and efficient resource utilization.

Prevention of External Fragmentation: Fixed partitioning helps prevent external fragmentation as each partition get dedicate to a specific process.

No Overhead for Partitioning Information: Since the size of each partition get fixe; there is any need for additional overhead to store information about the partitions.

Disadvantages of Fixed Partitioning

Internal Fragmentation: Fixed partitioning can lead to internal fragmentation, as processes may not perfectly fit the size of the partition, resulting in wasted memory.

Inefficient Memory Utilization: Processes with memory requirements smaller than the partition size can result in inefficient use of memory.

Limited Flexibility: The fixed nature of partitions limits the system’s ability to adapt to varying workload requirements or changes in the number of processes.

Wasteful for Small Jobs: Small processes may allocated large partitions, leading to inefficient use of memory.

Difficulty in Managing Priority: Allocating fixed partitions to different priority levels or classes of processes can be challenging.

Variable Partitioning

In this memory management, partitions don’t create until a process will execute. The size of each partition is equal to the size of the process, which varies according to the process’s requirement. This helps in avoiding internal fragmentation. The number of partitions in RAM not fixed; but they will depend on the number of incoming processes.

Advantages of Variable Partitioning

Efficient Memory Utilization: Variable partitioning allows for more efficient use of memory by allocating just the amount of memory required by each process, minimizing wasted space.

Adaptability: The dynamic allocation of variable-sized partitions adapts well to varying workloads and different memory requirements of processes.

Reduced Internal Fragmentation: Since the size of each partition adjusted to match the actual needs of processes, internal fragmentation get minimize.

Flexibility: Variable partitioning provides flexibility in managing memory, allowing for a more dynamic allocation of resources.

Disadvantages of Variable Partitioning

Increased Overhead: The dynamic nature of variable partitioning introduces additional overhead in terms of managing and updating information about the various memory partitions.

Complex Implementation: The algorithms and mechanisms involved in managing variable partitioning can be more complex as compared to fixed partitioning.

Possibility of External Fragmentation: Although these efforts help to reduce external fragmentation, it may still occur, especially if processes are being constantly allocated and deallocated.

Difficulty in Predicting Memory Layout: The variable nature of partition sizes makes it harder to predict the layout of memory at any given time.

Buddy Partitioning

Buddy partitioning is also known as the buddy system or binary buddy system. It involves the dividing memory into fixed-size blocks or partitions, and each a power of two in size.

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The buddy system is a compromise between fixed and dynamic partitioning, as it allows for efficient use of memory and reduced fragmentation while maintaining a predictable memory allocation.

Advantages of Buddy Partitioning

Efficient Memory Utilization: Buddy partitioning allows for efficient utilization of memory by splitting and merging blocks dynamically.

Reduction of Fragmentation: The buddy system is effective in reducing both internal and external fragmentation.

Fast allocation and deallocation: The buddy system allows for fast allocation and deallocation of memory blocks, as it is easy to merge adjacent holes

Simple Implementation: The basic concepts of the buddy system are relatively simple, making it easier to implement compared to some other memory management techniques.

Disadvantages of Buddy Partitioning

Not Ideal for Arbitrary Block Sizes: The buddy system is most efficient when allocation requests come in powers of two. Requests for sizes that don’t align with powers of two may result in some internal fragmentation.

Internal Fragmentation: The buddy system can lead to internal fragmentation, where a block may be larger than what the process requires, leading to wastage of memory.

Overhead in Splits and Merges: Frequent splits and merges can introduce overhead, particularly in systems with a high degree of memory allocation and deallocation activity.

Other Partitioning Techniques Are:

Indexed Allocation:

  • An index table is maintained, where each entry corresponds to a partition.
  • The table contains information about the status (allocated or free) and the size of each partition.
  • Efficient for quick lookups but may incur extra overhead.

Multiple Partitions:

  • Divides memory into fixed-size partitions, and each partition can hold one process.
  • Reduces internal fragmentation but may lead to inefficient use of memory.

