20+ Advantages and Disadvantages of SQL | Features & Benefits

Hi Learners! Today, we are going to cover in detail about many advantages and disadvantages of SQL (Structured Query Language); as well as involving with benefits and features of SQL database with ease. This is unique post over the internet. Therefore, we make ensure that after reading this article; you will definitely fully aware about pros and cons of using SQL database without getting any obstacle.

SQL stands for ‘Structured Query Language’; and it is using to make communication along with a database. As per the principle of ANSI (American National Standards Institute); it is a standard language for RDBMS (Relational Database Management Systems). SQL statements are mostly going to use for perform various tasks like as update data on the database otherwise retrieve data from a database as well.


Dr. Edgar F. “Ted” Codd of IBM is the father of relational database because he explored the relational model for a databases; then further it appeared the Structured Query Language, in 1974.

(Structured Query Language) SQL Pros and Cons

Here, we will guide you about many pros and cons of SQL database; as well as limitations and benefits of SQL (Structured Query Language) with ease.

Advantages of SQL Database

The SQL (Structured Query Language) has several advantages that make it most eminent and most demanded in the market. Therefore it is most trustable and efficient language for making the database communication. Some of merits and advantages of SQL database are listed below; you can check them:

  • High Speed & Efficient Query Processing
  • No Coding Skills Required
  • Well Standardized Language
  • Great Portability
  • Highly Interactive Language
  • Multiple Data View
  • Usage of Internet:
  • Massive User Based Community
  • Robustness Database Performance Analysis

Benefits of SQL: Why You Should Use SQL?

Cause of many benefits of SQL database, you should be use SQL (Structure Query Language). Below mentioned plenty benefits of SQL; as well as various reasons why people prefer it.

High Speed & Efficient Query Processing:

SQL is capable to get retrieve a massive amount of data record from the database with instantly and efficient. It is a relations database that can get classified the data into structured manner. It can execute their operations such as insertion, deletion, querying, manipulation, and calculations in seconds through analytical queries into a relational database.

No Coding Skills Required:

You don’t have to need large number of lines of code for database system. Therefore, it can be easily keep managed this database without getting to remember the substantial amount of code. Usually, SQL developed with English statement; then it makes easiest to learn and type SQL queries. In which, few basic keywords such as SELECT, INSERT INTO, DELETE, UPDATE, etc. are using to carry out the operations.

Well Standardized Language:

As you known very well that SQL works with standardized structure query language. ANSI (American National Standards Institute) and ISO (International Standards Organization) approved for managing the relational databases.

It contains enlarge, detailed and well established documentation over years. So, it offers the uniform platform worldwide for all their users. In 1986 and 1987, ISO and ANSI  accepted it as standardized the language.

Great Portability:

(SQL) Structure query language is most eminent feature that allows to keep store data into database. Due to its great portability, it is going to use in many programs in personal computers, laptops, server, few mobile phones and other separated of any platform (Operating system).

As well as, it also using into several applications as per user’s requirements. User also easily able to transfer from one system to another system without any losing data; it also uses on your local system like as internet and the intranet.

Highly Interactive Language:

SQL is a domain language that is getting to use make communication along with a database. So, it makes easily to learn and understand of their commands for all purposes. These commands can easily understand by the non-programmers; it can receive the responses to complicated queries within seconds.

Structure query language (SQL) is going to use for establishing and administer enlarge databases, enabling with data sharing, updating, and retrieval from plenty tables. The main objective of using it is to employ the SQL in a many applications like as data analysis, IT support, web development, and more.

Multiple Data View:

A view is SQL statements, included with specified SQL queries, which are getting to keep store into a database. The SQL (Structure Query Language) offers every user a individual view of the data. SQL is also capable to serve the distinct views of a database’s structure and content of different users.

Usage of Internet:

Three-tier internet architecture are most convince along with SQL architecture, therefore application server, client, and database components construct the architecture. It can allow to construct from single or multiple tables based on the queries that written or the objective that view with satisfaction.

