35 Advantages and Disadvantages of Android Operating System | Pros and Cons

Hello Learners! Today, we will explore about several advantages and disadvantages of Android operating system; involving with drawbacks and benefits of Android OS with ease. So, we will analysis Android device on many factors and will finding out its pros and cons. Here, read the completely detail about pros and cons of Android operating system without any hassle.

Android operating system is a Linux based mobile operating system. It designed by Google to be main objective is to use for touch screen devices, smart phones, PDA, and tablets. The Android gets partnership with Open Handset Alliance, and sponsored by Google. But it was shutdown in November 2007, then the first commercial Android device the HTC dream, released in September, 2008.

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Android OS is a freely and open-source program; and its source code is Android Open Source Project (AOSP), firstly licensed under the Apache License. Android OS is a most powerful operating system that gets support a enlarge number of applications on smart phones; and these apps are much more comfortable and advanced for consumers. Android software’s hardware is going to support totally based on ARM architecture platform; as well as it is supportable the completely java programming language.

Android Operating System Pros and Cons

If you are crazy in knowing about many advantages of Android operating system and its disadvantages. So, here, we will show various pros and cons of Android operating system with ease. Below shown each one, you can check them:

Advantages of Android Operating System

Here, we are going to cover all advantages and benefits of Android operating system version 9, 10, 11, and the latest one Android 12; below shown each one in detail:

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Less Development Fees:

Users are able to get own app out at the Android market. So, they don’t have to need pay biggest fees for its development. Application environment are free of cost. You can keep save much more money. There is not restriction that means if user wish to make more than one app, then he/she can perform that without any hassle.

Affordable Price:

Android operating system is going to buy as affordable price. So, mostly persons always love to purchase the Android phone cause of its less price. As compare of Android phone, the Windows and iOS phone are costly.

Open-Source Platform:

Android operating system is an open source platform as licensed by Apache. Hence, it allows anyone to make applications and get contribute to enhancing their offer in Android universe. App developers are able to build up applications for this platform. So, it can get access to the core codes, and liberty to change them to get customized outcomes. Whereas, iOS has restriction to the core code specification while making apps for the certain platform.

Cloud Storage Enabling Sync of Devices:

As you know that Android is a Google product, so most of users have the Gmail account. It allows to get access for cloud storage that support by Google. Therefore, it lets users to get sync devices by using the Google account. As well as, Google provides the 15 GB free cloud storage for each user that is enough for an average user.

Offering The Freedom:

Android operating system provides the great freedom for Android developer. It allows to design all apps without any limitation and restriction. But, It doesn’t depend upon to other operators or manufactures to use system improvement.

APP Distribution:

While using the iOS apps, you have to need the App Store. But with Android apps, you don’t have to require any of that. Just, you have to publish it where you want. There’s no ‘Empire’ looking over your shoulder; so over the internet many third-party stores are available. So, you are able to publish your app over there with ease.

Regular Enhancement & Delete The  Old Features:

Android OS is getting to support by enlarge community of developers and users. Hence, there also regularly check on the codes and features. It also going to get modification and alteration, receiving in best upgrades each times. Therefore, Android is going to try always adding new features; as well as erasing the older features, which users don’t prefer.

Customizable User-Interface:

Google is going to hard work to make Android’s user interface as customizable and flexible as possible. It also allows to many customizable widgets that can use anywhere in user interface. They provide the shortcuts and updates to enormous services like as calendar, email and etc.

Diversity & Versatility:

Already mentioned that Android has a large numbers of manufactures. So, it is also available in most commercial brands. Hence, its availability in versatility devices in which you are able to search this operating system like as tablets, mobile phones, smart watches, etc. 

Get Supporting The 3rd Party Widget:

Android offers users the great freedom to get download third-party widget as well as show their content on home page. If, user wants to see time and temperature, then it will display by the certain widge.

Multitasking Feature:

While running the Android OS on the device along with good hardware specification; users are able to run multiple apps simultaneously. For example, you are getting to listen songs while checking your messages otherwise downloads files.

Better Community and Support:

Another most remarkable fact of Android OS is that allows making freedom of creation and communication in between their developer, encouraging and increasing feedback in between the creators over the worldwide. Therefore, it has enlarge community over the world that is always in constant movement and permanently making all types of forums, collective events, and meeting of all types as well.