Difference between Fixed and Dynamic Partition in OS

Here are the differences between fixed and dynamic partitioning in tabular form:


Fixed Partitioning

Dynamic Partitioning

Partition Size

Fixed-sized partitions are created in advance

Variable-sized partitions are created as needed.

Memory Utilization

May lead to internal fragmentation

May lead to external fragmentation

Memory Allocation Speed

Allocation is typically faster

Allocation may be slower due to search overhead

Wastage of Memory

Fixed-sized partitions may lead to wasted space

Variable-sized partitions may reduce wastage


Less flexible as partition sizes are predetermined

More flexible as partitions adjust dynamically

 Advantages of Dynamic Partitioning

The advantages of dynamic partitioning in operating systems include:

Efficient Use of Memory: Unlike static partitioning, where fixed-sized partitions assigned to processes regardless of their actual memory needs, dynamic partitioning allocates memory based on the actual size of the process. This results in more efficient use of memory and reduces wastage.

Better Handling of Variable-Sized Processes: Processes in a computer system can have different memory requirements. Dynamic partitioning is well-suitable for handling variable-sized processes, allocating memory based on the actual needs of each process.

Reduced Fragmentation: Dynamic partitioning can help minimize both internal and external fragmentation. Internal fragmentation get reduce because memory allocated precisely to match the size of a process, and external fragmentation get minimize through dynamic adjustments and reorganization of memory.

Optimized System Performance: By adapting to changing system conditions and efficiently managing memory, dynamic partitioning contributes to optimized system performance. It ensures that available memory is using effectively, leading to better responsiveness and throughput.

Support for Multi-Programming Environments: Dynamic partitioning is essential for multi-programming environments where multiple processes coexist. It allows the operating system to allocate and deallocate memory for different processes concurrently, supporting a higher level of concurrency.

Facilitates Virtual Memory Systems: Dynamic partitioning is a key component in the implementation of virtual memory systems. In virtual memory, processes don’t entirely load into RAM, and dynamic partitioning allows for on-demand loading and swapping of portions of processes between RAM and secondary storage memory.

Flexible Memory Allocation Strategies: Dynamic partitioning supports various memory allocation strategies, such as first fit, best fit, worst fit, etc. This flexibility allows the operating system to choose an allocation strategy based on the specific characteristics of the workload or system requirements.

Enhanced System Stability: Efficient memory management contributes to system stability. By avoiding issues like excessive memory wastage or fragmentation, dynamic partitioning helps maintain a stable and reliable computing environment.

Disadvantages of Dynamic Partitioning

Here are some of the drawbacks associated with dynamic partitioning:

Memory Overhead: Dynamic partitioning requires maintaining data structures to keep track of allocated and free memory blocks. This overhead in terms of memory and processing can impact system performance.

Complicated Allocation Algorithms: Implementing and managing dynamic partitioning involves the use of allocation algorithms such as first fit, best fit, or worst fit. These algorithms introduce complexity and may require additional computational resources to search for appropriate memory blocks.

Search Time for Allocation: Depending on the allocation algorithm used, the operating system may need to search through the memory space to find a suitable partition for a process. This search time can impact system efficiency, especially in cases of large memory spaces.

Increased Allocation Time: Dynamic partitioning may result in increased time for memory allocation and deallocation compared to simpler memory management schemes. The dynamic nature of memory management requires additional bookkeeping and adjustments.

Vulnerable to Thrashing: In systems with high levels of multitasking or when memory is overcommitted, dynamic partitioning may contribute to thrashing. Thrashing occurs when the system spends more time swapping pages between main memory and secondary storage than actually executing processes, leading to degradation in performance.

Limited Support for Real-Time Systems: Real-time systems often require predictable and deterministic behavior, and dynamic partitioning may not be suitable in scenarios where precise control over memory allocation and deallocation times is critical.

Complexity in Implementation: The implementation of dynamic partitioning can be complex, involving the management of various data structures and algorithms. This complexity can make the operating system code more intricate and potentially harder to maintain.

