How to Fix: “Zoom Camera Not Working in Windows 10” On (Laptop & PC)

How to Fix: “Zoom Camera Not Working in Windows 10” On (Laptop & PC)

If you are using Zoom app on your Laptop or Computer with Window 10, but any time your Zoom app is unable to detect a camera windows 10 or Zoom failed to start the video camera, then this article for you.


In this article, we will explain about how to fix Zoom Camera Not Working in Windows 10with amazing SIX WAYS, at the end your Zoom app problem will be fixed.

Zoom App Camera Not Working in Windows 10

If, your Zoom app is unable to detect a camera windows 10 otherwise Zoom failed to start the video camera. Then, here we will discuss simply six methods to fix “Zoom Camera Not Working in Windows 10” problem.

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Let’s start!

FIX 1: Check Either Zoom is Using Right Camera or Not

  • Firstly you have to need launch Zoom app on your Laptop/PC
  • Then Press the <New Meeting> option that is appearing the left side of Zoom app.


  • Now new video session will be getting to start
  • Later, hit on <Stop Video> option that shows on the bottom left corner.
  • Then open few options and <check camera is working or not in Zoom app>
  • If you have laptop or PC then gets to tick mark inside the “Integrated Webcam“.


  • Hit on <End> button and getting to shutdown video session.


NOTE: Now re-open the Zoom app on your system and begin a video session.

FIX: 2 Getting Start to Zoom Troubleshoot

  • Open the <Zoom app> on your Laptop or Computer
  • Click on <Setting> option that showing as “Gear shaped Icon“.


  • Then click on <Video> option that is displaying on left side of your screen.
  • Getting scroll down of same window, and then click on link <troubleshooting>


  • Now you have to need follow all instructions which are displaying on your screen.
  • Ensure that your webcam is plugged in to your computer (Skip it if you have laptop because webcam is already embedded in your laptop)
  • Checking that your webcam is not working by other apps like as Google Duo and Skype. If your webcam is used by other apps the showdown it and reopen <Zoom app>
  • If it is not ok, then restart your system
  • If, till now Zoom camera is not working then can go next step to FIX.

FIX 3: Updating Zoom Video Setting

  • Open Zoom app on your computer
  • Press the option <Setting> that showing as Gear shaped Icon


  • Then open new window and click on <Video> option,


  • Further, Getting scroll down of same window and click on <Advance> option
  • Now, on the right hand side, gets enable all options like as:


  1. Enable it <Enable de-noise>
  2. Enable it <Enable acceleration for video processing>
  3. Enable it <Enable acceleration for sending video>
  4. Enable it <Enable hardware acceleration for receiving video>
  • Further, getting to set other three setting to <Auto> mode.


  • When you have done all changing successfully, then close <Settings> window.
  • Finally, reopen your Zoom app. Now Zoom app camera will work properly.

FIX 4: Checking Camera Setting

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  • Open Zoom app on your Laptop or Computer
  • Write <Camera privacy settings> into Search box, and then appear few options.
  • And then click on option <Camera privacy settings>.
  • Press the <Change> option that is appearing below the “Allow access to the camera on this device”
  • Get to turn <ON> “Camera access for this device“.
  • Scroll down same window and turn <ON> “Allow desktop apps to access your camera‘s settings“.
  • Getting to shutdown Setting window
  • Now reopen Zoom app and you can check your camera is working or not.

Fix 5: Getting to Reset Camera Zoom App

  • Open the Zoom app on your system, and write <Camera> into Search box
  • Now you have to right click on <Camera> and hit on <App Setting> in appeared search result.
  • Getting to scroll down same window and click on <Reset> button.
  • Further click on bottom and close <Setting> window.
  • Now you can re launch Zoom app and check your camera.

FIX 6: Uninstall and Install Webcam

  • Open <Run> window with pressing <Windows key + R>
  • Write <msc> in Run window and click on <OK>
  • Then <Device Manager> window will be appeared.
  • Click on <Camera> option and it will expand.
  • Now you have to need <Right Click> on <Integrated Webcam>
  • Further hit on <Uninstall device> and your camera will be uninstall from your system
  • Final, you have to click on <Uninstall> for getting confirms uninstall.

Now webcam drivers have been uninstalled successfully from your system.

Further,, we have to go for installing webcam driver again—

Way 1:

  • Getting to start your computer, then camera driver will be installed.

Way 2:

If your computer is not able to install camera diver then you can install drive manually yourself with following few simple steps; below mention all:

  • Open your
  • Hit the option and then click on “Scan for hardware changes”.
  • Now webcam drivers have been installed successfully, and reopen Zoom app, finally check your camera is working ok .

Getting to Update webcam driver manually

  • Visit Laptop official website.
  • Find out latest version driver for your laptop and download it.
  • Now install it and Restart your system

Now your problem has been solved properly.

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