Massive User Based Community:

The Structure query language that is going to use since 50 years. Therefore it is most trust able and still extremely used. It is also getting to boast a network of specialist eager to offer suggestion and well build up best practices. It also provides many opportunities to enhance the skill and collaborates. SQL’s consultants and supplier also serve the additional assistance if required by someone else. The developers will be capable to find out the result, they need using SQL.

Robustness Database Performance Analysis:

SQL is widely going to use and easy to understand, so there are lots of tools, which help to optimize and oversee your SQL server like as database performance analyzer from SolarWinds. This is one of them the best part is that they can easily carry out performance analysis and warn you to anomalies as automatically. Cause of this, it makes the troubleshooting is simplest and also helps with anything from hardware procurement planning to violate the detection.

Disadvantages of SQL (Structured Query Language):

Although, SQL (Structured Query Language) has variety of many advantages, but still there are some disadvantage. Therefore, here we will talk about various disadvantages and drawbacks of SQL database; they are as follows:

Difficult to Use Interface:

SQL has a complicated interface that it is getting to make look anything complex even when it is not. Cause of its complex interface, users is getting more hassle to make deal with the database.

Resource Intensive Scaling:

Structure Query language (SQL) usually going to scale up vertically by enhancing the hardware investment, so it is most time consuming as well as pricey. If, any company wants to extend a SQL database as horizontally by using the partition into a specific instances. Then, it needs additional time and resources, if it will be effecting the specific need coding for making a deal with a enlarge database that will need the well expert developers. It is endless game of tag, if you are getting to scale your SQL database. Then optimum setup is always going to out of reach.

More Expensive:

Few SQL versions has the operating cost is getting more expensive, therefore some programmers are unable to access them like as SQL Server Standard costs around $1,418/year.

Having Partial Control:

Due to some hidden corporate term and conditions, SQL doesn’t allow developer the fully control over the databases.

Security Issue:

Near about since 50 years, SQL database is getting to use. So intruders are always looking for backdoors into mission-critical business system. Cause of this, databases is always in SQL are constantly under threat as it keeps store the massive amounts of precious data.


The SQL schema must specified before implementing it. So it would be rigid once installed, and updates usually complicated and time consumption. Cause of this, certainly task must be executing in upfront preparation, before database is always entering into the production. They can be helpful, if your all data is getting to structure and you don’t get expectation a considerable modify in large volume or data type.

Hardware Modification:

Pattern of SQL databases is going to extend the data vertically that capacity can only increase by adding the abilities like as CPU, RAM, and SSD over the available server otherwise by relocating to a enlarge , most costly one.

As you data scale, then you have to need more hard drive space and modern components for operating the developing and more advanced technologies. So, every update will be expensively and resource consuming. Hardware of SQL requirements carry on, day by day maintenance and operational expense.

Normalization of Data:

The relational databases that were made at a time, when data storage was costly, then try to discard the data duplication. Every table should be a unique data that might be connected and queried by helping the common values. But, today SQL database is always getting to grow up in size, then the look up and joins the mandatory in between the many tables can, due to performance problem. Then it will go to get slow down all things.

Features of SQL (Structured Query Language)

In this section, we are going to cover 15 amazing features of SQL database in detail; below shown each one, you can check them with ease:

High Performance:

SQL is capable to get retrieve a missive amount of data record from the database with instantly and efficient as comparison to unstructured database like as MongoDB, because it is a relations database that can get classified the data into structured manner. It can execute their operations such as insertion, deletion, querying, manipulation, and calculations in seconds through analytical queries into a relational database.


SQL (Structured Query Language) is getting to support along with many relational database management systems like as MS Access, SAP Adaptive Server, Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle Database, SAP HANA, My SQL, and so on. It is easiest to make an application extension for many procedural languages and other functions. This is extra features that allow to convert SQL into a power tool.