Applications of Dynamic Partitioning

Here are some real-life applications where dynamic partitioning is relevant:

Multi-Tasking Operating Systems: Dynamic partitioning is extensively using in multitasking operating systems where multiple processes run concurrently. Each process requires a portion of the system’s memory, and dynamic partitioning allows the operating system to allocate and deallocate memory as needed.

Server Virtualization: In virtualized environments, multiple virtual machines (VMs) run on a single physical server. Dynamic partitioning is using to allocate and manage the memory resources for each virtual machine, ensuring efficient utilization of the server’s memory.

Cloud Computing: Cloud platforms often host a variety of applications and services with varying resource requirements. Dynamic partitioning enables cloud providers to allocate and manage memory resources dynamically among different virtual instances based on demand.

Database Management Systems: Databases often deal with large amounts of data, and dynamic partitioning can use in memory management to efficiently handle database operations. Memory dynamically allocated for queries, sorting, and caching to optimize performance.

Web Servers: Web servers handle multiple concurrent requests and dynamic partitioning plays a role in managing the memory used by the server processes. This is crucial for handling varying loads and ensuring responsive web services.

Graphics Processing: In graphics processing units (GPUs), dynamic partitioning is using to manage memory resources for rendering graphics. Graphics applications may have varying memory requirements, and dynamic partitioning allows for efficient allocation based on the specific demands of each application.

Embedded Systems: Dynamic partitioning is relevant in embedded systems where resources are often limited. Operating systems in embedded systems use dynamic partitioning to manage memory efficiently for various applications and tasks running on the device.

Mobile Operating Systems: Mobile devices run multiple applications simultaneously, and dynamic partitioning helps in managing the memory requirements of these applications. Mobile operating systems use dynamic partitioning to optimize memory allocation for apps running in the background or foreground.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

What is dynamic partitioning in OS with example?

Dynamic partitioning in operating systems allocates variable-sized memory partitions for processes at runtime, and reducing internal fragmentation. For example, whenever a process requires memory, the system dynamically creates a new partition of the exact size needed, improving overall memory utilization.

Which algorithms work best for Dynamic Partitioning?

The Worst Fit Algorithm works best for Dynamic Partitioning. This algorithm gets easily to allocate the memory to processes with selecting the largest available partition and then dividing it into two parts; one for the process and one for future use. This is also helping out to minimize external fragmentation and optimize memory utilization.

What are the examples of Dynamic Partitioning in OS?

Examples of dynamic partitioning in operating systems include systems that employ allocation algorithms like First Fit, Best Fit, or Worst Fit. These algorithms dynamically create variable-sized memory partitions for processes based on their specific memory requirements.

How does Dynamic Partitioning differ from Fixed Partitioning?

In Fixed Partitioning, the memory is divided into fixed-sized partitions, whereas Dynamic Partitioning allows variable-sized partitions based on the actual memory needs of processes.

What is internal fragmentation, and how does Dynamic Partitioning address it?

Internal fragmentation occurs when allocated memory is larger than the actual size of the process. Dynamic Partitioning minimizes internal fragmentation by allocating memory based on the exact size of the process, reducing wasted memory space.

How are partitions created and managed in Dynamic Partitioning?

Partitions are created dynamically as processes are loaded into memory. The memory manager keeps track of available memory and allocates partitions as needed. When a process completes, the corresponding partition is deallocated and can be used for future processes.

Can Dynamic Partitioning lead to a situation where no memory is available for a process?

Yes, if the available memory is fragmented into small, non-contiguous blocks, it may not be possible to allocate a single contiguous block large enough for a particular process, leading to memory allocation failure.

How does Dynamic Partitioning impact system performance?

Dynamic Partitioning can lead to efficient memory utilization, but it may introduce overhead due to the need for dynamic allocation and deallocation.

Final Remarks

Now, we can hope that you have been fully understood about what is dynamic partitioning in OS; involving with examples, applications, advantages and disadvantages with ease. If this useful for you, then please share it along with your friends, family members or relatives over social media platforms like as Facebook, Instagram, Linked In, Twitter, and more.

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Happy Learning!!

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