25+ Advantages and Disadvantages of DBMS (Database Management System) | Drawbacks & Benefits

Hi Learners! Today, we will give you tutorial about many advantages of DBMS & disadvantages; as well as involving with benefits and drawbacks of database management system with ease. I make ensure that after reading this post; you will definitely fully aware about advantages and disadvantages of database management system without getting any hassle.

DBMS (Database Management System) is software that helps to keep store and retrieve user’s precious data while getting to consider the appropriate protection concerns. MySQL and Oracle are most popular database that is going to use in different types of applications. DBMS serves the user-friendly environment to execute many operations such as storing data, modify data, creating a table, creation a database, and etc.


Database management system takes the request for data from an application and instructs the operating system to offer the certain data. DBMS also lets users to create their own databases as per their needs.

Advantages of DBMS

Here, we are going to cover many advantages and benefits of database management system; some of these are explained below:

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Enhanced Effectiveness of Data Exchange:

DBMS provides the formation of an environment, where end users are capable to get best exposure along with well managed data. Database management system also allows to exchange across authorized database users; and every user is getting separately access privileges to the database system. This database is easily readable by the administrators; and he has permission to attach the users with a database. Then end-user is capable to get response quickly with changing in their environment along with this variant of access.

Heightens Data Protection:

The large amount of people have right to get access to the data, thus it is getting to higher likelihood of a data protection compromise. Therefore, organizations invest more time, effort, money, and resources to make ensure that its data is to be used as a perfectly at the first place. Then, just authorized users have the permissions to get access the database along with using of the credential details. So, DBMS serves a blueprint for getting better data privacy and security standards.

Keep Maintain Data Integrity:

Data integrity helps to make the unification of multiple files into a singular file. Thus, with the feasibility of DBMS, it makes easily to decrease data redundancy; as well as data integration allows to remove the duplication and redundancy as well as data inconsistency. Several files might have different kinds of details about the specific person or entity that is known as the data inconsistent.

Enhanced the Decision-Making:

Well organized data and improved data access serve the excellent quality information that allows to assist for making the better decisions. So, generated quality proves information totally based on the quality of the underlying data. Data Quality is an extensive concept that promotes the better accuracy, validity, and timeline of the data. But, DBMS is not capable to make ensure the data quality that offers the foundation for the data quality activities. Thus, productivity of the end users has improved.

Provide Backup of Data:

Data is the most sensitive asset for an entity; so data loss is major issue for all types of small and large scale organizations. The file system allows users to get back up the files at the frequently interval that leads to waste of resources and time. But, database management system fixes this concern for taking backup with automatically and recovery of a database. So, users are able to get restore the retrieve information from the cloud or drive, when it is removed from the system.

Data Abstraction:

Data abstraction helps to hide the complexity of the data from basic user. It allows to abstract the data from user that is not valuable for the users; it displays just those data that are helpful to the users.

Easy to Data Manipulation:

The DBMS allows the data to manipulate with ease, because data is getting to centralize so once the data structure is defined. So, you can easily exchange in data such as modification, insertion, or deletion.

Fix the Redundancy Problem:

Data redundancy means that presence of lots of copies of the identically data at a same time. So, DBMS helps to manage the data redundancy and integrity of all data into a one database file. While controlling the data redundancy, users can save the storage space and enhance the retrieval and update speed.

Support Multiple Users:

  • Multiple users have right to get access the identically database at a same time without any hindrance.
  • DBMS also allows multiple users to get access same database form different remotely regions to finish its different tasks with differently ways.
  • A lot of users are also able to view a data at once.

Improved Data Access:

The database management system helps to make the quick answers to ad hoc queries. From the database perspective, a query is certain request issued to a DBMS for data manipulation like as read or update the data. Simply enter a query is a question, then DBMS gives back an replay to the application. For example – end user makes lead with huge amount of sales data, may wish quick answers to the question as ad hoc queries.

Enhanced End-User Productivity:

The presence of data can be merged with a tool, then transform it into a usable information, empowers end user to make quick, and getting to inform decision that can make the difference in between the success and failure at the global economy. 

Eliminate of Data Inconsistency:

The database management system is able to control the data redundancy and data consistency.  Data inconsistency means that different kinds of files consist the diverse information about a specific person and object. Your data will be shown only one time, then updated valued are quickly present to all users. When DBMS are getting to decrease the data redundancy, thus database system makes lead to great data consistency

Easily Shared Data:

DBMS allows to share data by many applications at the centralized with ease. Users are capable to make any application without creating any new one stored files. So, database management system also helps to design a friendly environment; where end users are also able to get access and manage data. DBA has fully authorized to get access a database; as well as assigning users for getting to access the database.

Enforcement of the Standards:

The DBMS has also central control to the database. Therefore, a database administrator can make ensure that all applications obey few standard like as document standards, format of data, and etc; and this standard let’s to migrate of data or swapping the data.

Not Permitted the Unauthorized Access:

Unwanted persons have not granted to get access the database, due to its security credentials.


Tuning approach helps to adjust the something for taking better performance, so DBMS offers the tune-ability to enhance the performance. Administrator of database adjusts the database to achieve the accurate output.

Disadvantages of Database Management System

There are some limitations and drawbacks of DBMS; some of these have been explored, you can check them:

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Expenditures of Hardware and Software:

Users have to need higher speed CPU and massive working memory to execute the DBMS software that mandatory involves the acquisition of more expensive hardware. The price of hardware maintenance, software, and personal needed to work and handle the database system can be substantial. While getting to install the database systems, few problems like as training, licensing, and regulatory compliance are sometimes underestimated.

Scale and Complexity:

Cause of enlarge range of functions, it serves the database project’s scalability is getting to scaled. It is also going to support several GUIs for making the user interface. DBMS might be also utilized in conjunction along with other potential software. So, its complexities as a whole are enhanced by this entire situation. Due to all those usage, its process is getting higher complicated. User require get to know other SQL language to keep maintain the data and operate a database.

Massive Dimensions:

You have to need huge storage disc space to DBMS to work perfectly. It also requires additional software, and this software requires storage capacity. It may be needed Gigabytes of space for entire database management setup.


The productivity of complicated procedure might be enhanced to the database management system, but simplest processes are also created more difficult.

Regular Requirements for Updates:

The Database management system is mostly focus on enhancing their products by releasing the new elements that are culminated in the recurrent replacement or upgrade phase. This technology is enabled with new software update versions. Therefore, hardware updates are necessary for many of these versions. Apart of it, updates expense lot of money; as well as monitoring database users and administrators that how to use and manage the new abilities demand effort and resources.

Bad Performance:

Its performance may not be done as higher as expectation.

Higher Prone to Failure:

The centralization of resources is getting to enhance the vulnerability of a system, because all users and applications totally trust on the presence of DBMS. If any component gets halt then its operation would be effective.

Cost of DBMS:

  • You have to need higher speed processor and enlarge memory space to work the database management system. Cause of this, costly hardware is required.
  • DBMS is a complex system, so well training is needed for novice user to operate the database management system. So, trainer charges the huge amount for giving stable training to workers to run the DBMS.

Wrapping Up

Now, i hope that you have been fully educated about many advantages and disadvantages of DBMS; as well as involving with benefits and drawbacks of database management system with ease. If this article is fruitful for you, then please share it along with your friends, family members or relatives over social media platforms like as Facebook, Instagram, Linked In, Twitter, and more.

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Happy Learning!!

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