Hi Learner! Today, we are going to explain in detail about what are advantages and disadvantages of multiprocessor system; as well as involving with characteristics and features of multiprocessor system with ease. This is unique post over the internet, so i make ensure that at the end of this blog post; you will definitely fully aware about benefits and drawbacks of multiprocessor system without getting any issue.
Introduction of Multiprocessor System
Multiprocessor system allows to link the multiple processors along with physical memory, computer buses, clocks, and peripheral devices. The main objective of using multiprocessor operating system is to consume high computing power and increase the execution speed of system.
A multiprocessor system is an single central tower linked to twice computer systems and helps to enhance the computing speeds, cost-effectiveness and performance; as well as to offer the great reliability and availability.
Advantages of Multiprocessor System
There are list of several advantages and benefits of multiprocessor systems such as:
Great Reliability:
If due to any reason, any one processor gets fails then do not worry because, entire system will do work properly. For example – if multiprocessor has 6 processors and any one processor does not perform properly, at this stage rest of them processors have to responsibilities for handling this system.
Improve Throughput:
Enhancing the throughput of system, entire system is improved, if couples of processors work with getting collaboration.
Cost Effective System:
Multiprocessor systems are cost effective compare to single processor system in long life because this system is capable to share all input/output devices, power supplies system, and data storage center. In multiprocessor, do not need to connect all peripheral terminals separately with each processor.
Parallel Processing:
Multiprocessor O/S gets high performance due to parallel processing. In this system, single job is divided into various same small jobs, and execute them like as Parallel nature.
Consume Low Electricity:
The single processor system is getting more loads for several processes have to be executed at once. But, the multiprocessor system is capable to execute of many processes in few times that means multiprocessor CPUs use the less electricity compare to a single processor.
Disadvantages of Multiprocessor Systems
Here, we will spread the light on many disadvantages and drawbacks of multiprocessor systems; below shown each one in detail, you can check them:
Need Memory Space:
As you know that people use the multiprocessor system to enhance their computational power that means this system needs the huge memory. Therefore, all processors have rights to get direct access to the main memory in this architecture. In this way, these processors are capable to get access the memory at once, cause of shared memory. By using of main memory, these processors are getting also share other resources to complete of tasks.
Deadlock Problem:
Whenever, if anyone processor is already going to use the input/output device then other processors are unable to use same input/output devices that make deadlock.
If any processor is getting to fail to perform their task then this task is split into other processors. Then it will be get bad effect and this work will be taken higher time for completion and performance of system is affected.
More Expensive:
The multiprocessor systems can be quite more costly; if you don’t prefer to take benefits for longer time. Due to use of multiple processors, the multiprocessor architecture is also more expensive. As well as, the price of buying the multiprocessor systems, keep maintaining them is same expensive. It is most preferable to stick along with a single-processor system unlike you are prepared to get into account for longer time benefits.
Increased Complexity:
The multiprocessor system allows the individually operating system for their each CPU, therefor the process is split into small size processed and getting to load is shared among of these processors. Cause of this, it makes the enhanced complexity. Then multiple processor make the communication along with each other, thus handling the implementation of operating system gets more complicated.
Scheduling Complication:
The multiprocessor system allows the many processes to run at a same time; therefore a multiprocessor system contains more complexity compare to a single processor system. There are getting to use many approaches to scheduling. Firstly in the master-slave scheduling approach one processor works as a master server. The main aim of master server is to get schedule the process and make decisions, and other processors are unable to make communication along with the master server that means each processor cannot receive the exactly the equally treatment.
Whenever, if the master server gets fail then the slave server is enabled into the master to carry out the tasks. Further, if the slave server halts then the task is going to assign to the other processors. Then second approach to scheduling is self-scheduling. This method is not making coordination with master-slave scheduling. Beyond of this, all processors run the all tasks along with an operating system; and processes are presented in the ready queue and are received by the processors one by one. The shared memory is going to use for making communication among of them. This scheduling system is most difficult because the processors require being in sync to keep maintaining the load balance.
Characteristics of Multiprocessor System
There are several benefits of characteristics of Multiprocessor systems, explain below
- The Multi-processor system allows making communication in between multiple CPUs with their share memory and input/output devices.
- Multiprocessor system can use different types of processor as per own need, such as central processing unit (CPU) or an input- output processor (IOP).
- Multiprocessors are split into multiple instruction stream multiple data stream (MIMD) systems.
- Entire multiprocessor system is managed by operating system, and it allows the communication between all processors and I/O devices as well.
- Multiprocessor has a better reliability.
- If, any processor gets fails due to any reason, then other processor can handle all function of faulty processor.
- Multiprocessor organization provides many benefits for enhancing the system performance.
- Multiprocessing system has a optimize architecture due to implement parallel processing.
- In multiprocessor use different compiler, those are able to identify the parallelism in a user’s program in automation mode.
- Main objective of using the compilers is to determine the all data dependency in the entire program.
- If, any program totally depends upon the data, which are created by other programs, then that data is executed firstly without getting any delay.
- If, any data is executed in concurrently, then other parts of the programs can use them.
- Multiprocessors are categorized with their memory management such as shared memory or tightly coupled multiprocessor.
- Every processors is known as loosely coupled system because they contain the own private local memory.
The Bottom Words
Now, i can make sure that you have been completely educated about what are advantages and disadvantages of multiprocessor system; as well as involving with characteristics and features of multiprocessor system with ease. If this article is valuable for you, then please share it along with your friends, family members or relatives over social media platforms like as Facebook, Instagram, Linked In, Twitter, and more.
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Happy Learning!!
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