Scalable Memory:

The biggest benefit of using devices on which running the Android OS that it get support to scalable memory. Whereas iOS devices are not getting to support external memory expansion by attaching the memory card to the device. Therefore, Android’s users take enjoy the privilege of keeping to store e-books, videos, games, and music on devices.

Easy Access Notifications:

Android OS enabled devices also push notifications of any types of emails, sms, or calls on their notification panel. Its user-interface also lets you to view more than 5 Android notification at a time.

Android Widgets:

Android operating system has a lot of widgets. These widgets are going to make much better user experience and assists in making multitasking. Therefore, users are able to add any widget as the based on feature, he wish on your home screen. It also lets you to view all alerts, messages, etc. without opening the specific application.

Disadvantages of Android OS

If, Android operating system is getting a lot of advantages, then it has surely many drawbacks also. Therefore, we have completed research and found out some factor that shows various demerits and cons of Android operating system as well.

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Getting Battery Drain:

Android apps are getting to process most of time at the background and then consumes to more battery resource. It is more difficult to stop these apps as the majority of them are systems. 

Getting Slow Down with Low Specification Devices:

Android OS is huge as well as occupying the large amount of space. Cause of this, Android devices are getting slow speed with low hardware specification. Beyond of this, by default many other apps are pre-installed that also getting degrades the speed of smartphone operations. It is also no scope of getting download the external apps and generating the more heat also.

Need The Gmail ID:

Without email ID or password, you are unable to get access the Android device. As you know very well that Android is the Google product. Therefore, you have to need an Gmail ID for getting access the Android. As well as, Google ID is more helpful to unlock your Android device lock.

Less Update Support:

As compare to other operating system, Android OS doesn’t get update support that lets us to grab the recently version of the equipment for us use and joyful.

Doesn’t Provide The Virus Protection:

By default, Android operating system doesn’t offer the virus protection like as Apple device; therefore users have to need download any anti-virus program to get protection the device from any major virus. Thousands of apps are available into Google Play Store, which might be containing the viruses that will most affect the devices and their operations as well.

Advertisement Pop-Ups:

Most of apps are freely present at the Google Play Store, so these apps are going to start displaying the many advertisements in the notification bar as well as over the application. This advertisement is getting more annoy and may be create the big problem while managing the Android device.

Low Memory Storage Space:

Android is going to support the outer storage memory, but cause of less internal system storage; it is getting more hassle for an Android consumer to get download very heavy weighted applications or work online with being game like apps.

Automatically Shutdown of Apps & Games:

The main demerit of Android operating system is that enlarge apps are forced by operating system to shut down; therefore it is getting more annoy for you.

Lead to Data Connection Problem:

A lot of applications are going to process most of time at the background then it can be lead to many data connection issues.

Showing Worst Content of Software:

Most of applications throughout the app store are getting less quality and specific app try to make money by displaying the advertisement and having little bit need for users. If anyone app has not been upgraded for many years that will get effect people who are trying to get updating their software.

Not Valuable to Aged Users:

Old users are getting to annoy a hard time utilizing the Android smartphone, cause of the sophisticated touch displays.

Software Update:

This is also main drawback of the Android OS, if you are using the old version devices then you are unable to get updating your device to a newer version. There are most of devices, which are getting to access in the market being older Android version. If you wish to take enjoy along with latest version of Android; then you much are purchase the new flagship of Android device.

Bound to Google Account to Use Play Store:

As you know very well that Android is a Google product, so you have to need the Google account to get access to Play Store and also getting sync devices of other Google users.

Difficult to Execute Concept of New Application:

Tons of applications are available on the Play Store along with low quality and worst user experience as fulfil the objective to earn huge money via displaying ads. You might be also come across many apps that have not been updated since years that end up affecting the updated OS.

More Strictness for Software Developers:

Whenever, Google is going to detect few problems along with your software then it would be very permissive and may be getting cancel your developer profile

Summing Up

Through this Article, you have been completely learnt about many advantages and disadvantages of Android operating system; involving with drawbacks and benefits of Android OS with ease. If this post is helpful for you, then please share it along with your friends, family members or relatives over social media platforms like as Facebook, Instagram, Linked In, Twitter, and more.

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