Great Scalability and Flexibility:

SQL also allows users to great scalability and flexibility for the relational database management system. With helping of SQL, it is most easy to make a new one table while getting to drop or deleting recently made otherwise scantily used tables. SQL is enabled with vertical scaling that means user can enhance the load on the one server by attaching the extra RAM, SSDs, and CPUs.

Highly Transactional Support:

SQL is also enabled with another amazing feature that is ‘Transactional Support’. With helping of rich transactional support, SQL programming is capable to keep manage the enlarge records and other numerous transaction.

Great Security:

SQL is a most secured database management system; it is also notable feature, because it is easiest to grant permission on tables, procedures, and views. Therefore, here users can get optimum security for your sensitive data.

Comprehensive Application Development:

SQL is used by numerous programmers to program for getting to access a database. Today, SQL is most suitable database for each small or large scale companies.

SQL’s Management Ease:

Now these days, usually each RDBMS (Relational Database Management System) is getting to utilize with Structured Query Language. There are few most common and standard SQL commands like as Delete, Insert, Select, Update, and “Drop. With helping of these commands, users can easily manage huge amount of data from a database with quickly and efficiently.

Open Source Database System:

SQL is an open-source programming language that allows to build (RDBMS) relational database management systems. Thus, it is great solution for developers who are seeking for a community of professionals to learn from off.

Relational Foundation:

Mostly, the SQL is used for a relational databases, because the relational databases tabular format that servers the intuitive user-interface that it makes the SQL easy to keep learn and use. As well as, a relational model has a sound theoretical foundation that helps to guide the development and implementation of it.

Vendor Independence:

SQL is going to support for all major DBMS vendors; and till now not new one DBMS product has been most successful over last many years. It allows to migrate SQL-based databases and program from one DBMS to other vendor’ DBMS along with minimal conversion effort.

Portability Across other Computer Systems:

(SQL) Structure query language is most eminent feature that allows to keep store data into database. Due to its great portability, it is going to use in many programs in personal computers, laptops, server, few mobile phones and other separated of any platform (Operating system). As well as, it can be also used into several applications as per user’s requirements. User also easily able to transfer from one system to another computer system without any losing data; it is also used on your local system like as internet and the intranet.

Simple and Easy to Use:

You don’t have to need large number of lines of code for database system. Therefore, it can be easily keep managed this database without getting to remember the substantial amount of code. Usually, SQL is developed with English statement; then it makes easiest to learn and type SQL queries. In which, few basic keywords such as SELECT, INSERT INTO, DELETE, UPDATE, etc. are used to carry out the operations.

Multiple Data View:

A view is SQL statements, included with specified SQL queries, which are getting to keep store into a database. The SQL (Structure Query Language) offers every user an individual view of the data. SQL is also capable to serve the distinct views of a database’s structure and content of different users.

Dynamic Modification:

This is the most major feature of SQL database over the other static database. SQL allows changing and scaling a database’s structure dynamically, while getting to access database content. Thus, SQL offers the maximum flexibility, and letting online applications to get regular uninterrupted; when a database is able to changing the requirements.

Integration of SQL with Java:

Over the last decades, the major area of SQL development is to make integration of SQL along with JAVA. Sun Microsoft released the Java Database Connectivity JDBC that allows to link Java language with the existing relational databases.

Client-Server Architecture:

A client/server relationship is getting to define as a relationship, in which a client (many) is linked to a server (One). The SQL database works as a glue in between front-end computer systems geared further user make interaction and back-end systems that make main focus on the database management that offering every system the capability to do what it does best.

Summing Up

Now, i can hope that you have been fully educated about many advantages and disadvantages of SQL (Structured Query Language); as well as involving with benefits and features of SQL database with ease. If this article is helpful for you, then please share it along with your friends, family members or relatives over social media platforms like as Facebook, Instagram, Linked In, Twitter, and more.

If you have any experience, tips, tricks, or query regarding this issue? You can drop a comment!

Happy Learning!!

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