25+ Advantages and Disadvantages of Real Time Operating System (RTOS) | Pros & Cons

Hello Friends! Today, we will spread the light about many advantages and disadvantages of Real Time Operating System; involving with drawbacks & benefits of (RTOS) Real Time Operating System with ease. So, at the end of this article; you will definitely fully educate about several pros and cons of using Real Time Operating System without any issue.

RTOS is stands for “Real time operating system”, and it is also known as embedded operating system. Real time operating system is totally depending upon the clock interrupts. This system produces the Interrupt Service Routine (ISR) interrupts.


RTOS is implemented as the Priority system for executing all types of process. Entire RTOS is synchronized with the process, and they can make communication in between all process.

Advantages of Real Time Operating System

Here, we will describe about many advantages and benefits of RTOS; below each one is shown in detail, you can check them:

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Optimal Consumption:

Real time operating system provides the optimal consumption of this system, and makes ensure that system takes more consumption with keeping all devices in active state. Cause of it, this system with helping RTOS experience less otherwise not down time. Beyond of this, most of hosting companies are capable to get optimal result while using of RTOS.

Task Management:

There is very less time allocated to shifting task in these systems. For instance, in the traditional systems take about 10 micro seconds for getting to shift one task to another and in the modern system is able to take 3 micro seconds.

Having Better Efficiency:

The RTOS is able to get focus on the one application at the same time. Moistly applications will be the single that is already running; and others are waiting stage in the queue. Hence, these crucial tasks are capable to process on the time with in specified deadline for getting the exact output needed.

Memory Allocation:

Memory allocation is best kept managed in these kinds of systems.

Take Constraint On Applications:

RTOS is getting to take focus on the running apps and less importance to applications, which are waiting in the queue. Therefore, less apps or tasks are keeping managing and offering the exact on the real execution work.

Best Reliability:

The real time operating systems, which are coming of hard RTOS that are totally free of errors. It makes ensure that a great way of handling errors. Apart of this, the operating system gets to experience a problem called the jitter, in which the volume of error in between the subsequent loops is measured. If the programmed is perfectly, then the RTOS can be optimized in a way that it underneath low amount of jitters.

RTOS in Embedded System:

Due to small size of the programs, real time operating system can be used into embedded systems such as transport and others.

Error Free System:

Real time operating system is an error free system that means it has no any possibility for getting any error in the performing tasks efficiently.

Modularity System:

RTOS is a modular OS that allows to separate the core kernel from middleware, protocols and application. It helps to ease development and decreases the memory footprint of the real time OS on the system. Then, it is most important for the developers, when they are going to design for devices along with different abilities like as desktop computer system. RTOS’s modularity also lets for the embedded software to be tailored for certain device, that helps to decreases the RAM and Flash memory.

24*7 Availability Systems:

RTOS is the best solution for those applications where they have to need run 24*7 times, because it performs less task shifting and provide the maximum result.

Having to Ease Testing:

Cause of the modular task-based development, RTOS offers allow for the modular task based testing.

Code Reusing:

Helping of best modularity of RTOS, it offers that similar applications on the identically platforms will make lead to the development of a library of the standard tasks.

Great Idle Processing:

The idle processing is going to execute in the idle task, and it make ensure that things like as CPU load measurement, background CRC checking. This will not affect the main processing.

Disadvantages of Real Time Operating System

There are few disadvantages and drawbacks of real time operating system (RTOS) also. Therefore, here are some of negative stuffs about RTOS; as follow them.

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Lack of Multitasking:

As you know that real time operating system has ability to get concentrate on the destination applications; but this is not the identically for multitasking system, because they are developed for running just some of tasks. Hence, we don’t suggest for system that need the multitasking.

Minimum Switching:

A real time operating system is only capable to perform the minimal task switching.

Complexity in Algorithms:

A RTOS’s algorithms are very complex and it can be generated more hassles for developers while getting to edit any algorithm.

Heavy System Resources:

A real time operating system is going to use most of system resources that is not an enough and is also pricey.

Limited Tasks:

A RTOS has ability to run just execute some tasks simultaneously; and their concentration is getting very low on some apps to ignore errors. All other apps those are of getting to low priority requires to be on the waiting. There have not time limitation in how much time; they will be on the stand by.

Program Crashes:

Programs are getting to crashes while using a real time operating system. It is differed to a regular operating system, because a real time operating system is not enough for individually memory domain. As a result, the processes will have an issue addressing them.

Low Priority Tasks:

The low priority tasks are not ready to get time to execute, because these systems have to keep perfect of current running programs.

Thread Priority:

A RTOS is not enough for setting thread priority as these systems are less prone for getting to switch tasks.

Difficult to Program:

The program developers have to write proficient program for the RTOS, which is not most easy as a piece of cake.

More Expensive:

Real time operating systems are very costly, because of their resources; they require to work.

Precision of Code:

The RTOS designers have to need more precision in code to program. Cause of this, event handling tasks is stricter. The events should be responded instantly and this is not ease for perfect precision for the developers.

Device Driver & Interrupt Signals:

It is designed for getting to need particular device drivers and interrupt signal in order for it to respond to interrupt as its earliest opportunity.

Features of Real Time Operating System

Here, we will spread light on numerous features and characteristics of RTOS such as:

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  • It has better reliability. It means, RTOS can work in long time without any human interference.
  • Its result is more predictable because its every action are executed into predefined time frame.
  • Its performance is much better because it can perform more complex tasks without taking more workload.
  • All software and hardware are small size, which are used in the RTOS (Real Time Operating system). Due to this, technician does not get more headaches for finding the errors in the RTOS.
  • Affordable Cost
  • It has good stability. So due to this feature, we can upgrade or downgrade to RTOS.
  • Consume low memory.
  • RTOS has better response time for highly predictability.
  • Occupy less resource.
  • Its environment is more unpredictable.
  • Kernel helps for storing the states of interrupted tasks for execution at appropriate time frame.

Summary: Pros & Cons of Real Time Operating System

In this section, we are going to describe summary about pros and cons of RTOS (Real Time Operating System) quickly; as follow them:

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Benefits of Real Time Operating System:

  • RTOS produces the more accurate result while getting maximum consumption of the all using resources, so it do not contain the down time.
  • RTOS contains very low time frame for shifting all task in own system.
  • In this type of RTOS, mainly focus on their currently running part instead of waiting stages. Due to this mechanism, they produce the exact output on the behalf of their execution task.
  • RTOS is error free operating system.
  • RTOS can be used in the embedded system equipment because it is small size in nature.
  • RTOS is a more optimize operating system so this O/S can use in such product which are online all time like as refrigerator etc.
  • RTOS has more systematically memory allocation for every parts of the operating system.
  • RTOS is multitasking system.
  • RTOS allows the shorter ISR (Interrupt Service Routines).
  • Time allocation system is very excellent in RTOS.
  • Well-designed inter task communication.
  • In RTOS, every task are executed according to “Priority Based Scheduling”, it means every tasks are performed in predefined time frame.
  • RTOS has more Maintainability & Extensibility.
  • RTOS works on the modularity principle, and due to that principle they help to reduce the memory wastage.
  • Due to modular nature, RTOS allows to modular task based testing.
  • RTOS coding is reusable.
  • RTOS is a scalable O/S.
  • Due to better Idle Processing system, RTOS is more reliable.
  • RTOS has bundle of drivers.
  • Well-designed Power Management
  • RTOS allows the excellent protection.
  • RTOS has more speed up.
  • RTOS allows the MCU portability.

Drawbacks of Real time Operating System:

  • Real Time OS can execute only limited task at same time frame.
  • Real Time OS consumes huge resources of the system, and due to this it becomes more expensive.
  • It has not capable for performing the multi-tasking and multi-threading for long time, so it can execute only fewer tasks.
  • It has poor thread priority.
  • Hire most experienced designer for writing their algorithms because RTOS’s algorithms are very complicated.
  • Require specific device drivers and interrupts signals for giving request rapidly to interrupts.
  • It is more costly because RTOS needs many resources for performing tasks.
  • Need proficient programmer for writing the piece of code to RTOS.
  • RTOS uses the Low Priority Tasks.
  • In Real Time OS, use the error handling task very difficult.
  • It uses the non-trivial piece of processor cycles.
  • RTOS can switch only fewer tasks.


Now, i hope that through this valuable article, you have been fully educated about various advantages and disadvantages of Real Time Operating System; involving with drawbacks & benefits of (RTOS) Real Time Operating System with ease. If this content is useful for you, then please share it along with your friends, family members or relatives over social media platforms like as Facebook, Instagram, Linked In, Twitter, and more.

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